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06/29/23, 08:14 AM   #24
Join Date: Jun 2023
Posts: 18
ok I wasn't having much luck with the ula so I decided to try changing the excepted ula addon version to match the viewed addon version which was 5. now it seems to be working! I got some sort of notices when I first logged on that I skipped by mistake but my addons screen ocrs differintly now and the screenshot is this.
I am going to look through the options and things and figure out where addon settings and things are if they are on now. Thank you very much for all of this assistance I am very greatful you have no idea I've got to check these out and share this with people. If I can get enough people interested I may atract some of the programmers in the blind community who know the tech better than I do as I'm not a programmer. As more ai things come out who knows what could happen
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