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03/18/22, 04:22 PM   #8
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No one needs to bump the APIversion, that's just done for **** sake to ease the pain of the users asking to ease their "out of date" thinking
Just forget this finally guys, please!
Could be fine if you got 1 addon to maintain but it's a nonsense and eating days of work if you got like 20+...
If an addon works it works.

Yes, the number of dungeons a year is small, like 2 dungeons with DLCs and 2-4 DLCs a year. Still you need to check ALL the others as well as they might change.
All I wanted to point out here is that no author likes to maintain manual tables and update addons.
If there is no API and no automatism provided those kind of addons are not on place 1 of the "I'll do it" lists
That's my experience so I just wanted to warn you that it could be there is no volunteer for these kind of addons, especially if there are only a few players asking for something like this.

If you want to have a look yourself:
In BeammeUp list.lua you'll find the function Teleporter.clickOnZoneName(button, record)
It seems to show the map of the clicked zone via ZO_WorldMap_SetMapByIndex(record.mapIndex) where record should be te clicked entry at the list and mapIndex the index of the map of that zone.

Then it checks some POI data of the parentZone of the current zone at the map:
for i = 0, GetNumPOIs(zoneIndex) do
and check if it's a dungeon or delve by it's name as it seems, and if found, raises a rally point (the red blinking circle) at that POI.
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