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01/23/16, 06:30 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
not a fan of your A) solution but if you reverse the issue you can come up with something

why not include the group dps (as a whole) as a part of the mechanic at boss fights? : doing too high dps could enrage the boss faster for example (with a yellow/green/red zone, red making the run fail in most case, yellow for normal boss behavior... and a tiny little window of green for efficient teamwork maybe with a bonus loot for staying in that window or a chance at bonus extra damages or anything)

that way there would be more focus on teamwork (both tactical and power management) rather than individual biggies. And still a lil-o-meter to content lil-o-meter lovers.

Edit :
Originally Posted by Chip
DPS is just one component of group success and relying on it exclusively as a metric for whether the group can succeed or not can destroy perfectly good groups
except saying that teamwork+tactic >= overkill won't make it true. Even people who aren't in favor of the shown dps acknowledge that you can bypass all mechanics with high enough dps.

I doubt that a simple API change can solve anything. Why not an alternative like disallowing kicks altogether but make it possible to "sacrifice" a teammate to a deadric prince for a boon. Like 20% extra damage for all if you sacrifice a dps, 50% def for the tank, health regen for the healer. The sacrificed is given the possibility to observe the game without being overwhelmed by his own noobness (in all relativity ofc). Maybe he can solve some puzzles to have the deadra jailor smite mobs here and there.

Maybe that kind of system could also allow entering the dungeons with less than 4 people if you can add the boons/sacrifice. Having a teammate actually jailed should just allow more benefits.
So dead weight wouldn't be so dead, and could actually learn from watching. Even chose to get to jail for their firsts runs to learn the mechanics etc...

but anyway there are an infinite way of having things working without pushing player to their worst. None of them is as simple as an api change though.

Last edited by Wandamey : 01/23/16 at 10:17 AM.
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