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12/07/17, 12:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Dolby View Post
Sylinus that is way out of line. I personally don't care if you direct your attitude at me but I will not stand for comments like that directed at members of our community just wanting to help. Please discontinue posting if you feel you need to post with such attitude against other members here.
Thanks Dolby, appreciated. If someone just wants the solution and that for free, installed at his harddrive, yesterday and with some cream on top, maybe even some ingame gold as excuse for the circumstances that his pc anf software setup wasn't know to Minion devs from the beginning (and you are able to read this from his first forum post) ...
I didn't expect something else.

Originally Posted by Sylinus View Post
maybe you could press your brainmatter into reading everything then.

I've used both 64 and 32 bit versions and i'm pretty sure i've state that.
Originally Posted by Sylinus View Post
I won't give anybody money for somethign that doesn't work - do you ahve that kind of expendable income? if so, I've got student loans you can take care of.
Dood, maybe you should stop complainingg then if you do not consider to pay anything at all.
The software is free to use, works for serveral hundred users, except for you.
But you refuse to do what Dolby provided as an attempt to help you then?

You write in anger and blame me for not reading your long message. Ok, maybe I didn't see the sentence where you have written that you tested both clients. Sorry for that.
But maybe your aggressive writing style was the reason I decided to just stop reading

If you had just written your problem without all the "fu** this software is ****" attitude some ppl would be glad to help you. But you even go on like this if we try to help you

Originally Posted by Sylinus View Post
the problems with manually installing addons are as follows:
- knowing exactly what the addon I'm looking for is called ( even though I generally have vague ideas of what I want, this requires me to know exactly what 7 billion people would ame these addons!)
- knowing the exact link to find and download them. (Again a problem with naming, and then link generation knowledge!)
- keeping them updated.

all thigns an addon manager is supposed to facilitate
It does. So it's somehting with your pc setup, software, etc.

Originally Posted by Sylinus View Post
i've checked my firewall, bitlocker and both seem to be fine. there was no request for an exception - but i made it anyhow.
i don't use proxy, and never have for something like this. my proxy use is relegated entirely to less acceptable things, like poking around torrent sites for example ( which i haven't done since 2008)

and for checking the several threads... several threads.. yeah, you're making a crapton of assumptions here buddy. who the fudge has time for wasting time like that? are you insane, or just not concious of people not wanting to spend time doing things that result in nothing?
who the fudge has time for wasting time like that -> Exactly, who the fudge needs to spend time on your belongs if you don't even try to spend time on reading the threads to find your solution? Should we read the threads for you and present you the result?
You should delete your user then at the forum as you do not seem to need it

Bitlocker is said in other forums to be a problem with Minion and other Java software. Maybe you could search for it, if you find the time, and maybe it helps.

Last edited by Baertram : 12/07/17 at 01:00 PM.
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