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02/02/15, 10:24 AM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 7
Thanks Garkin,

OK, I have my first add-on in the pipeline, with any luck it will be created, debugged functioning documented and published in a few days and require only a hundred ish lines.

A couple questions that will save me sometime....

Can an add-on access character data if a different character on that account is logged in? My guess is no.

My round-about solution is to create a saved variables file which adds each character individually to the saved variables file. Then the add-on can open the saved variables file and view account wide (after logging in with each character). This sounds logical?

The rest (at least in my head) seems fairly straight forward ATM...a display box some small mathematical logic and a slash command or three.

Title will be Faugaun's ___ ___ calculator. Look for it soon in stores near you.

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