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03/12/14, 09:40 AM   #1
Thamin Trollsbane
Thamin Trollsbane's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 84
Tired of Guild-Shopping? Grievance (AlDom, PVP & PVE, NA, 18+)

Ever buy a game (or download a free 2 play mmo) and sit there waiting to choose a server, hoping you choose a good one with good people that are helpful and not just jerks that flame you when u ask a question. Ever hate joining a guild that you know no one? Ever hop from guild to guild trying to find one that suits you and your play style? Have you ever quit a game that you liked but could never get help from guildies or even find a guild that you liked? Well I am here to tell you there is an answer. Grievance is an online gaming community that spans many games.

Grievance can be found playing in the following games:

Official Grievance Guilds
Elder Scrolls Online (Guild available at launch - Aldmeri Dominion)
Everquest II - Permafrost Server
Guild Wars 2 - Denova's Rest Server
Neverwinter Nights Online
SWTOR (Empire: The Shadowlands) (Republic: Jedi Covenant) - PvE Servers
Wildstar (Guild available at launch)
World of Warcraft (Horde) - Thrall Server

Embassies (Smaller Grievance Guilds)
Aion (Elyos) - Siel Server
Final Fantasy XIV (Embassy available at re-launch)
League of Legends
Tera - Tempest Reach Server
World of Warcraft (Alliance) - Azuremyst Server

Team Grievance (Grievance FPS/Shooter/PvP Clans)
Defiance (Clan available at launch)
World of Warplanes (Clan available at launch)
World of Tanks

(Many other small and independent MMOs)

Grievance is a family-oriented online gaming community. We have a very rich and honorable heritage that spans many games over many years, during which Grievance has proven that one can have a very rewarding gaming experience, yet have a life as well. The concepts of family, honor, and loyalty are hallmarks of Grievance and are expected to be upheld and respected by all members.

Grievance is an adult gaming community, 18+ only. We have many long term members. This is no start up guild. We were formed in October 15th, of the year 2000. We were not always known as Grievance, but the membership has been strong and growing! We are one of the few trademarked Guilds in all gaming communities. We are comprised of singles, married couples, retired people, military members, college students and people located through out the US.

When you join Grievance you join a family. This family spans many games and even on opposite sides of the same game. Grievance is always a strong presence in games they are in. Grievance even has a real life get together, like a family reunion. We have this every year. We have a strong management support for each game, not same leaders in every game at one time.

We at Grievance are always looking to expand as anyone would expect. The larger the Grievance community the better it is. Wouldn't it be nice to start a game at launch and have a lot of Grievance members log in with you on the same server and same side? Imagine the friendships you will make with such a strong gaming community.

If Grievance seems like a place for you, please feel free to visit out forums. Its free to register and browse the forums. Come see what games we are in and the servers we reside on. There is always an officer of a certain game or a council member willing to answer any questions. Its free to register on the forums, so come on over and take a look. Place an introduction about yourself in the Forum Registration / Applications Forum. Let us know a bit about yourself and what games you are interested or currently playing in. Hope to see you there.

Thank you for your time

Visit us at And check out our ESO recruitment video below.

Thamin Trollsbane
Recruiting officer, Elder Scrolls Online chapter

Host, Debuffed: The Star Citizen Report

Last edited by Thamin Trollsbane : 03/12/14 at 09:48 AM. Reason: adding Signature
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03/13/14, 09:43 AM   #2
Thamin Trollsbane
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Posts: 84
Hopefully you can join us this weekend as Grievance enjoys the last beta session!

To give you a taste of Grievance, check out our latest Grievance News video on our Youtube channel. This video opens with our newest 2-minute Grievance Gaming Network teaser, then goes right into news for ESO.

We will be PVPing on Aldmeri Dominion, and we have several folks itching to get their hands on a Cyrodiil keep.

Check us out!
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03/15/14, 03:54 PM   #3
Thamin Trollsbane
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Posts: 84
What does Grievance stand for?

G is for the goals and vision of our leadership

R is for the respect each and every member receives

I is for the integrity of the organization

E is for the excitement and passion folks have for Grievance

V is for our values of family, honor and loyalty

A is for the many accomplishments that we have shared together

N is for the notoriety we are gaining in the gaming world

C is for the commitment of so many in Grievance to making this a fun place to be

E is for the exuberance of Steel during one of the annual meetings!

Join us today at
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03/20/14, 08:25 AM   #4
Thamin Trollsbane
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For those who missed out on the 5-day early access, Grievance will be streaming during the launch on March 30th. Tune in at throughout the day to get in your fix of Tamriel while you wait.

Check out this new member's praise after the latest beta weekend:

"I have to say, I had a great time in the beta playing the game.. all the quests.. the lore, the look of the game.. how it ran...

But... unfortunately.... It would only be just a game... Being in Grievance.. only for a short amount of time, has shown me once again, a game of this magnitude is meant to play with a guild that is amazing.... yes.. Grievance... You are amazing. Haven't had this much fun in the games i've played in a while.

I have seen many people helping one another.. having fun... and treating others with such respect... I can honestly say I plan on being a part of this guild for as long as you will have me...

I won't post too long of a post.. but wanted to thank you all for being who you are.. and showing me what good people are about. And, having like minded folks that want to enjoy the game together.. striving to be the best, and showing how well we work together...

I wish I would have joined a long time ago.. but I am glad I have the chance to be among some of the finest people I've come to get to know."
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03/22/14, 11:07 AM   #5
Thamin Trollsbane
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Posts: 84

Family – Honor – Loyalty

Grievance has a strong presence in many MMORPGs, with friendships spanning across years and games. For all of us, it’s the raider-and-casual-friendly guild we’ve been searching for! For ESO, we’ve picked Aldmeri Dominion and have a PVP crew ready to make an impression in Cyrodiil. We also have crafters standing by and lots of guild support to help their experience. And if you’re a casual player with a job and a family? We understand!

We also have a greater membership across games. We enjoy a real-life get together in the summer. Several members have contributed to publishing a compendium of short stories. We’re working on marketing apps.

See why Grievance is redefining family-friendly guilds!
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03/23/14, 01:08 PM   #6
Thamin Trollsbane
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 84

Check out Grievance's Youtube channel for a number of game discussions and streams. The guild is set for ESO's pre-release this Sunday! We're set to make a big impression in Cyrodiil, but casual people are welcome as well. We have families and jobs too and realize Real-Life comes first!
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05/20/16, 05:13 PM   #7
Talore's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 39
Grievance is not just an ESO guild but a family-oriented multi-gaming community comprised of adults 18+. We are a social bunch and are always on the lookout for new members of all levels to join us in PvP, Raiding, crafting, special events, or general dungeon runs. Go to
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11/27/17, 07:39 PM   #8
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35

Bather's party? What? It's an inside joke. Curious? Come see what we're all about at
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02/10/18, 03:22 PM   #9
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Posts: 35
Members helping members.

Yesterday I saw two of our veteran members take a level 20 on a mission to level. They helped him get 25 levels in one afternoon! And when I logged into our forums today, I see that another member donated a LOT of recipes, furniture patterns and blueprints to help out our new members who are just getting started. And I didn't have to lift a finger. Thanks to our awesome guildies who help us all succeed and have fun!

Learn more about Grievance and apply for membership at
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03/25/18, 02:40 PM   #10
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
Who is Grievance again?

Grievance has a lot of couples and mature players. We enforce a no drama clause. Our guilds raid but recognize that Real-Life comes first, therefore we have a lot of casual players and folks willing to help them out.

Once in one chapter of Grievance, you can play any of our games with us. Friendships have been formed which span several games and game genres. We don't get jealous if you're game-surfing, because we do too! We have forums focusing on the games we're looking forward to and can plan our guild presence ahead of time.

Come see what we're all about and apply at
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04/01/18, 06:20 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
Game Within a Game!

Try this:

1. Round up a bunch of your closest friends

2. Leave all your gear at home

3. Punch a world boss until it gives you stuff

4. Wear only that stuff

5. Rinse and repeat

Like our giggling group pictured, you might even attract some photo-bombers! (you know who you are even though we don't!)

This is how we celebrate 4 years in ESO with Grievance.

Happy Anniversary ESO!

Learn more and apply at
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04/08/18, 04:09 PM   #12
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
Our guild meetings are monthly, and always informative. And yes...there is always someone acting like an a**….bull. Not naming names. Also, not mentioning the corpses in the photo. Oh...did I say that out loud? *ahem*

To learn more and apply, visit
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07/01/18, 03:54 PM   #13
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
Once in one chapter of Grievance, you can play any of our games with us. Friendships have been formed which span several games and game genres. We don't get jealous if you're game-surfing, because we do too! We have forums focusing on the games we're looking forward to and can plan our guild presence ahead of time.

I was just going over our member list and celebrating Grievance-versaries today. We have folks playing ESO who have been with Grievance for 12 years or more!

Some of our Grievance members who usually play FFXIV came by to play ESO today. They are hanging out somewhere in the midwest US together having a LAN party. There may or may not have been piña coladas involved. Yay to our game hoppers!! We love all of you!

For more information and to apply to Grievance, visit
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07/15/18, 04:01 PM   #14
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
When the floor falls out from under you during a raid...

Want to come raid with us? Learn more and apply at
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07/30/18, 07:17 PM   #15
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
New Players Welcome!

NEW PLAYERS! Grievance has seen a lot of folks just starting out in ESO lately. They come because they love my recruitment posts. They stay because our environment is welcoming, encouraging, helpful and active. We even have a gearing program to help you get started while you're leveling. If you're new too, you won't be the only one, so what are you waiting for?

Learn more and apply at:
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08/12/18, 12:41 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
Some of the benefits of being a member of Grievance in ESO...

PvP -
We have regularly scheduled Cyrodill events that search out combat with the other two factions. The REDS of Ebonheart Pact and the BLUES of Daggerfall Covenant are attacked with as much precision as the group make-up allows. We PvP on Aldmeri Dominion - FOR THE QUEEN!!! We do Battlegrounds events, and Imperial City too!

PVE Raiding -
We have two regularly scheduled events each week. Depending on the group make-up, we will run normal difficulty events to practice and work more members through the basic tactics of raiding in ESO. We grow together as a team until we can take on the veteran difficulty trials together!

This week many of us have been testing our mettle against Veteran Maelstrom Arena. The support and encouragement have been amazing.

Between raids we will be taking on challenges in dungeons together. Experienced players and new together. We learn and grow as one!

Our officers all know the struggle of getting the gear that you need for your first character. We know that you do not have the traits, styles, etc etc all learned to craft your UBER, fantastical, magical armor.... and we don't want you to on your first toon. Go to the Grievance forums, find the PIMP MY CHARACTER post, put in detailed information about what you are wanting, and an officer will hook you up. TRUE PIMPAGE... no rhinestones fake gold here!!!

One of the things we’re known for is our friendly and welcoming Discord channel. We all know what it’s like to join a new community and not know anyone. All our members do their best to include new members in the conversations and the fun times.

Grievance is a multi-game guild and has been around for over 18 years. Solid leadership dedicated to a fun and family atmosphere for everyone.

Grievance isn't just gaming, it's Family!
Learn more and apply at:
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08/26/18, 11:27 AM   #17
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
Postcards of Tamriel

We had one of our favorite guild events recently. Postcards of Tamriel. Our fearless leader ventures out into the wilds of Tamriel to get some fantastic postcard-worthy screenshots. Amazing prizes go to the first guildie who correctly names the (very) specific location of the photo. Fun is had by all!

A few of my faves:

Come play games with us!
Learn more and apply at:
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04/23/19, 09:06 PM   #18
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Posts: 40
Every month Grievance has a guild meeting where we get together and talk about what's going on in the guild, laugh a little bit and just hang out. Here's a pic of our last guild meeting at our guild house, we almost filled up the 24 person limit!

Wanna join in on our meetings or other fun activities? Check us out at
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06/11/19, 01:16 PM   #19
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 3
Grievance ESO is Growing!

With the drop of Elsweyr and the release of the Necromancer class, ESO is growing... and so is Grievance!

We've gained a lot of new members recently, but we're always happy to welcome more to the family.

Check out to apply!
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09/17/19, 01:01 PM   #20
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 3
You know what's great about a game like ESO? There is SO. MUCH. TO. DO.

You know what's hard about a game like ESO? Trying to figure out how to actually DO it all.

Good news is, it's a lot easier if you've got a group of helpful people who are more than happy to help you get through it all.

Looking to get into veteran dungeons and get that monster helm you've been looking for? We got folks who will run with you.

Want to try running trials but worried that you won't find a group because you're not a 1337 pr0? We have casual training nights for trials every week.

Gaming is better with friends. It's even better with a family like Grievance.

Check out to apply.
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ESOUI » General Discussion » Guilds » Tired of Guild-Shopping? Grievance (AlDom, PVP & PVE, NA, 18+)

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