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01/04/20, 05:07 PM   #1
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Up until yesterday I was using Votan's Keybinder so I wouldn't have to set this up for every single char separately, but I realized the addons was probably the cause of random "insecure code" LUA errors when withdrawing/depositing stuff from/to the bank, so I decided to get rid of it and just do everything manually.
I still do need to use key combinations though, so I installed Emacs.
Then all hell broke loose.
Part of the keybinds (always random) just wouldn't save, or rather, would reset to previous state after /reloadui, no matter what I did. If I somehow manage to get the base game binds to work, there are always a few addon ones that just wouldn't stick. After some 10 hours (in total) of trying to get this **** working on a single char I am giving up, because I am ready to start destroying things.

Has anyone here ever had the same problem? Has anyone found a solution?

I am sure there are plenty of people who use key combinations.

P.S. The keybinds seem to be stored on the servers, right?
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01/04/20, 06:18 PM   #2
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There is a maximum of keybinds stored on the servers. If you are above that maximum the keybinds will just not change/save anymore.
Not sure what the maximum is but with about 10 addons using keybinds you might already hit it. Maybe even less, maybe more addons.

Had this happening a few times already.

Try to disable addons which use keybinds and then load your other addons you want to set the keybinds for. Then change them and see they should be saved properly again. Maybe having both addons (the one you had disabled and the one you saved new ones for) enabled at the same afterwards might make some not work again then.
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01/05/20, 02:33 AM   #3
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Oh! I didn't think about that.
But seriously, this is some extremely weird coding (keeping these on the server) and questionable design (not allowing combinations to be used and such limit).
Just why, ZOS...
Not to mention this is not explained anywhere in the official sources

In the end, it sucks, because some addons just don't really work without a keybind (no other way to open them).
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01/05/20, 08:44 AM   #4
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Yes, I know and think the same about it.
They should raise the limit at least so we can save more keybinds in the end, if they stick to this behaviour.
I've already used /bug ingame to open an issue but never heared about it anymore, maybe if more ppl raise one it get's to their attention.
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01/05/20, 08:59 AM   #5
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I don't think they listen to feedback very much
I know some stuff is not matter of life and death, but damn, five years after launch you'd think they'd fix improve certain things that had been brought up over and over. And the list is almost endless.

I know they primarily need to make money, but the amount of new content they release (half of which doesn't seem too interesting anyway) starts to feel ridiculous to me, and at some point they should simply go back to the base game and focus on doing something about the ancient and/or bugged systems.
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01/05/20, 12:56 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Octopuss View Post
at some point they should simply go back to the base game and focus on doing something about the ancient and/or bugged systems.
Who needs a working (for example) guild system when you can have dragons flying overhead? "We fixed all of the things we did wrong" doesn't draw people in the way "DRAGONS" does.
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01/05/20, 01:47 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Octopuss View Post
I don't think they listen to feedback very much
I know some stuff is not matter of life and death, but damn, five years after launch you'd think they'd fix improve certain things that had been brought up over and over. And the list is almost endless.

I know they primarily need to make money, but the amount of new content they release (half of which doesn't seem too interesting anyway) starts to feel ridiculous to me, and at some point they should simply go back to the base game and focus on doing something about the ancient and/or bugged systems.
Absolutely right. The cavalier disregard they have for fixing some of these issues is pretty maddening.
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01/05/20, 09:17 PM   #8
Akopian Atrebates
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You know what I think about some of the really old bugs? I have played in games in Ultima Online beta onward. Programmers come and go on these games. Every year they add layers and layers onto the coding they have before. They might start with good organization, but every time somebody new comes in, they misunderstand the importance of this or that at some point. Eventually, the game becomes extremely hard to fix. Some seemingly innocuous changes have far reaching effects that nobody there can really understand. They know how to tamper with things they change often, but certain difficult bugs that were hard to fix in the past become even harder in the future when people understand them even less. It would probably take tremendous devotion by certain parties to fix and text certain seemingly simple bugs. I remember a couple of times Ultima Online simply shutting down because of what were supposed to be simple fixes. Nothing has changed since then. Every game has been like that. Dark Age of Camelot, EVE, WoW, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer ONline, and more.
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01/05/20, 10:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Octopuss View Post
I don't think they listen to feedback very much
I know some stuff is not matter of life and death, but damn, five years after launch you'd think they'd fix improve certain things that had been brought up over and over. And the list is almost endless.

I know they primarily need to make money, but the amount of new content they release (half of which doesn't seem too interesting anyway) starts to feel ridiculous to me, and at some point they should simply go back to the base game and focus on doing something about the ancient and/or bugged systems.
Originally Posted by Akopian Atrebates View Post
You know what I think about some of the really old bugs? I have played in games in Ultima Online beta onward. Programmers come and go on these games. Every year they add layers and layers onto the coding they have before. They might start with good organization, but every time somebody new comes in, they misunderstand the importance of this or that at some point. Eventually, the game becomes extremely hard to fix. Some seemingly innocuous changes have far reaching effects that nobody there can really understand. They know how to tamper with things they change often, but certain difficult bugs that were hard to fix in the past become even harder in the future when people understand them even less. It would probably take tremendous devotion by certain parties to fix and text certain seemingly simple bugs. I remember a couple of times Ultima Online simply shutting down because of what were supposed to be simple fixes. Nothing has changed since then. Every game has been like that. Dark Age of Camelot, EVE, WoW, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer ONline, and more.
Yes, I'm sure that 99.999% of any long-lived software project gets like that. A well-run project should have an architect who keeps that kind of thing in check but there aren't too many of those.

As a programmer, I take pride in my projects and would not like to see people complaining bitterly about the same bugs over a long period of time so I, personally, would spend a lot of time trying to fix things. I suspect that at companies like ZOS there is really no pride of accomplishment or embarrassment when things are broken. Programmers are probably focused on things like adding dragons and are possibly even chastised if they try to spend any time trying to figure out, e.g., why players are running on top of their horses.

And, the people at the top probably don't really worry about non-gamebreaking bugs since fixing them does not bring in revenue. They also likely don't have any pride in their finished product. It just has to be good enough to get people to buy it.

I guess that's just good-old capitalism at work.
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01/06/20, 04:55 AM   #10
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Oh, Ultima Online. Wow. The memories. I played the absolute **** out of it back in 2000-2002. Fun times when I had 300ms+ ping for a few months dues to ISP problems

ESO... I just don't know anymore. I even quit for several months last/this year because I couldn't stand the not so major yet exremely annoying bugs/borderline bugs/semi-unfinished/half-arsed features, and I decided not to give the company anymore of my money, meaning I cancelled my ESO+. Having only half the bank space sucks and I have ****ton of crafting mats stored across my chars, but I just refuse to pay for something they refuse to fix.

They "promised" Dx12 client back in 2016 or something. Nothing ever happened, and while all the performance improvements they are working on are great, something tells me we'd still get **** fps in the end anyway.
The renderer needs to go. Have you ever paid attention to the draw distance of shadows, grass and the like? I only noticed about a week ago. It's like friggin' 15 metres! And that's with all the artifical fog limiting view distance in the first place.
The game just screams "outdated crap" everywhere you go.
The character models are just ****, every mesh is as simple as possible, resulting in for example character models looking like from 2005 or something (if you look from too close up) with awesome rectangular shapes.
I just don't understand why they can't release something like high-res/higher-poly pack for the PC. I get it, consoles have useless hardware and the game is pushing it already, but FFS, why does that mean everyone has to suffer?
Housing, half arsed nonsense that's only good for getting frustrated, light sources being too dim and light going through floors, just...why/wtf?
The client not even recognizing Unicode characters on the input? What ****ing year is this?

I have to stop right there because the more I'm thinking about it, the more I feel like hanging someone from the balls and pissing on his incompetent head.
I used to play ESO like a maniac, but all this crap finally got to me some time during last year (actually the end of 2018).

I want to play it but I just can't.
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01/06/20, 09:18 AM   #11
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I don't care about the graphics if the group play, what an MMO RPG is made for!, just works properly.
All the small cosmetic bugs: I can ignore them (most at least).
But performance problems which occur each event, group finders not working etc. is kind of killing my fun.

But I also want to say "thank you" to the community here! It's the best benefit and keeps my joy and fun up, or restores it quickly if I'm **** about the game again!
The game is great due to the community imo.
And yes, there could be much better implementaitons here and there but in the end it works most of the time.

All, except PvP. Ppl thend to be mean and awfull in these regions as they need to compare their egos and builds. Some just play it, many start to flame and whisper you if you get a lucky punch on their imba build (or are just better in single occurrences ).
And the lags and stutters there just kill my last bit of hope and fun, so I avoid it 99%.
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01/06/20, 09:27 AM   #12
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You are right, but at the same time - in this time and age, there is no reason why a game shouldn't play good AND look good at the same time. Especially if we're talking about big companies with bug budgets.

All the wrong stuff adds up, and in the end can kill the fun... not for everyone of course, but it kinda did for me. I played pretty much nonstop for a year, but I started noticing all the crap and I couldn't unsee it after that.
The last drop was realizing ZOS didn't care. They don't care and they don't even acknowledge the existance of any bugs/problems (unless it's the whole server crashing of course). I mean FFS, they could at least comment "sorry, we're not going to address this or that because xyz". But no.
Not being able to type in your own language is a minor annoyance, but take five such things and it starts to piss you off to no end.
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02/14/20, 05:17 PM   #13
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Binder is old but still works great! You can save all you keybindings /binder save ????? Then on all you toons /binder load ?????. It uses a saved variable.

I use auto run for all toons put the binder command /binder load ????? in auto run then all toons will automatically get last saved keys
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02/15/20, 03:57 AM   #14
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I recommand Votans Keybinds as it is still maintained and got some bugs fixed binder had afaik.
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02/20/20, 03:43 PM   #15
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Yeah, votan's is running fine for me.
Got an update recently which made me activate a library (that changed / got added) in my addon profiles, but that was all.
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04/29/20, 11:14 PM   #16
Akopian Atrebates
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Edit: Funny I did not notice I posted essentially the same thing twice, but I guess I added a little more information the second time. I suspect I forgot I posted the first time as I have a brain injury and fix things. Caught my eye twice though! Anyway, here is what I said the second time:

I quit ESO a long time ago when they stopped the subscription mode and came back about a year and half ago. As you can see from the post above, I have been playing these games since Ultima Online came out. I have had to deal with bugs and stuff in every single mmorpg, so I guess I expect it. For some reason, some of them are hard to stomp out.

I think that ESO does about as good a job as any other game out there. I am often astonished at the detail and intricacy that I have a feeling that a lot of players do not really appreciate as they race to level, max this or that, etc. I fear they do not ever really enjoy the full experience. Compared to most other games I have played, and I have played most of the them, DAOC, Warhammer, Rift, WoW, EVE, etc. they do alright. Steady stream of new content, an attempt to keep up with emerging imbalances (in all these games as player become wise to the systems they create new and sometimes unforeseen imbalance), decent policing for cheating and serious harassment (not perfect but I have seen them respond many times).

I suspect that it is actually pretty hard to get the combination of programmers and designers who have great skill and have not been enticed by more profitable opportunities than maintaining a game. I also suspect when they are putting these game together, the uncertainty of its initial success and the pressure to produce revenue makes it hard to maintain perfect discipline in documentation, patching, etc. And then there are those who think that a little obscurity in their programming makes them a little more indispensable. An uncertain gaming venture may not have the type of oversight to really prevent that kind of mischief.

To be honest, when I came back to ESO, I was astonished that it was still going as strong as it was. Compared to other games out there, I feel like they are a bit better than most. Since I was looking for a more modern DAOC, this seems to be about as good as it gets at the current time. I am content to enjoy what I have and try my best to overlook dumb things like the occasional person running atop a horse. I have been doing that for years in every single game I ever played.

Last edited by Akopian Atrebates : 03/10/22 at 04:02 AM.
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05/03/20, 12:47 PM   #17
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Binder still works.

I use Binder to save my keybind the set up auto run for each character to load your save keybinding when you log on

Emacs is useful for extar keybindings. You can assign mulitple key to a binding like Ctrl or Alt keys. For example Ctrl+F1 gives you an extrac binding for F1 key
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05/03/20, 03:12 PM   #18
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You can skip binder and autoruns if you only want to have the same keybinds on all characters, without the need of profiles:
Votans Keybinder
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