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12/18/14, 10:25 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 8
Manipulating Data in Guild History


I want to manipulate the Guild History View, in this case the Bank View.
I already found the LibGuildHistory Lib and that helped to show all the transactions that was not visible before.
Now I would like to change the "X Hours ago" Label per transaction to the real Date like 2014-12-16 10:00:00
I dont know if its possible, but i would guess that there has to be a real datetime saved per transaction.
I dont even know, how to add/remove/change things in the view. I even dont get how the author of LibGuildHistory adds the old transactions to the view and how I can get a hand on the underlying table data.

Maybe someone here can point me to some documentation, example code or something that helps me to get a start on how to do it? Espacially how to manipulate existing Data in the view and/or adding additional data to the view (e.g. another column with additional data) and how to access the relevant table data?

Later it would be awesome if I could only show x transactions per page and have previous/next buttons to switch between pages. Or have Filter to only show transactions from the last 7 days ...

thx in advance!
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