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04/06/16, 10:19 AM   #6
Super Moderator
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I only crash back to the login screen if I'm idle for too long time, or if login takes too much time.
Login time depends on activated addons and their SavedVariables somehow, especially data mining addons like HarvestMap or Inventory saving addons like MasterMerchant, GuildStore addons, InventoryInsight, MobileBank etc. take some time to load the data from the SavedVariables file.

If you disable all addons and the login will take short, you're ingame and crash back to the desktop or the login screen it might have not do with any addons but your internet connection and used proxy servers etc.

Logout, close the client and launcher.
Search for the following files and rename them or move them to other folders (backup):

C:\users\<your windows username>\document\Elder Scolls Online\SavedVariables\zos*.lua
-> * is a placeholder for any name, so just find all zos....lua filenames like zos_ingame.lua etc.

C:\users\<your windows username>\document\Elder Scolls Online\ShaderCache.cooked (or something similar)

And try to rename the following filename so your used addons are not saved, and you need to enable/disable them all again at the game's ingame addon list:
C:\users\<your windows username>\document\Elder Scolls Online\AddonPreferences.txt (or the similar name)

On the first login please disable all addons and just tyr if this works well.
Then enable each addon after another and check which one is cuasing a dump to the login screen again.
For this addon try to rename the SavedVariables filename so it won't be loaded anymore, and see if this helps!
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