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05/28/14, 04:29 PM   #4
caritas omnia vincit
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oh. So the item:xxxxx part of the item link is not the item id for that item ? As in ALL Iron Ore will have say 803 as the number after item ( 803 is a guess from memory ). I know there is an instance ID which is retrievable with GetItemInstanceId(bagId1,slotIndex1) but I am sure this shows a different number to the item:xxx number and is different between the same named item. Initially I thought it was the source of the item ( node, dead body etc ) but there was no consistency there either. The only thing that does make sense in my mind is if item:xxxx is unique per same named item and instanceId is generated as an id for the item after looting, crafting etc.

Originally Posted by thelegendaryof View Post
Those ID 's aren't a unique Identifier. Meaning it 's only a Template ID. There is no unique ID known/accessible which would ultimately identify an item. One could construct it with Enchantment + Template-ID + Level-Requirement + Quality but that 's bound to have a lot of duplicated and wrong entries for example for Legendary or Set-Equipment.


Lua Code:
  1. function LocIT:GetIdsFromItemName(name, language)

However that only works with Template-Names and returns all ID 's for it (for example "Greatsword" or unique Itemnames). I didn't implement a method to search for constructed names (the names you see in Tooltips and Itemlinks) yet. If you'd like that I could implement it in the next version to get the correct (LVL and Qualitybound) Base-ID. Weh sounds a bit confusing I know ...

ESOHEAD for example holds mostly Template-Names:

Feel free to have a look at the Source-Code of "Localized Items" to get to know it better - and/or use it as a dependency. Wouldn't recommend to include/copy it in your own addon as it holds data of over 16.000 templates that 's a) much data and b) bound to be outdated if one doesn't manage it from time to time (which I do)
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