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05/27/16, 08:33 AM   #3
Ayantir's Avatar
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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GetESOLocalVersion() is mainly used for datamining and building websites as we cannot determinate the minor version of the game.
It permit to have a better system than have to build checking comparaison table based on dates which can be inacurrate due to NA/EU delayed changes.
You sometimes add features (items, skill revamp, boss changes) on minor revisions and with a base on APIVersion, it can be innapropriate to base our data with only the "major version".

I will personally use it for my eidetic dataminer in LoreBook addon, but the original need come from and I greatly guess that will be interested, maybe other websites too.

GetESOClientType() is mainly used to determine the limit of our array sizes for savedvars (with eso64).

Some addons keep HUGE data in savedvariables and cannot be used with eso32 anymore when a certain amount of data is stored (the game simply crash).

It will permit to avoid this litte issue and avoid to use concatenated multiple savedvars into a single one.
The need is here also for dataminers in order to build websites, and maybe some other trading addons which keep a lot of data in memory.

I understand they are minor need, but still interesting to have.