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03/20/24, 08:56 AM   #15
Sharlikran's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2014
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ZOS is aware. Sirinsidiator is the author of LibHistoire and he has been working very hard to work with the current functions provided to mod authors. ZOS is very collaborative and listens to mod authors all the time. I am hoping that after the next incremental patch that the issues will be resolved or that Sirinsidiator at least has enough improvements from ZOS to make additional improvements to LibHistoire. Then users won't have to deal with the guild history issues while ZOS continues to make things smoother.

ZOS appreciates our patience with the situation and I take time to recognize all the hard work they have done to give us an updated system and in resolving any issues.

For now though, if you read what I suggested to Jylly that is helping the most with reducing issues obtaining guild history.

Set the categories to force off for things you are ignoring, and set Trader to automatic. Clear the cache when needed.

Something that has been mentioned already, since you may have to clear the cache frequently for now, just request the amount of time needed for while you were logged off. Meaning if you are logged out for less than 24 hours then get 1 day of data.

ATT or MM isn't deleting sales when you use the LibHistoire function to clear ZOS's binary cache so that it isn't stuck. If you have gone back all the way to 18 or 19 days at least once, then you probably have all the data.

The tooltip isn't broken but when you have cleared the cache or the cache gets stuck then the tooltip may make it seem like the data is gone. That's not really happening. The binary file still has data in it, just that there is some issue right now that is making the process frustrating for people and the tooltip may not show accurate information.

I am having to deal with the situation the same as everyone else.

Here is a ESO forums link :

Last edited by Sharlikran : 03/20/24 at 01:35 PM.
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