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02/02/24, 12:09 PM   #1
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LibSets - Translation needed FR, ES, RU, ZH

Hi, anyone able to help with translations to French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese:

Please translate the following strings to the language (tell me which one you translated please ).

-Do not translate teh String before the = (e.g. ["en"] = ). Only translate the String behind the = (right side of the =), e.g. at [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_PVP_REWARDS_FOR_THE_WORTHY] = "Rewards for the worthy", only translate the "Rewards for the worthy"
-Do NOT translate comments that start with --, e.g. --lib.localization
-Do NOT translate placeholders like GetString(SI_WHATEVER) e.g. GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE7),
-Do NOT translate the .. which are used to concatenate strings e.g. "Hello " .. GetString(SI_WHATEVER) .. " World" -> Here you only need to translate the "Hello " "World"
-Do NOT translate function names like zo_strformat(, ZO_CachedStrFormat(, or string.format(. Just leave them as they are

Many thanks

        de  = "German",
        en  = "English",
        fr  = "French",
        jp  = "Japanese",
        ru  = "Russian",
        pl  = "Polish",
        es  = "Spanish",
        zh  = "Chinese",
        dlc                      = "Chapter,DLC&Patch",
        dropZones                = "Drop zones",
        dropZoneDelve            = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE7),
        dropZoneDungeon          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneVeteranDungeon   = GetString(SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY2) .. " " .. dungeonStr,
        dropZonePublicDungeon    = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE6),
        dropZoneBattleground     = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE9),
        dropZoneTrial            = GetString(SI_LFGACTIVITY4),
        dropZoneArena            = setTypeArenaName["en"],
        dropZoneMail             = GetString(SI_WINDOW_TITLE_MAIL),
        dropZoneCrafted          = GetString(SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE213),
        dropZoneCyrodiil         = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE1),
        dropZoneMonster          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneImperialCity     = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE4),
        dropZoneImperialSewers   = "Imperial City Sewers",
        dropZoneEndlessArchive   = GetString(SI_ZONEDISPLAYTYPE12),
        --dropZoneOverland =          GetString(),
        dropZoneSpecial          = GetString(SI_HOTBARCATEGORY9),
        dropZoneMythic           = GetString(SI_ITEMDISPLAYQUALITY6),
        droppedBy                = "Dropped by",
        reconstructionCosts      = "Reconstruction cost",
        setId                    = "Set ID",
        setType                  = "Set type",
        armorType                = "Armor type",
        weaponType               = "Weapon type",
        armorOrWeaponType        = "Armor-/Weapon type",
        equipmentType            = "Equipment slot",
        equipSlot                = "Slot",
        enchantmentSearchCategory = "Enchantment cat.",
        numBonuses               = "# bonus",
        neededTraits             = "Traits needed (research)",
        neededTraitsOrReconstructionCost = "Traits (research)/Reconstruction costs",
        dropMechanic             = "Drop mechanics",
        undauntedChest           = undauntedStr .. " chest",
        boss                     = GetString(SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES501),
        modifyTooltip            = "Enhance tooltip by set info",
        tooltipTextures          = "Show tooltip textures",
        tooltipTextures_T        = "Show textures for the set type, drop mechanics and location/boss names ... within the tooltip",
        defaultTooltipPattern    = "Default tooltip",
        defaultTooltipPattern_TT = "Use the checkboxes to add this information about set items at the item tooltips.\nThe default output format is:\n\n<texture><set type name> <if craftable set: (traits needed)/if not craftable: (reconstruction costs)>\n<Drop zone info> [containing <zoneName> (<dropMechanic>: dropMechanicDropLocation>)]\n<DLC name>\nIf all zones are the same the dropMechanic and locatiton/boss names will be added as 1 line ; separated.",
        customTooltipPattern     = "Custom tooltip text",
        customTooltipPattern_TT  = "Define your own custom tooltip text, including the possibility to use some pre-defined placeholders in your text. Example: \'Type <<1>>/Drops <<2>> <<3>> <<4>>\'.\nLeave the text field empty to disable this custom tooltip!\nPlaceholders need to start with prefix << followed by a 1 digit number and a suffix of >>, e.g. <<1>> or <<5>>.\nThere can be only a maximum of 6 placeholders in the text. Line break: <br>\n\nBelow you'll find the possible placeholders:\n<<1>>   Set type\n<<2>>   Drop mechanics [could be several, for each zone, separated by \',\']\n<<3>>   Drop zones [could be several, for each zone, separated by \',\'] If all zones are the same they will be condensed\n<<4>>   Boss/Dropped by names [could be several, for each zone, separated by \',\']\n<<5>>   Number of needed traits researched, or reconstruction costs\n<<6>>   Chapter/DLC name set was introduced with.\n\n|cFF0000Attention|r: If you enter an invalid tooltip text, without any <<number>> placeholder the editfield will automatically clear itsself!",
        slashCommandDescription         = "Search translations of set names",
        slashCommandDescriptionClient   = "Search set ID/names (game client language)",
        previewTT                = "Set preview",
        previewTT_TT             = "Use the SlashCommand /lsp <setId> or /lsp <setName or setId> to get a preview tooltip of a set item.\n\nIf you got LibSlashCommander enabled the set names will show a list of possible entries as you type the name/id already.\nWas a set selected (name is written to the chat entry editbox) via the TAB key/mouse you can show the translated set names in other languages via the \'space\' key. Pressing the return key on that setName in another language (or clicking it) will show the current client language setName and the other chosen language setName in the chat edit box so you can mark and copy it.\n\n\nUse the SlashCommand /lss <setname or setId> to show/hide the set search UI.",
        previewTTToChatToo       = "Preview itemLink to chat",
        previewTTToChatToo_TT    = "With this setting enabled the preview itemlink of the set item will be send to your chat edit box too, so you can post it/mark it with your mouse an copy it to your clipboard using CTRL+C.",
        headerUIStuff            = "UI",
        headerTooltips            = "Tooltips",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton = "Set coll.: Current zone button",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton_TT = "Add a current zone/parent zone button to the set collections UI",
        moreOptions = "More options",
        parentZone = "Parent zone",
        currentZone = "Current zone",
        --Search UI
        multiSelectFilterSelectedText = "<<1[$d %s/$d %s]>>",
        noMultiSelectFiltered = "No %s filtered",
        nameTextSearch = "(+/-)Name/ID , separated",
        nameTextSearchTT = "Enter multiple names/IDs separated by a comma (,).\nUse the + or - prefix to include or exclude a name/ID from the search results.",
        bonusTextSearch = "(+/-)Bonus , separated",
        bonusTextSearchTT = "Enter multiple bonus separated by a comma (,).\nUse the + or - prefix to include or exclude a bonus from the search results.\nAdd :<bonusLine#> to explicitly search in that bonus line\n\nExamples:\n+crit,-life finds all sets with bonus text crit (e.g. criticial chance) but w/o text life\n+crit:2 Finds all sets with 2. bonus line's text crit",
        showAsText =        "Show as text",
        showAsTextWithIcons = "Show as text (with icons)",
        textBoxFilterTooltips = "Text filter: Tooltips",
        dropdownFilterTooltips = "Dropdown filter: Tooltips",
        dropdownFilterEntryTooltips = "Dropdown filter: Entry tooltips",
        searchUIShowSetNameInEnglishToo = "Show/Search Set names in English too",
        popupTooltip                = "Popup tooltip",
        setInfos                    = "Set infos",
        showAsTooltip               = "Show as tooltip",
        showCurrentZoneSets         = "Show current zone\'s sets",
        clearHistory                = "Clear history",
        wayshrines                  = "Wayshrines",
        invertSelection             = "≠ Invert selection"
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_BRUMA]                  = "Cyrodiil City: Bruma (quartermaster/daily quest)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CROPSFORD]              = "Cyrodiil City: Cropsford (quartermaster/daily quest)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_VLASTARUS]              = "Cyrodiil City: Vlastarus (quartermaster/daily quest)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ARENA_STAGE_CHEST]                    = "Arena stage chest",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MONSTER_NAME]                         = "Monster name",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]                  = "Delve bosses",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                   = "Overland group bosses",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_PUBLIC_DUNGEON]         = "Public dungeon bosses",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                       = "Overland/Delve chests",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_REWARD]                  = "Battlegounds reward",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_DAILY_RANDOM_DUNGEON_REWARD]     = "Daily random dungeon reward mail",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_IMPERIAL_CITY_VAULTS]                 = "Imperial city vaults",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_LEVEL_UP_REWARD]                      = "Level up reward",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TELVAR_EQUIPMENT_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]    = "Tel Var equipment lockbox merchant, IC sewer base",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]       = "Alliance points elite gear lockbox merchant, Cyrodiil/Vvardenfell",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_REWARD_BY_NPC]                        = "A named NPC rewards with this item",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_OBLIVION_PORTAL_FINAL_CHEST] = "Oblivion portal final boss chest",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DOLMEN_HARROWSTORM_MAGICAL_ANOMALIES] = "Dolmen, Harrowstorms, Magical anomalies reward",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                        = "Chests in a dungeon",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DAILY_QUEST_REWARD_COFFER]            = "Daily quest reward coffer",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_FISHING_HOLE]                         = "Fishing hole",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_LOOT]                        = "Loot from overland items",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                           = "Bosses in trial dungeons",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MOB_TYPE]                             = "Mob/Critter type",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_GROUP_DUNGEON_BOSS]                   = "Bosses in group dungeons",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_PUBLIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                 = "Chests in public dungeons",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_HARVEST_NODES]                        = "Harvest crafting nodes",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_IMPERIAL_CITY_TREASURE_TROVE_SCAMP]   = "Imperial city treasure Trove scamp",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHEYDINHAL]             = "Cyrodiil City: Cheydinhal",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHEYDINHAL_CHORROL_WEYNON_PRIORY] = "Cyrodiil City: Cheydinhal / Weynon Priory, Chorrol",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CYRODIIL_BOARD_MISSIONS]              = "Cyrodiil Board missions",
        --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_VENDOR]                  = GetString(SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE4) .. " " .. GetString(SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER2), --Battleground vendors
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CRAFTED]                              = GetString(SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CRAFTED),
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_PVP_REWARDS_FOR_THE_WORTHY]   = "Rewards for the worthy (" .. cyrodiilAndBattlegroundText .. " mail) - Contains only newest item sets!\nAs new sets continue to get added, older sets will be removed here and added into other Cyrodiil sources:\nAll PvP item sets will now drop from Cyrodiil delves, dolmens and board missions.\nTown Daily Quest and Merchants will be divided by Light, Medium and Heavy. Exception: Cheydinhal and Chorrol/Weynon Priory reward any set.\nAll PvP sets are available as individual containers on both Town Merchants and Elite Gear Vendors.\nDelves will drop waist and feet item sets\nDolmens will drop jewelry\nBoard Missions will drop all other armor pieces.\nBounty and Scout missions will award armor pieces.\nBattle and Warfront missions will reward weapon slot pieces.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]               = "Delve bosses have a chance to drop a waist or feet.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                = "Overland group bosses have a 100% chance to drop head, chest, legs, or weapon.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_PUBLIC_DUNGEON]      = "Public dungeon bosses have a chance to drop a shoulder, hand, or weapon.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                    = "Chests gained from defeating a Dark Anchor have a 100% chance to drop a ring or amulet.\nTreasure chests found in the world have a chance to grant any set piece that can drop in that zone:\n-Simple chests have a slight chance\n-Intermediate chests have a good chance\n-Advanced and Master chests have a guaranteed chance\n-Treasure chests found from a Treasure Map have a guaranteed chance",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ANTIQUITIES]                       = GetString(SI_ANTIQUITY_TOOLTIP_TAG), --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TELVAR_EQUIPMENT_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT] = "Chest that can be exchanged for TelVar Stones at a TelVar equipment vendor in your faction's base, in the Imperial City sewers.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]    = "Chest that can be exchanged for Alliance Points at a elite gear lockbox merchant in Cyrodiil (Eastern Elsweyr Gate, Southern High Rock Gate, Northern Morrowind Gate), or a battleground merchant in Vvardenfell (Ald Carac, Foyada Quarry, Ularra)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                        = "All bosses: Hands, Waist, Feet, Chest, Shoulder, Head, Legs\nFinal bosses: Weapon, Shield\nQuest reward containers: Jewelry, Weapon, Shield (Binds on pickup))",

		--special Zone names

		--Set type names
        ["en"] = "Arena",
        ["en"] = "Battleground",
        ["en"] = "Crafted",
        ["en"] = "Cyrodiil",
        ["en"] = "Random Dungeons & Imperial city " .. zo_strformat("<<c:1>>", "Reward"),
        ["en"] = "Dungeon",
        ["en"] = "Imperial city",
        ["en"] = "Monster",
        ["en"] = "Overland",
        ["en"] = "Special",
        ["en"] = "Trial",
        ["en"] = "Mythic",
        ["en"] = "Imperial city monster",
        ["en"] = "Cyrodiil monster",
        ["en"] = "Class specific",

Last edited by Baertram : 02/02/24 at 12:17 PM.
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ESOUI » Developer Discussions » Translation Help » LibSets - Translation needed FR, ES, RU, ZH

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