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09/13/17, 08:47 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Dolgubon View Post

In that case, you should be fine using the table that I put there, as those are the things of the quest. Seems I overlooked it, but here's the English version of them, which should help you determine what is what.
[CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY] = "concoction",
["plate"] = "plate",
["tailoring"] = "tailoring",
["leatherwear"] = "leatherwear",
["weapon"] = "weapon",
["shield"] = "shield",

As for differentiating Blacksmithing writs from the master writs: You can use GetJournalQuestRepeatType(i)==QUEST_REPEAT_DAILY. If it is true, it's a writ, otherwise it's a master writ.

Note that since you are comparing strings quite often, sometimes the German/French stuff needs a bit of 'massaging' or possibly you could shorten the string you are looking for. For example, longue, longué, longuen, etc. That particular example probably doesn't exist, but should give you the idea.

GetJournalQuestConditionInfo(questIndex, 1, condition number) -> returns _, current, max
If the current == max for all of the conditions, you automatically know you need to deliver the item. A bit longer to check than the string, but it'll also be more resistant to language changes.

Finally, another potential solution to differentiating Blacksmith Weapons/Woodworking Weapons: you have the weapon names, so you can use that to search the condition.
great suggestions! I'm working on it now, I really like the GetJournalQuestRepeatType(i) good call. Its been a while since I've dug into the API thanks for that thought. I agree with the string shortening.. makes perfect sense. Since I am "allowing" users to use a slash command outside of a crafting station (/cwa) then it creates a challenge to require parsing the quest details in order to determine the dropdown selection and craft type.

Thanks again! I'll keep you posted on my progress!
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ESOUI » Developer Discussions » Translation Help » Crafting Writ Assistant - Need French and German... BUT welcome other Languages

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