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02/05/15, 05:13 PM   #26
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 613
Originally Posted by Ayantir View Post
For other suggestion.. Categorys, It's really a trap. I got an adddon GuildNotificator, It notifys in "chat", "guildmates" connexions. Does this addon go in chat, guild, both ? Could an addon be in 1+ category?
If we add those, I really think we need to add categories only if a category is populated by 2+ addons. If user only got 1 guild, 1 chat, 1 pvp, and 1 craft addons, it won't be displayed. But if he get 2pvp per exemple, categorys could be displayed. And a little checkbox at the top of the addon list "regroup Addons per category"
Very good point and what happens when people start saying hey I'm going to put my addon in as many categories as possible so it shows up more to the user! It would just defeat the purpose of the categories. If categories need to be implemented it should not be up to the addon user what categories they are in. It should not be based on "features" but on something that allows each addon to ONLY fall under one category, for example some of the suggestions that have been posted, like a "recent" category or "A-D" "E-G", exc..just something that the addon dev does not get to choose multiple categories for, as much as some might say that is an unwanted restriction I think letting them choose might be worse.
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