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07/12/22, 09:21 AM   #7
ZOS Staff!
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 195
Originally Posted by Baertram View Post
Are we able to add custom/own cursors now?
Well, again, look at gamepad champion for example of what I'm referring to. It's not a mouse cursor, although nothing would stop you from making a cursor and saying it's position always matches the mouse cursor position. But the API side of things doesn't actually make/manage/maintain the actual cursor visuals or position or behavior or anything. All it does is register it for hit testing other controls. The rest is just done in Lua. And in Lua you can make whatever you can imagine, like always.

The old way of just having Lua ask "hey, what control is under this position" was unreliable for certain edge cases. So this is to solve for that. If you plan on building your own custom cursor, and you want it to hit test with other controls, you'd want to register it with this new cursor API to make your life easier and more reliable.
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