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05/01/19, 12:12 PM   #4
Super Moderator
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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Check the FAQ for some answers.
FCOIS is used to apply X marker icons to an item. It can do this automatically or manually via the right click context menu.
X = up to currently 42 different icons, depending on how many you "enable" in the settings.
Icon applied means = the item is protected against everything (destroy, deconstruct, improve, etc.)
Normal icons like lock, sell, sell in guild store, deconstruct, improve, research and the 5 static gear set icons use these protections.
You can enable exclusions like "Allow selling for items marked as to sell" or "allow deconstruct for items marked for deconstruct" etc.
Dynamic icons can be setup to use individual protections, like "only block deconstruction" but allow all other.
Items marked with the icons can be filtered via the 4 filter buttons at the bottom of your inventory, or via plugins for other addons like AdvancedFilters or maybe even build own categories with AutoCategory etc.

First, everything but Set Tracker options under Marks>Automatic Marking>Mark Set Parts is greyed out.
If this happens there is a bug in your SavedVariables of FCOIS I think as SetTracker is independent from FCOIS. If the settings cannot be altered there is a reason. e.g. if you do not enable a checkbox to use automatic set marking all set marking options are disabled. If you enable the checkbox everything gets enabled. Same for entries in the settings where a selected marker icon needs to be enabled. In the iucon dropdowns the disabled icosn are shown with red text. If you choose such an icon the settings relating to this won't be enabled anymore as the icon is not enabled.

You need to check settings->icons & colors->normal, gear sets or dynamic icons to enable the needed icons then.

Second, some items in bank weren't marked. Not sure why, I set FCOIS to re-mark them at login/reloadui and reloaded twice.
Not sure why this did not work but it does for me. Either another addon you are using destroys the functionality or your setup was wrong and you missunderstood it, or there is a bug which you found and we need to find out how to rebuild it so I can fix it.
If you write me via PM how I can rebuild this (and maybe send me your SavedVariables file FCOItemSaver.lua so I can test with your settings) I might find a fix (if needed).

Also, is there a way to show two icons at the same time? Specifically, show dynamic icons separately?
Well, the addon got 42 icons which can ALL be set at the same time on 1 item So the answer is yes.
Enable the tooltips and it will show you ALL marker icons in the tooltip as some are over others. Always the last one set is shown on top.
I'm planning to add settings to make each icon moveable differently so you can see them better but for now the tooltip is helping or different icon sizes! Like a rectangle as big as possible (dynamic icon for "keep or destroy?" and inside a smaller weapon icon for "Set DD").

Not sure if understood correctly. What „mark as gear set“ is for? For marking all items my character currently wears?
Gear set icons are 5 static pre-defined icons which can be only applied to armor, jewelry and weapons. They are called gear sets as they are meant to be used for your gear like gear1 = heal, gear2 = tank, gear3 = dd ranged etc.
If you enable the setting to "mark all items as gear at the character screen" for a gear set icon the right click menus wioll show "Mark all as..." and not only "Mark as ..." so that all your equipped items (you can choose if jewelry and weapons as well) will be marked with 1 click as this gear set.
You can also use these gear set marker icons only in your inventories or bank to mark items there.

All marker icons can be applied everywhere, on each item. Only gear sets are normally defined to ONLY be used on gear items, and not on lockpicks e.g.

You can even define dynamic icons to behave the same way like the 5 static gear set icons -> MArk all items and only can be apllied to researchable items.

About unique ID bloat — don't know how item marks are stored, but I have enabled unique IDs, so I assumed it basically writes in usersettings that ID ##### = locked, dynamic2, etc. Considering that I will meet a lot of marked set items in a while (I have categorized around 90% of non-crafted sets), I assume all this information will be kept on a per-item basis. Set tracker obviously deals with this on a per-set basis.
If uniqueIds are enabled the marker icons will differentiate at an item not only if the quality, trait and level are different (this is the normal way if you do not use uniqueIds but normal itemInstanceIds of the items), but also if the enchantment and some other values differ.
This only applies to weapons, armor and jewelry so all other items are ALWAYS stored with their itemInstanceId.

Nothing is written in the UserSettings but only in the SavedVariables file FCOItemSaver.lua and if you are only playing on 1 server the file size shouldn't be that big and no problem at all.
Believe me, I have about 3 servers (NA, PTS and EU) and multiple thousand items in there and the filesize is about 1,4mb after years. So don't think about any problems here. Some of my items take about 10 marker icons, some only 1. Depends on what yopu do and want to be able to do with it.

And SetTracker does not deal with this on a per set basis. it also needs the itemIds or imtelinks (which are much longer than an itemId or itemInstanceId).
And after checking the SV file of SetTracker I can see it even uses "TEXT" (the names of the sets) to store information which is BAAAAAAD There is a unioque setId which could be used (maybe it was not given as SetTracker was build but it exists meanwhile).

["TrackedSets"] =
                    ["Molag Kena"] =
                        ["Notes"] = "",
And like said before it even stores itemLinks which basically are also text and not needed here (imo):
["Inventories"] =
                    ["8798292073770730@Baertram"] =
                    ["8798292073770730@Baertram-WORN"] =
                    ["8798292046226467@Baertram-WORN"] =
                        ["|H0:item:71277:363:50:45883:369:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:37:0:1:0:0:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:100622:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:71304:362:50:45883:369:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:37:0:1:0:0:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:71295:359:50:45883:369:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:37:0:1:0:0:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:100624:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:68112:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:100688:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:100683:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:82157:363:50:26588:369:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:79352:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:37:0:1:0:335:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:79349:363:50:54484:369:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:37:0:1:0:324:0|h|h"] = 1,
                        ["|H0:item:100626:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h"] = 1,
My SetTracker SV file size is about 790kb as well.

If you fear your SavedVariables get too big you shouldn't use addons

Last edited by Baertram : 05/01/19 at 12:19 PM.
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