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04/24/14, 04:47 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 18
Achievement Proplems -> Wrong Return Values


I have a problem with the functionality of GetPreviousAchievementInLine

If i get an achievement update event, i have a achievement id. i pass it into the function and now the following happens:

if there is no previous achievement, for example
/zgoo GetPreviousAchievementInLine(38)
it return 0. Okay.

if there is a previous achievement that is completed, for example in my case
/zgoo GetPreviousAchievementInLine(67)
it returns the id 66. Perfect.

if there is a previous achievement in line that is not completed, for example in my case
/zgoo GetPreviousAchievementInLine(68)
it returns also 0. What the hell... :/

I would have assumed that if there is no prev achievement it returns false or nil or similiar but it is also 0. Or the function returns the correct id if there is a previous achievement but it's not completed yet.

How should i deal with it? Any ideas?

The second problem is the following... when getting category infos for an achievementId, in some cases i get the wrong data!? If i collect the data of achievementId 68 with GetCategoryInfoFromAchievementId(68) it returns 2, nil, 2. But 2, the toplevelindex, is the wrong category. It is in another in the journal. And if i pass those parameters into the reverse function GetAchievementId(2, nil, 2) i don't get 68 again. I get 838 as Id... but that is the correct one for the values 2 nil 2...

It works correct with the initial achievementId 41. I get 1, nil, 10 and in revers through GetAchievementId again Id 41.

Is this a bug in the API or a bug with some achievements? The problem occurs especially for the harvesting achievements (collecting wood, resolving quests etc)

Last edited by Asto : 04/24/14 at 10:08 AM.
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