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05/03/22, 04:11 AM   #7
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That's why, at least in the USA, we have to put "WARNING: HOT" on cups of coffee.
Yes, I love these texts like "Objects in mirrors..." or the story about the american driver of a camper who left the driver's seat, after activating the cruise contrl, to cook some coffee in the back, or that older woman who has put her cat into the mirco wave to dry it/her
And all of them got money for being ...

I often ask myself WHY ISN'T... and then I stop thinking about it, because I cannot explain it.
I refuse to say these ppl did that on purpose because US laws provide a good way to get some money by sueing someone, but I got no better explanation. Or well, the easiest explanation would be: They are ignorant (just because I can and no one told me to NOT do that) or/and dumb.

I totally get your point. But instead of raising more persons to actually follow written rules ONLY it should be a favor for and desire of them to learn to think themselves and follow even unwritten rules and ideas. That's my opinion about it.
Or there will be always the next use case where someone did not say "Don't do that" and they will do it even though they totally would know, if they think about it 1 second, that it's nuts and would hurt/damage/get broken/is ethically wrong etc.

"No one told me to not do it" is a bad exuse in so many cases.

In Germany there exists a saying: "Ignorance does not protect one from punishment" which basically means:
Inform yourself, THINK and you will know what's okay, and what's not

Last edited by Baertram : 05/03/22 at 04:17 AM.
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