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02/02/17, 11:28 PM   #1
Dolgubon's Avatar
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Writ Crafter translations

I've debated asking for help with these, since I can do most of it myself, but since Homestead is coming out soon, I'm giving in and asking for help. Otherwise, it will be even longer before I have Master Writs ready for other languages. (I'm not going to have everything done for Monday as it is anyway)

I need translations for Japanese, German, and French. The translations need to be some identifying string from the name of glyphs corresponding to the effect. For example, "disease" comes from Major Glyph of Disease. I know that in some instances there is overlap, for example absorb stamina glyphs and stamina glyphs - I'll try and take care of that, but the checking will be done sequentially, so if you realize there's an error like that, make a note of it and/or put the shorter one at the bottom. (Mostly for Japanese, the other two I can read those myself and fix it)
lua Code:
  1. ["pieces"] = --exact!!
  2.             { --{String Identifier, ItemId, positive or negative}
  3.                 {"disease", 45841,2},
  4.                 {"foulness", 45841,1},
  5.                 {"absorb stamina", 45833,2},
  6.                 {"absorb magicka", 45832,2},
  7.                 {"absorb health", 45831,2},
  8.                 {"frost resist",45839,2},
  9.                 {"frost",45839,1},
  10.                 {"feat", 45836,2},
  11.                 {"stamina recovery", 45836,1},
  12.                 {"hardening", 45842,1},
  13.                 {"crushing", 45842,2},
  14.                 {"onslaught", 68342,2},
  15.                 {"defense", 68342,1},
  16.                 {"shielding",45849,1},
  17.                 {"bashing",45849,2},
  18.                 {"poison resist",45837,2},
  19.                 {"poison",45837,1},
  20.                 {"spell harm",45848,2},
  21.                 {"magical",45848,1},
  22.                 {"magicka recovery", 45835,1},
  23.                 {"spell cost", 45835,2},
  24.                 {"shock resist",45840,2},
  25.                 {"shock",45840,1},
  26.                 {"health recovery",45834,1},
  27.                 {"decrease health",45834,2},
  28.                 {"weakening",45843,2},
  29.                 {"weapon",45843,1},
  30.                 {"boost",45846,1},
  31.                 {"speed",45846,2},
  32.                 {"flame resist",45838,2},
  33.                 {"flame",45838,1},
  34.                 {"decrease physical", 45847,2},
  35.                 {"increase physical", 45847,1},
  36. }

I also have the following miscellaneous translations of new text, that I might as well ask for now.

lua Code:
  1. WritCreater.optionStrings["exit when done"]                          = "Exit crafting window"
  2. WritCreater.optionStrings["exit when done tooltip"]                      = "Exit crafting window when all crafting is completed"
  3. WritCreater.optionStrings["automatic complete"]                          = "Automatic quest dialog"
  4. WritCreater.optionStrings["automatic complete tooltip"]                  = "Automatically accepts and completes quests when at the required place"

Thank you for anyone who can help me out!

Last edited by Dolgubon : 02/05/17 at 08:36 PM.
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02/06/17, 01:43 AM   #2
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Posts: 38
for the name of the glyphes i do it later. don't have teso on my computer at my work

Lua Code:
  1. WritCreater.optionStrings["Sortie lorsque terminé"]                          = "Sortie des ateliers de craft"
  2.     WritCreater.optionStrings["Astuce sortie lorsque terminé"]                      = "Sort de l'atelier quand toutes les créations sont terminées"
  3.     WritCreater.optionStrings["Achèvement automatique"]                          = "Dialogues automatique de quête"
  4.     WritCreater.optionStrings["Astuce achèvement automatique"]                  = "Accepte et termine automatiquement les quêtes à l'emplacement définit"
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02/06/17, 04:22 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Llwydd View Post
for the name of the glyphes i do it later. don't have teso on my computer at my work

Lua Code:
  1. WritCreater.optionStrings["Sortie lorsque terminé"]                          = "Sortie des ateliers de craft"
  2.     WritCreater.optionStrings["Astuce sortie lorsque terminé"]                      = "Sort de l'atelier quand toutes les créations sont terminées"
  3.     WritCreater.optionStrings["Achèvement automatique"]                          = "Dialogues automatique de quête"
  4.     WritCreater.optionStrings["Astuce achèvement automatique"]                  = "Accepte et termine automatiquement les quêtes à l'emplacement définit"
Non non non non non non.. ce n'est pas français. Tu me fait saigner des yeux, sincèrement.

Lua Code:
  1. WritCreater.optionStrings["exit when done"]                          = "Quitter l'atelier lorsque terminé"
  2. WritCreater.optionStrings["exit when done tooltip"]                      = "Quitter l'atelier automatiquement lorsque toutes les fabrications ont été réalisées"
  3. WritCreater.optionStrings["automatic complete"]                          = "Interactions automatiques de quêtes"
  4. WritCreater.optionStrings["automatic complete tooltip"]                  = "Accepte et valide automatiquement les quêtes en interagissant avec les panneaux et coffres d'artisanat."
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02/06/17, 05:51 AM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2016
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Effectivement pas trop français
J'ai fait ça en 2mn et sans me relire et sans connaître le contexte (je viens de capter que s'était les quêtes de craft en te lisant)
Bon ce n'est pas une excuse certes mais disons que j'ai eu un Week-end plus qu'arrosé...
Désolé pour cette piètre traduction et merci pour la correction

Ps : Mais au fait tu ne devait pas mettre à niveau Killcounter ?

Last edited by Llwydd : 02/06/17 at 05:56 AM.
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02/20/17, 06:26 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Dolgubon View Post
I've debated asking for help with these, since I can do most of it myself, but since Homestead is coming out soon, I'm giving in and asking for help. Otherwise, it will be even longer before I have Master Writs ready for other languages. (I'm not going to have everything done for Monday as it is anyway)

I need translations for Japanese, German, and French. The translations need to be some identifying string from the name of glyphs corresponding to the effect. For example, "disease" comes from Major Glyph of Disease. I know that in some instances there is overlap, for example absorb stamina glyphs and stamina glyphs - I'll try and take care of that, but the checking will be done sequentially, so if you realize there's an error like that, make a note of it and/or put the shorter one at the bottom. (Mostly for Japanese, the other two I can read those myself and fix it)
lua Code:
  1. ["pieces"] = --exact!!
  2. * * * * * * { --{String Identifier, ItemId, positive or negative}
  3. * * * * * * * * {"Seuchenresistenz", 45841,2},
  4. * * * * * * * * {"Fäulnis", 45841,1},
  5. * * * * * * * * {"Ausdauerabsorption", 45833,2},
  6. * * * * * * * * {"Magickaabsorption", 45832,2},
  7. * * * * * * * * {"Lebensabsorption", 45831,2},
  8. * * * * * * * * {"Frostresistenz",45839,2},
  9. * * * * * * * * {"Frosts",45839,1},
  10. * * * * * * * * {"Fähigkeitenkostenminderung", 45836,2},
  11. * * * * * * * * {"Ausdauerregeneration", 45836,1},
  12. * * * * * * * * {"Abhärtung", 45842,1},
  13. * * * * * * * * {"Zerschmetterns", 45842,2},
  14. * * * * * * * * {"prismatischen Ansturms", 68342,2},
  15. * * * * * * * * {"prismatischen Verteidigung", 68342,1},
  16. * * * * * * * * {"Einschlagens",45849,1},
  17. * * * * * * * * {"Abschirmens",45849,2},
  18. * * * * * * * * {"Giftresistenz",45837,2},
  19. * * * * * * * * {"Gifts",45837,1},
  20. * * * * * * * * {"verringerten magischen Schadens",45848,2},
  21. * * * * * * * * {"erhöhten magischen Schadens",45848,1},
  22. * * * * * * * * {"Magickaregeneration", 45835,1},
  23. * * * * * * * * {"Zauberkostenminderung", 45835,2},
  24. * * * * * * * * {"Schockresistenz",45840,2},
  25. * * * * * * * * {"Schocks",45840,1},
  26. * * * * * * * * {"Lebensregeneration",45834,1},
  27. * * * * * * * * {"Lebensminderung",45834,2},
  28. * * * * * * * * {"Schwächung",45843,2},
  29. * * * * * * * * {"Waffenschadens",45843,1},
  30. * * * * * * * * {"Trankverbesserung",45846,1},
  31. * * * * * * * * {"Tranktempos",45846,2},
  32. * * * * * * * * {"Flammenresistenz",45838,2},
  33. * * * * * * * * {"Flamme",45838,1},
  34. * * * * * * * * {"verringerten physischen Schadens", 45847,2},
  35. * * * * * * * * {"erhöhten physischen Schadens", 45847,1},
  36. }

I also have the following miscellaneous translations of new text, that I might as well ask for now.

lua Code:
  1. WritCreater.optionStrings["exit when done"]                          = "Schließe Handwerksfenster"
  2. WritCreater.optionStrings["exit when done tooltip"]                      = "Schließe Handwerksfenster nachdem alle Aufgaben abgeschlossen sind"
  3. WritCreater.optionStrings["automatic complete"]                          = "Automatischer Quest Dialog"
  4. WritCreater.optionStrings["automatic complete tooltip"]                  = "Automatisches annehmen und abschließen der Quests bei erreichen und einmaligem aktivieren des benötigten Ortes"

Thank you for anyone who can help me out!
Take a look at line 16 and 17, i guess you mixed the english glyphs there. Bashing should be the positive (extra damage) one and shielding the negative (cost reduction) but better check it for yourself again, i play german client just checked with the names of this site:

Hope that helps you ^^

btw keep up your good work the time i needed for this translation is saved by your addon easily.

Last edited by Gamer1986PAN : 02/20/17 at 06:34 AM. Reason: code cleaning
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03/13/17, 05:50 PM   #6
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WritCreater.optionStrings["new container"]							  = "Keep new status"
WritCreater.optionStrings["new container tooltip"]					  = "Keep the new status for writ reward containers"
WritCreater.optionStrings["master"]									  = "Master Writs"
WritCreater.optionStrings["master tooltip"]							  = "Turn the addon off for Master Writs"
WritCreater.optionStrings["crafting submenu"]						  = "Trades to Craft"
WritCreater.optionStrings["crafting submenu tooltip"]				  = "Turn the addon off for specific crafts"
WritCreater.optionStrings["timesavers submenu"]						  = "Timesavers"
WritCreater.optionStrings["timesavers submenu tooltip"]				  = "Various small timesavers"
WritCreater.optionStrings["loot containter"]						  = "Loot container when received"
WritCreater.optionStrings["loot containter tooltip"]				  = "Loot writ reward containers when you receive them"

German: (not sure with the new container and new container tooltip. can you explain what these should do exactly?)

WritCreater.optionStrings["new container"]				  = "Behalte neuen Status"
WritCreater.optionStrings["new container tooltip"]			  = "Behalte neuen Status für Schrieb-Belohnungs-Behälter"
WritCreater.optionStrings["master"]					  = "Meisterschriebe"
WritCreater.optionStrings["master tooltip"]				  = "Ein/Ausschalten ob Meisterschriebe automatisch hergestellt werden"
WritCreater.optionStrings["crafting submenu"]				  = "Zu bearbeitende Handwerke"
WritCreater.optionStrings["crafting submenu tooltip"]			  = "Ein/Ausschalten von bestimmten Handwerken"
WritCreater.optionStrings["timesavers submenu"]				  = "Zeitsparer"
WritCreater.optionStrings["timesavers submenu tooltip"]			  = "Diverse kleine Zeitsparer"
WritCreater.optionStrings["loot container"]				  = "Plündern von Belohnungs-Behältern"
WritCreater.optionStrings["loot container tooltip"]			  = "Automatisches Plündern der Handwerksschrieb-Belohnungs-Behälter bei Erhalt"
#edit: had to shorten loot container and fixed the typo in "loot containter" and "loot containter tooltip" in the german version.

Last edited by Gamer1986PAN : 03/13/17 at 06:16 PM.
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03/27/17, 02:26 AM   #7
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German translation Save Master Writs:

WritCreater.optionStrings["master writ saver"]							= "Meisterschriebe sperren"
WritCreater.optionStrings["master writ saver tooltip"]					= "Sperrt die Möglichkeit Meisterschriebe anzunehmen"
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12/27/17, 02:02 AM   #8
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I translated the contents of Version: 36.19

Lua Code:
  2.         {
  3.             ["pieces"] = --exact!!
  4.             { --{String Identifier, ItemId, positive or negative}
  5.                 {"グリフ(病気耐性)", 45841,2},
  6.                 {"グリフ(不浄)", 45841,1},
  7.                 {"グリフ(スタミナ吸収)", 45833,2},
  8.                 {"グリフ(マジカ吸収)", 45832,2},
  9.                 {"グリフ(体力吸収)", 45831,2},
  10.                 {"グリフ(氷結耐性)",45839,2},
  11.                 {"グリフ(氷結)",45839,1},
  12.                 {"グリフ(技能消費減少)", 45836,2},
  13.                 {"グリフ(スタミナ再生)", 45836,1},
  14.                 {"グリフ(硬化)", 45842,1},
  15.                 {"グリフ(粉砕)", 45842,2},
  16.                 {"グリフ(分光猛襲)", 68342,2},
  17.                 {"グリフ(分光防御)", 68342,1},
  18.                 {"グリフ(盾)",45849,2},
  19.                 {"グリフ(強撃)",45849,1},
  20.                 {"グリフ(毒耐性)",45837,2},
  21.                 {"グリフ(毒)",45837,1},
  22.                 {"グリフ(呪文耐性)",45848,2},
  23.                 {"グリフ(呪文攻撃強化)",45848,1},
  24.                 {"グリフ(マジカ再生)", 45835,1},
  25.                 {"グリフ(呪文消費減少)", 45835,2},
  26.                 {"グリフ(雷撃耐性)",45840,2},
  27.                 {"グリフ(雷撃)",45840,1},
  28.                 {"グリフ(体力再生)",45834,1},
  29.                 {"グリフ(体力減少)",45834,2},
  30.                 {"グリフ(衰弱)",45843,2},
  31.                 {"グリフ(武器強化)",45843,1},
  32.                 {"グリフ(薬品強化)",45846,1},
  33.                 {"グリフ(薬品速度上昇)",45846,2},
  34.                 {"グリフ(炎耐性)",45838,2},
  35.                 {"グリフ(炎)",45838,1},
  36.                 {"グリフ(物理耐性)", 45847,2},
  37.                 {"グリフ(物理攻撃強化)", 45847,1},
  38.                 {"グリフ(スタミナ)",45833,1},
  39.                 {"グリフ(体力)",45831,1},
  40.                 {"グリフ(マジカ)",45832,1}
  41.             }
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05/16/20, 10:48 PM   #9
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No more translations are needed at this time! Thanks to everyone who provided translations!

Last edited by Dolgubon : 05/19/20 at 06:38 PM.
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05/18/20, 01:41 AM   #10
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My suggestions:

For German, I need translations for these:
['fullBag'] : You have no open bag spaces. Please empty your bag.

Du hast keinen Platz mehr im Inventar. Bitte leere dein Inventar.

['masterWritSave'] : Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter has saved you from accidentally accepting a master writ! Go to the settings menu to disable this option.

Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter hat verhindert, dass du versehentlich einen Meisterschrieb annimmst. Gehe in die Erweiterungseinstellungen, um diese Option zu deaktivieren.

["withdrawItem"] "Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter retrieved "..amount.." "". ("..remaining.." in bank)"

-> Can you give an example?

['pet begone'] : Pet hiding

Begleiter verstecken.

['pet begone warning'] : When on, you will see Pacrooti. You will not see any other players, or any combat pets. If it turns on, players will not disappear instantly. If it turns off, they will not re-appear instantly. These are not bugs, but unavoidable side effects.

Wenn aktiviert, siehst du Pacrooti. Du siehst keine anderen Spieler oder deren Begleiter. Wenn du das aktivierst, verschwinden die Spieler nicht sofort. Wenn du das deaktivierst, erscheinen sie nicht sofort wieder. Es handelt sich nicht um Fehler, sondern unvermeidbare Nebenwirkungen.

(-> I'm still not sure I understand this... I don't see any players, or just WHILE crafting?)

['pet begone tooltip'] : Whether and when pets should be hidden. Pets can block interaction, but this will stop them from blocking interactions with crafting stations, writ turn-ins, etc. For best results, have it always on for writ-only toons

Ob und wann Begleiter versteckt sein sollen. Begleiter können Interaktionen blockieren, aber hiermit blockieren sie keine Handwerkstische, Handwerkstruhen etc. Aktiviere diese Einstellung für reine Handwerkscharaktere, um beste Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

["pet begone choices"] = {"Never hide", "Always hide", "Hide on quest pickup"}

Nie verstecken / Immer verstecken / Verstecken bei Questannahme

['despawnBanker'] : Despawn Banker

Bankier einstecken

['despawnBankerTooltip'] : Automatically despawn the banker after withdrawing items

Bankier automatisch einstecken, nachdem Gegenstände entnommen wurden

['stealingProtection'] : Stealing Protection


['stealingProtectionTooltip'] : Prevent you from stealing while a writ is in your journal

Verhindert, dass du etwas stehlen kannst, solange du aktive Handwerksquests im Journal hast

-> Is this only for dailies or also master writs? Because the letter might change the wording

['suppressQuestAnnouncements'] : Hide Writ Quest Announcements

Verstecke Handwerksquests-Hinweise

['suppressQuestAnnouncementsTooltip'] : Hides the text in the center of the screen when you start a writ or create an item for it

Versteckt den Text auf der Bildschirmmitte, wenn du Handwerksquests annimmst oder Gegenstände herstellst

['noDELETEConfirmJewelry'] : Easy Jewelry Destruction
['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Automatically add the DELETE text confirmation to the delete jewelry dialog box

-> Not sure what is meant by this (is this a new feature?)

['resetWarningMessageText'] : The daily reset for writs will be in <<1>> hour and <<2>> minutes

Die täglichen Handwerksquests werden in <<1> Stunde(n) und <<2>> Minute(n) zurückgesetzt

You can customize or turn off this warning in the settings

Du kannst diese Warnung in den Einstellungen anpassen oder deaktivieren

['resetWarningExampleText'] : The warning will look like this

Die Warnung wird so aussehen

['dailyResetWarnType'] : Daily Reset Warning

Warnung über tägliche Zurücksetzung

['dailyResetWarnTypeTooltip'] : What type of warning should be displayed when the daily reset is about to occur

Welche Art Warnung soll angezeigt werden, wenn die tägliche Zurücksetzung bevorsteht

['dailyResetWarnTypeChoices'] ={ "None","Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3", "Type 4", "All"}

-> Is here a translation needed?

['dailyResetWarnTime'] : Minutes Before Reset

Minuten vor der Zurücksetzung

['dailyResetWarnTimeTooltip'] : How many minutes before the daily reset the warning should be displayed

Wie viele Minuten vor der täglichen Zurücksetzung soll die Warnung angezeigt werden

Last edited by Mikikatze : 05/18/20 at 01:43 AM.
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05/18/20, 06:59 AM   #11
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Mikikatze View Post
My suggestions:
Good translations.
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05/18/20, 07:39 AM   #12
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Missing German ones from above:

["withdrawItem"] "Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter retrieved "..amount.." "". ("..remaining.." in bank)"
["withdrawItem"] "Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter entnahm "..amount.." "". (Noch "..remaining.." in der Bank)"
['noDELETEConfirmJewelry'] : Easy Jewelry Destruction
['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Automatically add the DELETE text confirmation to the delete jewelry dialog box

['noDELETEConfirmJewelry'] : Einfache Schmuck-Zerstörung
['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Schreibt automatisch das Wort LÖSCHEN in den Bestätigungsdialog, wenn du Schmuck zerstören möchtest

['dailyResetWarnTypeChoices'] ={ "None","Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3", "Type 4", "All"}
['dailyResetWarnTypeChoices'] ={ "Keine","Typ 1", "Typ 2", "Typ 3", "Typ 4", "Alle"}
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05/18/20, 11:07 AM   #13
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['missingLibraries'] : Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter requires the following standalone libraries. Please download, install or turn on these libraries:
Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter a besoin des librairies indépendantes suivantes. Merci de télécharger, installer ou activer ces librairies :

['fullBag'] : You have no open bag spaces. Please empty your bag.
Vous n’avez plus de place dans votre sac. Merci de le vider.

['masterWritSave'] : Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter has saved you from accidentally accepting a master writ! Go to the settings menu to disable this option.
Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter vous a évité d’accepter accidentellement une commande de maître ! Allez dans le menu Réglages > Extensions pour désactiver cette option.

["withdrawItem"] "Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter retrieved "..amount.." "". ("..remaining.." in bank)"
"Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter a récupéré " .. amount .. " " .. link .. " (reste en banque : " .. remaining .. ")."

['reticleColour'] : Change Reticle Colour
Changer la couleur du réticule

['reticleColourTooltip'] : Changes the Reticle colour if you have an uncompleted or completed writ at the station
Change la couleur du réticule si vous avez une commande, terminée ou non, à l’atelier

['despawnBanker'] : Despawn Banker
Renvoyer le banquier

['despawnBankerTooltip'] : Automatically despawn the banker after withdrawing items
Renvoie automatiquement l’assistant banquier après avoir retiré les objets

['pet begone'] : Pet hiding
Cacher les familiers

['pet begone warning'] : When on, you will see Pacrooti. You will not see any other players, or any combat pets. If it turns on, players will not disappear instantly. If it turns off, they will not re-appear instantly. These are not bugs, but unavoidable side effects.
Quand cette option est activée, vous verrez Pacrooti. Vous ne verrez pas les autres joueurs, ni aucun familier de combat. Les joueurs ne disparaîtront pas instantanément au moment où cette option est activée, pas plus qu’il ne réapparaîtront immédiatement quand elle est désactivée. Ce ne sont pas des bugs, mais des effets de bord inévitables.

['pet begone tooltip'] : Whether and when pets should be hidden. Pets can block interaction, but this will stop them from blocking interactions with crafting stations, writ turn-ins, etc. For best results, have it always on for writ-only toons
Contrôle si et quand les familiers doivent être cachés. Les familiers peuvent bloquer les interactions ; cette option les empêchera de bloquer les interactions avec les ateliers, les caisses de livraison des commandes, etc. Pour de meilleurs résultats, laissez-la toujours activée pour les personnages qui ne font que des commandes d’artisanat.

["pet begone choices"] = {"Never hide", "Always hide", "Hide on quest pickup"}
{"Ne jamais cacher", "Toujours cacher", "Cacher lorsqu’on prend une quête"}

['suppressQuestAnnouncements'] : Hide Writ Quest Announcements
Cacher les annonces de quête des commandes

['suppressQuestAnnouncementsTooltip'] : Hides the text in the center of the screen when you start a writ or create an item for it
Cache le texte au centre de l’écran quand vous commencez une commande, ou que vous créez un objet pour une commande.

['noDELETEConfirmJewelry'] : Easy Jewelry Destruction
Destruction de joaillerie facile

['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Automatically add the DELETE text confirmation to the delete jewelry dialog box
Ajouter automatiquement le texte de confirmation SUPPRIMER à la boîte de dialogue de destruction de joaillerie
→ I didn’t manage to have this dialog box pop up, so the translation (and the word to type) may be inaccurate. Could could please explain what to do to display it ?

['stealingProtection'] : Stealing Protection
Protection contre le vol

['stealingProtectionTooltip'] : Prevent you from stealing while a writ is in your journal
Vous empêche de voler tant qu’une commande est dans votre journal

['useCharacterSettings'] : Use character settings
Utiliser des options de personnage

['useCharacterSettingsTooltip'] : Use character specific settings on this character only
Utilise des options spécifiques pour ce personnage uniquement
→ I did not understand what the additional word « occur » had to do, and did not translate it. It is required, please explain me what it changes.

['autoCloseBank'] : Automatic Bank Dialog
Dialogue automatique à la banque

['autoCloseBankTooltip'] : Automatically enter and exit the banking dialogue if there are items to be withdrawn
Entre et sort automatiquement du dialogue à la banque, s’il y a des objet à en retirer

['dailyResetWarnType'] : Daily Reset Warning
Avertissement de réinitialisation quotidienne

['dailyResetWarnTypeTooltip'] : What type of warning should be displayed when the daily reset is about to occur
Quel type d’avertissement doit être affiché quand la réinitialisation des quêtes quotidienne est sur le point d’avoir lieu

['dailyResetWarnTypeChoices'] ={ "None","Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3", "Type 4", "All"}
{ "Aucun", "Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3", "Type 4", "Tous"}

['dailyResetWarnTime'] : Minutes Before Reset
Minutes avant réinitialisation

['dailyResetWarnTimeTooltip'] : How many minutes before the daily reset the warning should be displayed
Combien de minutes avant la réinitialisation quotidienne l’avertissement doit être affiché

['resetWarningExampleText'] : The warning will look like this
L’avertissement ressemblera à ça

['resetWarningMessageText'] : The daily reset for writs will be in <<1>> hour and <<2>> minutes
You can customize or turn off this warning in the settings
La réinitialisation quotidienne des commandes aura lieu dans <<1>> heure(s) et <<2>> minute(s).
Vous pouvez personnaliser ou désactiver cet avertissement dans les réglages.

Last edited by igx31 : 05/18/20 at 11:22 AM. Reason: Corrected pet begone tooltip
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05/18/20, 02:16 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Dolgubon View Post
For German, I need translations for these:
['fullBag'] : Dein Inventar ist voll. Bitte leere deine Taschen.
['masterWritSave'] : Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter hat dich davor gerettet, automatisch einen Meisterschrieb anzunehmen! Geh in deine Einstellungen, um diese Einstellung zu deaktivieren.
["withdrawItem"] "Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter hat "..amount.." ""entnommen. (noch "..remaining.." in der Bank)"
['pet begone'] : Begleiter deaktivieren
['pet begone warning'] : Wenn das aktiviert ist, siehst du Pacrooti. Du siehst keine anderen Spieler oder kämpfende Begleiter. Wenn es aktiviert wird, verschwinden Spieler nicht sofort. Wenn es deaktiviert wird, erscheinen sie nicht gleich wieder. Das sind keine Bugs, sondern unvermeidbare Nebeneffekte.

['pet begone tooltip'] : Ob und wann Begleiter deaktiviert werden. Begleiter können Interaktionen blockieren, aber das wird sie daran hindern, Interaktionen mit Handwerksstationen, Schriebabgaben etc. zu blockieren. Für das beste Ergebnis immer anschalten auf Handwerkscharakteren.
["pet begone choices"] = {"Nie verstecken", "Immer verstecken", "Bei der Questannahme verstecken"}
['despawnBanker'] : Despawn Banker
['despawnBankerTooltip'] : Bankier automatisch wegschicken, nachdem Items entnommen wurden.['stealingProtection'] : Diebstahlschutz
['stealingProtectionTooltip'] : Verhindert, dass du etwas stiehlst, solange ein Handwerksschrieb aktiv ist.

['suppressQuestAnnouncements'] : Verberge Handwerksschrieb-Meldungen
['suppressQuestAnnouncementsTooltip'] : Verbirgt den Text beim Starten der Handwerksquests und beim Herstellen der Gegenstände dafür in der Mitte des Bildschirms
['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Füge automatisch den Text ZERSTÖREN in die Dialogbox beim Schmuck verwerten ein
['noDELETEConfirmJewelry'] : Einfache Schmuckverwertung

['resetWarningMessageText'] : Das Zurücksetzen der täglichen Handwerksschriebe ist in <<1>> Stunde und <<2>> Minuten
Du kannst diese Warnung in den Einstellungen ändern oder ausschalten

['resetWarningExampleText'] : Die Warnung wird wie folgt aussehen
['dailyResetWarnType'] : Warnung für Zurücksetzen der täglichen Quests
['dailyResetWarnTypeTooltip'] : Welche Art von Warnung soll angezeigt werden, wenn das tägliche Zurücksetzen bevorsteht?

['dailyResetWarnTypeChoices'] ={ "Keine","Typ 1", "Typ 2", "Typ 3", "Typ 4", "Alle"}
['dailyResetWarnTime'] : Minuten vor dem Zurücksetzen
['dailyResetWarnTimeTooltip'] : Wie viele Minuten vor dem Zurücksetzen soll die Warnung angezeigt werden

Let me know if you need anything else I wasn't sure what you meant with the "pet begone warning". If you explain it to me, I might be able to improve that translation
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05/18/20, 04:04 PM   #15
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Thanks to everyone who provided translations! I have a few more for both languages which that I missed:
[color=#e5e5e5]Remaining translations needed:
For German:
['autoCloseBank'] ="Automatic Bank Dialog"
['autoCloseBankTooltip'] = "Automatically enter and exit the banking dialogue if there are items to be withdrawn"

Remaining translations needed:
For French: (I found some I missed)
["surveys"] = "Crafting Surveys"
["sealedWrits"] = "Sealed Writs"

["moreStyleSettings"] = "You do not have any usable style stones.\nYou likely need to allow more in the Settings Menu"
["moreStyleKnowledge"] = "You do not have any usable style stones.\nYou might need to learn to craft more styles"
["hide when done"] = "Hide when done"
["hide when done tooltip"] = "Hide the addon window when all items have been crafted"

Originally Posted by [/COLOR
igx31;4115]['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Automatically add the DELETE text confirmation to the delete jewelry dialog box
Ajouter automatiquement le texte de confirmation SUPPRIMER à la boîte de dialogue de destruction de joaillerie
→ I didn’t manage to have this dialog box pop up, so the translation (and the word to type) may be inaccurate. Could could please explain what to do to display it ?

['useCharacterSettingsTooltip'] : Use character specific settings on this character only
Utilise des options spécifiques pour ce personnage uniquement
→ I did not understand what the additional word « occur » had to do, and did not translate it. It is required, please explain me what it changes.

- For the noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip -> you can view the window by attempting to destroy a jewelry sealed writ.
useCharacterSettingsTooltip -> Occur was a typo, shouldn't have been there.

Originally Posted by [FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif
Originally Posted by [FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif

["withdrawItem"] "Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter retrieved "..amount.." "". ("..remaining.." in bank)"

-> Can you give an example?

['pet begone warning'] : When on, you will see Pacrooti. You will not see any other players, or any combat pets. If it turns on, players will not disappear instantly. If it turns off, they will not re-appear instantly. These are not bugs, but unavoidable side effects.

Wenn aktiviert, siehst du Pacrooti. Du siehst keine anderen Spieler oder deren Begleiter. Wenn du das aktivierst, verschwinden die Spieler nicht sofort. Wenn du das deaktivierst, erscheinen sie nicht sofort wieder. Es handelt sich nicht um Fehler, sondern unvermeidbare Nebenwirkungen.

(-> I'm still not sure I understand this... I don't see any players, or just WHILE crafting?)

['stealingProtectionTooltip'] : Prevent you from stealing while a writ is in your journal

Verhindert, dass du etwas stehlen kannst, solange du aktive Handwerksquests im Journal hast

-> Is this only for dailies or also master writs? Because the letter might change the wording

['noDELETEConfirmJewelry'] : Easy Jewelry Destruction
['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Automatically add the DELETE text confirmation to the delete jewelry dialog box

-> Not sure what is meant by this (is this a new feature?)

Looks like Baertram got the remaining translations, but here's the questions you had answered:
"withdrawItem" -> e.g Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter retrieved 1 Essence of Health (10 in bank)
Note that Essence of Health is an item link
"pet begone warning" -> You won't see any players at all while running around if this is currently active.
"stealingProtectionTooltip" -> It's only for daily writs. You could still steal while a master writ is active.
"noDELETEConfirmJewelry" -> About half a year old, so not super new but not an older feature either. When you attempt to delete some items, there's a confirmation box you need to type DELETE into. This feature will fill that in for Jewelry Writs.
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05/18/20, 11:27 PM   #16
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["surveys"] = "Crafting Surveys"
Repérages d'artisanat

["sealedWrits"] = "Sealed Writs"
Commandes scellées

["moreStyleSettings"] = "You do not have any usable style stones.\nYou likely need to allow more in the Settings Menu"
Vous n'avez pas de pierre de style utilisable.\nVous devriez probablement en autoriser plus dans le menu Réglages > Extensions.

["moreStyleKnowledge"] = "You do not have any usable style stones.\nYou might need to learn to craft more styles"
Vous n'avez pas de pierre de style utilisable.\nIl se pourrait que vous ayez besoin d'apprendre à fabriquer plus de styles.

["hide when done"] = "Hide when done"
Cacher quand terminé

["hide when done tooltip"] = "Hide the addon window when all items have been crafted"
Cacher la fenêtre de l'extension quand tous les objets ont été fabriqués

+Corrected :
['noDELETEConfirmJewelryTooltip'] : Automatically add the DELETE text confirmation to the delete jewelry dialog box
Ajouter automatiquement le texte de confirmation DETRUIRE à la boîte de dialogue de destruction de joaillerie
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05/18/20, 11:37 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Dolgubon View Post
noDELETEConfirmJewelry" -> About half a year old, so not super new but not an older feature either. When you attempt to delete some items, there's a confirmation box you need to type DELETE into. This feature will fill that in for Jewelry Writs.
Maybe it would be worth precising, then :
> Automatically add the DELETE text confirmation to the delete jewelry master writ dialog box
... in which case, the translation would be :
> Ajouter automatiquement le texte de confirmation DETRUIRE à la boîte de dialogue de destruction des commandes de maître de joaillerie
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05/19/20, 12:37 AM   #18
Join Date: Feb 2019
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For German:
['autoCloseBank'] ="Automatischer Bankdialog"
['autoCloseBankTooltip'] = "Selbstständiges Öffnen und Schließen des Bankdialoges falls Gegenstände entnommen werden müssen"
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05/19/20, 10:03 AM   #19
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hello, here is the french translation.

but before, I think for this there is an error in the request:
["moreStyleKnowledge"] = "You do not have any usable style stones
we are talking about of style and not of style stones. I corrected in the following translation.


["surveys"] = "Crafting Surveys"
["surveys"] = "Commande d'artisanat"

["sealedWrits"] = "Sealed Writs"
["sealedWrits"] = "Commande Scellée"

["moreStyleSettings"] = "You do not have any usable style stones.\nYou likely need to allow more in the Settings Menu"
["moreStyleSettings"] = "Vous n'avez pas de pierre de style disponible.\nVous devriez en autoriser plus dans le menu Paramètres"

["moreStyleKnowledge"] = "You do not have any usable style stones.\nYou might need to learn to craft more styles"
["moreStyleKnowledge"] = "Vous ne connaissez pas assez de styles.\nVous devez apprendre plus de styles"

["hide when done"] = "Hide when done"
["hide when done"] = "Masquer quand fini"

["hide when done tooltip"] = "Hide the addon window when all items have been crafted"
["hide when done tooltip"] = "Masquer la fenetre de l'addon quand tous les items ont été craftés"
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05/19/20, 10:07 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Freezbeez View Post
but before, I think for this there is an error in the request:
we are talking about of style and not of style stones
The style stones are the items needed to craft the style so the wording should be the same within the French language as the game provides the items for each language the same way (e.g. the "molybdenum" or the "Crown Mimic Stone" for all styles).
Maybe your understanding was just wrong?

Else you'd just say "You do not have any style"

Last edited by Baertram : 05/19/20 at 10:09 AM.
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