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06/19/19, 04:26 PM   #19
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 6
Guild Sales History

Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg View Post
The changes to the guild history API allowed us to control the frequency of addon requests to stabilize the load in the short term. While the cooldown on the requests is something that we can tune as needed, the present timings are one new data request and one old data request per category each time you log in (100 entries per request). And then an additional new request every 30 minutes and an additional old request every 30 seconds. This will slow down mining all of the past entries, but will allow us to keep providing data while a better long-term solution is pursued.
Is there an API to ask the server what the cooldowns are at any given time so we can avoid asking during our cooldown? How are the cooldowns enforced? (No response at all, A "no more data" response, A "you are on cooldown" response, etc.)

What happens in guilds where there are more than 100 new entries in a category in 30 minutes?
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