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04/21/14, 08:58 PM   #2
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Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Sharlikran View Post
There is an event EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED and there are a few different ways of defining it. The way that seems to be working is this
Lua Code:
  1. function Harvest.OnLootReceived( eventCode, receivedBy, objectName, stackCount, soundCategory, lootType, lootedBySelf )
The Wiki is reporting it as (string receivedBy, string itemName, integer quantity, integer itemSound, integer lootType, bool self) which is one less parameter. I think tha the last parameter is important because I use it. Currently it's used in HarvestMap to see if the player looted the item. They can't both be right.

Can I call the event like, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 = EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED or do i need to register an event like "EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("HarvestMap", EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED, Harvest.OnLootReceived)" to that it will fire on auto loot and then try to decode those variables.

What is the best way to go about checking that?
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("HarvestMap", EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED, Harvest.OnLootReceived) is the correct way to go about it because var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 = EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED wouldn't do anything. Var1 would get assigned whatever random integer EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED is and nothing else.

Best way to investigate events would be using zgoo imo. '/zgoo events' will bring up a frame that registers every event and you can examine their return values. You can block the events you don't want to see by clicking the X next to them, and expand to see return values with +. To avoid the hassle of Xing all events you don't want you could change the source code in Events.lua/Events:RegisterAllEvents() to only register the events you are concerned with.
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