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04/29/15, 03:22 PM   #3
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 17
I wish I could help that, Beartram. I'd love to be a succinct public speaker. But when I have to talk to anyone I don't think I'm properly conveying myself well enough, especially when I feel like I'm imposing, so I end up tripping over myself repeatedly. Perhaps it's also a cultural thing, I'm British, and we tend to begin/end every sentence with an apology. I think that perhaps British and autistic is a bad comabination when you're from a culture that can pride itself on politeness.

So this happens. My biggest problem is that I'm never quite sure what should stay inside my brain and what shouldn't. It isn't the extroverted issue of snappy speech, I actually think about what I'm going to say a lot before I say it. It's more that I have trouble realising what shouldn't be said. I'm really bad about etiquette in situations like this, and it's not intentional.

Hooray for autism. I do try, though. But sometimes, stuff that should remain inside my head ends up outside my head. And it usually takes someone else to tell me which is which.

Regardless of that, I genuinely appreciate your efforts in researching this for me. I'm stunned I didn't find that frame myself. So good on you, Beartram. Sometimes having another pair of eyes on something really can help out. I'll post a thing on my page that I have a beta version of Windex that I want people to test in trials and whatnot, I'll see where that gets me. I think reincluding it and taking another chance would be a bad idea, I don't want to inconvenience my other users.

Anyway, thank you! Really. I appreciate it.
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