Thread: 1.6 update
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01/28/15, 10:15 AM   #15
Garkin's Avatar
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 832
  • There are changes in itemIDs for provisioning items, for example:
    Live server:
    Guar Eggs

  • Item links has one more value in data (stolen)
    Old link: |H0:item:16426:1:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:3:0:0:0:0|h|h
    New link: |H0:item:16426:1:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:3:0:0:0:0:0|h|h

  • All cities which have added Outlaws Refugee are now slightly different. If you have coordinates for city maps, you will need to recheck them. (Vulkhel Guard, Mournhold, ...)

  • There is a change in WorldMap tooltip creators, tooltips doesn't work because key "tooltip" now contains mumeric mode instead of tooltip control. I.e. in your creator table change "tooltip = InformationTooltip" to "tooltip = 1"

    It used to be table with the following keys:
    creator =  function(pin) that creates tooltip - or I should say function that will be called when mouse is over the pin, it does not need to create tooltip.
    tooltip = tooltip control you want to use.
    hasTooltip = function(pin) which returns true/false to enable/disable tooltip.
    Now it has the following keys:
    creator = the same function as above
    tooltip = is now number 1-4, one of this table:
        local TOOLTIP_MODE = {
            INFORMATION = 1,
            KEEP = 2,
            MAP_LOCATION = 3,
            IMPERIAL_CITY = 4,
    hasTooltip = the same function as above
    gamepadCategory = (nilable) string
    gamepadCategoryId = (nilable) number, right now it uses one of:
        local GAMEPAD_PIN_ORDERS = {
            DESTINATIONS = 10,
            AVA_KEEP = 20,
            AVA_OUTPOST = 21,
            AVA_RESOURCE = 22,
            AVA_GATE = 23,
            AVA_ARTIFACT = 24,
            AVA_IMPERIAL_CITY = 25,
            AVA_FORWARD_CAMP = 26,
            CRAFTING = 30,
            QUESTS = 40,
            PLAYERS = 50,
    gamepadCategoryIcon = (nilable) texture path
    gamepadEntryName = (nilable) string
    gamepadSpacing = (nilable) boolean
  • There are 3 new fonts:

  • ZO_FadingControlBuffer:New(control, maxDisplayedLines, fadeAnimationName, translateAnimationName, anchor) now expects ZO_Anchor object instead of anchor point.
    And if you are hooking setup function for templates in this object, it is now called "setup" instead of "setupFunction".

  • There is a new link type:
    COLLECTIBLE_LINK_TYPE = "collectible"

  • All critters have now 9 HP instead of 1 HP. If you were detecting critters using the max HP, you might want to change it.

Last edited by Garkin : 01/29/15 at 12:30 PM.
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