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04/09/17, 12:11 PM   #19
sirinsidiator's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Sacralletius View Post
Well, I don't really want the fame and infamy points tracked and shared. I assume you meant this would require people to group up.

But even then, the other player needs to have the addon as well, which I doubt many people will have. I think only a very small percentage of all players will actually use this addon, so I'll have to find other ways to make it work. One way, as pointed out, is tracking the active buffs or titles the other player has.
Although, I understand that it isn't possible to track passive skills, quests or achievements without grouping up?

So, for instance, I want to be able to do the following: if I see another player with the Silencer title, I can challenge them to a duel, without needing to group up. If I win the duel, I will get 20 points added to my fame points. Perhaps add a fancy message that will display in my game only (not the opponent or anyone else), saying "I've brought a criminal to justice." or something like that. Maybe play a simple sound, as well. The message and sound could be done similar to the messages you get from the Alliance War: "Player X of your alliance has been crowned Emporer."

Is this possible?

So, if I understand correctly:

Outside of Cyrodiil, without grouping up, it is possible to track:

- Titles
- Active buffs

Outside of Cyrodiil, I'll need to group up (LibGroupSocket requirement), in order to track:

- Quests
- Achievements
- Passive Skills

Inside Cyrodiil, it's only possible to track titles.

Is this correct?
Things you can do:
* play a sound (but only from the list of existing sound effects, no custom stuff)
* show a message like the emperor one
* track all your own titles, buffs, quests, achievements passives
* read the currently selected title of another player (but only as a string)

Things you cannot do:
* track anything about the progress of another player (like titles, achievements, quests, etc.)

The thing with LibGroupSocket is, that both players need to have your addon and be in a group and then you can only send a maximum of 7 bytes at a time. It's simply not made for tracking a lot of information about someone. More to transport specific data between group members (like stamina and magicka values).

I am also not sure about tracking buffs of other players. A few things changed recently and I haven't tried yet what's still possible.
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