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01/30/24, 12:09 AM   #2
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Nope. I did tech support for almost 15 years for various companies including Microsoft. What you are reporting is the reason I don't help people troubleshoot mod installs because certain things people report just don't happen. I empathize with your situation and only want to stress that it's not resolvable.

Users typically report things like, "The Game updated now all my mods don't work!" or they update a mod and then post in ten other mods "After today's update nothing works!" and things like that. Part of troubleshooting is that you need to consider, is it expected. In your case, no... every single saved variables file for all the configurations for all your mods, won't suddenly disappear. Not for any reason. Not a game patch, not a mod update, and not Minion either.

Since it's not expected then there is nothing you can google or find a youtube video for. Nobody breaks their game for testing like yours to see what happens.

Which leads us to a very important thing with the upcoming Update 41.

Everyone should be keeping WEEKLY backups of their saved varaibles folder.

People should already be doing this now. If you had a copy from about a week ago, you could restore it and only need maybe one week of sales (server keeps 10 days) and you would be good to go. Because you and thousands of others don't do that, then you are out of luck.

A hypothesis though.

Most computers have OneDrive configured to backup the Documents folder. Most likely, somehow, that sync was corrupted or lost. So all the files went POOF! If they are on OneDrive (the cloud) then copy them to a temp folder, disable the backup, and then copy them to a new SavedVariables folder. Otherwise disable OneDrive from backing up your Documents folder well in advance of Update 41 and then keep weekly backups.

If you use MM then consult the docs on how to backup files:

Last edited by Sharlikran : 01/30/24 at 07:15 AM.
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