Thread: minified LUA
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05/27/14, 09:11 AM   #6
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 280
Originally Posted by gamegenius86 View Post
I would imagine that it could create a bunch of issues. If there is no reason you need to use minified code, then don't. The only pro that i can think of would be a smaller file size which means it might load 1ms faster (if that). However the list of cons (or potential cons) is much larger.

My suggestion: Don't minify.
Agrred. I would avoid it. You are directly transfering the Sourcecode to the other computer, so lua+xml+txt is already a very effective format (compared to .dll or .exe files). Usually .zip compressed too, wich is incredibly effective for anything text based. You will literally not get any measureable benefit regarding Transmission or Loading Times.
My addon Unified Chat Tabs v 1.0 measures 35,4 KiB decompressed (including embedded libraries) and 12 KiB .zip compressed.
Notice that I wrote KiB. Of wich 1024 make just a measily MiB. Of wich 1024 make just a measily GiB. Are there even still HDD below 500 GiB on the market?

In turn:
You will have a hell to debug this.
Since you propably also do not use comments, you will have a hell to udnerstand your own code after 6 months (and those are real life figures I ran into when I forgot to comment).
Nobody can learn from your code
Nobody can help you debug your code if you are stumped.

Good ability to debug and follow your own code is a at least 1,048,576 times more important then sqeezing out the last byte of filesize on something that will propably not even fill a 4 KiB cluster in the first place.
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