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04/25/24, 01:34 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 10
Originally Posted by Baertram View Post
Find out if your addon folder you use is the correct one, via the mentioned screenshot trick here:

Maybe you did update all but its in the wrong folder.
And disable MS OneDrive or at least MS OneDrive user's documents backup!
Ok so I couldn't do this last night but did so this morning after quite the journey. Long story short, the game was detecting my addons folder in the documents folder under OneDrive and I've managed to correct that. So now everything is in C:\Users\<my_name>\Documents.. I guess it feels good to finally have everything local, but unfortunately this did not fix my issue so I'll try something else next.

In case anyone is reading this with a similar issue and are trying to figure out how to get the game to stop detecting your documents folder in your OneDrive account, here is roughly what I did:

1) Unlink OneDrive from my PC (just a quick google search if you don't know how - I didn't)
2) Uninstall OneDrive
3) Modified my User Shell Folders Registry Key (link here for how to do this)
- I had to do this because no matter what I would do (restart game, restart pc, uninstall game completely from my pc), the game would still somehow detect my OneDrive Documents folder even with me deleting everything ESO related from it. it would simply just remake all the folders. So this is a way to I guess point your pc into the documents folder not under OneDrive.
4) Reinstall game and then restart pc

After all this, voila, when I do the "screenshot trick" mentioned above, I can see the game is now detecting the Addons folder in the right location (FINALLY!!!!).

But again, I'm still having issues with my addons so I'm going to see If I can just revert addons to an older save. if that doesn't work, I guess I'll painstakingly try to figure out if I have mods conflicting with one another. No real idea of how to do this atm other than turning off all mods and turning them all on one by one.
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