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11/16/21, 10:23 AM   #1
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AddonSelector - FR, RU, JP, ES, PT, BR needed

Needed languages: FR, RU, JP
Needed custom languages: ES, PT, BR, maybe others. You name it Thank you

Hello guys,

I'm in need for translations to the following languages.
I'm posting the complete strings here, where some were already translated in the past (please download the addon and check the file "AddonSelector.lua". The translation table startes at the line 49 (currently it's 49 but might change, so search for "local langArray = {" and you'll find the starting line that way!).

If your language was already supported you'll find a subtable entry e.g. ["de"] = { or ["pt"] = {.
Check the contents of this subtable please and translate the missing texts (they will be English in that table if a translation is missing).
At best re-translate existing ones in your language as well, o make sure everything is up2date.
PLEASE check your translation texts ingaem if they match the length of the visible UI controls! Thanks.

Here are the English texts you need to use a as a base for your translations:

Important: You ONLY need to translate the text AFTER the
e.g. "Pack Name:", "Select pack", "ADDON SELECTOR: Pack name missing.", ...

["en"] = {
		["packName"]			= "Pack name:",
		["selectPack"]			= "Select pack",
    	["ERRORpackMissing"] 	= "ADDON SELECTOR: Pack name missing.",
        ["autoReloadUIHint"]	= "Auto-Reload UI on pack selection.",
        ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Auto-Reload UI: When ON this will prevent editing and deleting addon packs. You will need to turn it off to edit or delete packs!",
        ["saveButton"]			= "Save",
        ["savePackTitle"]        = "Overwrite pack?",
        ["savePackBody"]        = "Overwrite existing pack %s?",
        ["deleteButton"]		= "Delete",
        ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Delete: ",
        ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: You must select a pack to delete.",
        ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Pack delete error\n%s.",
        ["deletePackBody"]      = "Really delete?\n%s",
        ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Deselect all",
        ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Select all",
        ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Re-select saved",
        ["AddonSearch"]          = "Search:",
        ["selectedPackName"]     = "Selected (%s): ",
        ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Library \'LibDialog\' is missing! This addon will not work without it!",
        ["ReloadUI"]            = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "Reload UI",
        ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Show active pack",
        ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"] = "Show submenu at global packs",
        ["ShowSettings"]        = "Show \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\' settings",
        ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Show global saved packs",
        ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Global pack settings",
        ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Character name settings",
        ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Save packs by character name",
        ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Show packs of character names",
        ["packCharName"]        = "Character of pack",
        ["packGlobal"]          = "Global",
        ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Exclude filename",
        ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Save history of search terms",
        ["searchClearHistory"] = "Clear history",
Thank you very very much!
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11/23/21, 12:01 PM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 43
Hey, Baertram !
I've reviewed the translation of the Japanese string table and added the missing parts.
- Calamath

Lua Code:
  1. ["jp"] = {
  2.         ["packName"] = "パック名:",
  3.         ["selectPack"] = "パック選択",
  4.         ["ERRORpackMissing"] = "ADDON SELECTOR: パック名が見つかりません",
  5.         ["autoReloadUIHint"] = "自動UIリロード",
  6.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "自動UIリロード: ONにした場合、編集や削除ができなくなります。 編集や削除をする場合はOFFにして下さい。",
  7.         ["saveButton"] = "保存",
  8.         ["savePackTitle"] = "上書き保存しますか?",
  9.         ["savePackBody"] = " %s に上書き保存しますか?",
  10.         ["deleteButton"] = "削除",
  11.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: 削除するパックを選択する必要があります。",
  12.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: パック削除エラー\n%s.",
  13.         ["deletePackTitle"] = "削除: ",
  14.         ["deletePackBody"] = "本当に削除しますか?\n%s",
  15.         ["DeselectAllAddons"] = "全解除",
  16.         ["SelectAllAddons"] = "全選択",
  17.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "保存したものを再選択",
  18.         ["AddonSearch"] = "検索:",
  19.         ["selectedPackName"] = "選択中 (%s):",
  20.         ["LibDialogMissing"] = "ライブラリ \'LibDialog\' が見つかりません! このアドオンはこれがないと動きません。",
  21.         ["ReloadUI"]        = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "UIをリロード",
  22.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "アクティブパックを表示",
  23.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"]            = "グローバルパックでサブメニューを表示",
  24.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "\'"..ADDON_NAME.."\' の設定を表示",
  25.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "グローバルに保存されたパックを表示",
  26.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "グローバルパックの設定",
  27.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "キャラクタ名パックの設定",
  28.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "キャラクタ名でパックを保存",
  29.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "キャラクタ名パックを表示",
  30.         ["packCharName"]        = "パックのキャラクタ",
  31.         ["packGlobal"]          = "グローバル",
  32.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "ファイル名を除外",
  33.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "検索語の履歴を保存",
  34.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "履歴を消去する",
  35.     },
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11/24/21, 01:33 PM   #3
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ありがとう / Thank you
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12/01/21, 04:16 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 20
ES: Spanish

Hi, Bertram,
And thank you for your work!

Lua Code:
  1. ["es"] = {
  2.         ["packName"]            = "Nombre del conjunto:",
  3.         ["selectPack"]          = "Selecciona conjunto",
  4.         ["ERRORpackMissing"]    = "ADDON SELECTOR: Falta nombre de conjunto",
  5.         ["autoReloadUIHint"]    = "Recargar interfaz al seleccionar un conjunto.",
  6.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Recarga automįtica: Si estį seleccionado, impide editar o suprimir conjuntos. Tiene que estar deseleccionado si quieres editar o suprimir conjuntos",
  7.         ["saveButton"]          = "Guardar",
  8.         ["savePackTitle"]        = "æSobreescribir conjunto?",
  9.         ["savePackBody"]        = "Sobreescribir conjunto existente %s?",
  10.         ["deleteButton"]        = "Suprimir",
  11.         ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Suprimir: ",
  12.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Tienes que seleccionar un conjunto a suprimir.",
  13.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Error de supresión del conjunto\n%s.",
  14.         ["deletePackBody"]      = "æQuieres realmente suprimir el conjunto?\n%s",
  15.         ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Deseleccionar todo",
  16.         ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Seleccionar todo",
  17.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Volver a seleccionar lo guardado",
  18.         ["AddonSearch"]          = "Buscar:",
  19.         ["selectedPackName"]     = "Seleccionado (%s): ",
  20.         ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "”Falta la librerķa \'LibDialog\'! ”El complemento no puede funcionar sin ella!",
  21.         ["ReloadUI"]            = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) o "Recargar interfaz",
  22.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Mostrar conjunto activo",
  23.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"] = "Mostrar submenus en los conjuntos globales",
  24.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "Mostrar ajustes de \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\' ",
  25.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Mostrar conjuntos globales guardados",
  26.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Ajustes de conjunto global",
  27.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Ajustes del nombre de personaje",
  28.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Guardar conjuntos por nombre de personaje",
  29.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Mostrar conjuntos por nombre de personaje",
  30.         ["packCharName"]        = "Personaje del conjunto",
  31.         ["packGlobal"]          = "Global",
  32.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Excluir nombre de archivo",
  33.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Guardar historial de bśsqueda",
  34.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "Borrar historial",
  35.     },

Last edited by Kwisatz : 12/01/21 at 04:57 AM.
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12/01/21, 04:56 AM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 20
FR: French

Lua Code:
  1. ["fr"] = {
  2.         ["packName"]            = "Nom du profil :",
  3.         ["selectPack"]          = "Sélectionner profil",
  4.         ["ERRORpackMissing"]    = "ADDON SELECTOR : Pas de nom de profil",
  5.         ["autoReloadUIHint"]    = "Recharger l'interface aprčs sélection d'un profil.",
  6.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Recharge automatique : Sélectionné, interdit l'édition ou la suppression des profils. Doit źtre déselectionné pour éditer ou supprimer un profil",
  7.         ["saveButton"]          = "Enregistrer",
  8.         ["savePackTitle"]        = "æRemplacer le profil?",
  9.         ["savePackBody"]        = "Remplacer le profil existant %s?",
  10.         ["deleteButton"]        = "Supprimer",
  11.         ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Supprimer: ",
  12.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Vous devez sélectionner un profil ą supprimer.",
  13.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Erreur de suppression du profil\n%s.",
  14.         ["deletePackBody"]      = "Vous souhaitez vraiment supprimer ce profil?\n%s",
  15.         ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Tout desélectionner",
  16.         ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Tout sélectionner",
  17.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Reprendre la sélection enregistrée",
  18.         ["AddonSearch"]          = "Rechercher:",
  19.         ["selectedPackName"]     = "Sélectionné (%s): ",
  20.         ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Librairie \'LibDialog\' manquante! L'addon ne peut pas fonctionner sans elle!",
  21.         ["ReloadUI"]            = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) o "Recharger l'interface",
  22.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Montrer le  profil actif",
  23.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"] = "Montrer les sous-menus des groupes de profils",
  24.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "Montrer configuration de \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\' ",
  25.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Montrer les groupes de profils enregistrés",
  26.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Configuration de groupe de profil",
  27.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Configuration du nom du personnage",
  28.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Enregistrer les groupes par nom de personnage",
  29.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Montrer les groupes par nom de personnage"
  30.         ["packCharName"]        = "Profil de personnage",
  31.         ["packGlobal"]          = "Profil global",
  32.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Exclure nom de fichier",
  33.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Enregistrer historique des recherches",
  34.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "Effacer l'historique",
  35.     },

Feel free to ask me anything you need.

Last edited by Kwisatz : 12/01/21 at 05:00 AM.
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12/01/21, 08:28 AM   #6
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Gracias y merci!
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12/04/21, 11:43 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 3
br: portuguese

Hello, love the addon! here's my translation to Brazillian Portuguese, never translated an addon before but hope this helps.

Lua Code:
  1. ["br"] = {
  2.         ["packName"]            = "Nome do pacote:",
  3.         ["selectPack"]          = "Selecionar pacote",
  4.         ["ERRORpackMissing"]    = "ADDON SELECTOR: Nome do pacote nćo existe.",
  5.         ["autoReloadUIHint"]    = "Atualizar interface na seleēćo de pacote.",
  6.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Atualizaēćo automįtica: se estiver ativo, isto irį te impedir de editar e deletar pacotes. Vocź precisa desativar essa opēćo para editar e deletar pacotes!",
  7.         ["saveButton"]          = "Salvar",
  8.         ["savePackTitle"]        = "Substituir pacote?",
  9.         ["savePackBody"]        = "Substituir pacote %s?",
  10.         ["deleteButton"]        = "Deletar",
  11.         ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Deletar: ",
  12.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Vocź deve selecionar um pacote para deletar.",
  13.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Erro ao deletar pacote\n%s.",
  14.         ["deletePackBody"]      = "Quer realmente deletar?\n%s",
  15.         ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Desmarcar todos",
  16.         ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Marcar todos",
  17.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Selecionar addons atuais",
  18.         ["AddonSearch"]          = "Buscar:",
  19.         ["selectedPackName"]     = "Selecionado (%s): ",
  20.         ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Estį faltando \'LibDialog\'! O addon nćo funciona sem ela!",
  21.         ["ReloadUI"]            = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "Atulizar interface",
  22.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Mostrar pacote ativo",
  23.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"] = "Mostrar submenus nos pacotes globais",
  24.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "Mostrar configuraēões de \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\' ",
  25.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Mostrar pacotes salvos globais",
  26.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Configuraēćo de pacotes globais",
  27.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Configuraēões do nome de personagem",
  28.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Salvar pacotes pelo nome de personagem",
  29.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Mostrar pacotes pelo nome de personagem",
  30.         ["packCharName"]        = "Personagem do pacote",
  31.         ["packGlobal"]          = "Global",
  32.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Ignorar nome de arquivo",
  33.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Salvar histórico de busca",
  34.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "Limpar histórico",
  35.     },
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12/04/21, 03:33 PM   #8
Super Moderator
Baertram's Avatar
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Thank you.

Brazilian Portuguese was already existant, did you check the existing translations and added yours, or is this a complete new one?
If there is no reason to replace all: I'd like to keep the existing as possible and only add missing ones.
-> Did you test your translations ingame if they match the length of the dialog and buttons by replacing the exising ["br"] table in file AddonSelector.lua with your translations?

Here are the existing translations, with the missing ones in english.
Are they okay, or do we need to replace them all with your new ones in total?
["br"] = {
        ["packName"] = "Nome do Pacote:",
        ["selectPack"] = "Escolha pacote",
        ["ERRORpackMissing"] = "ADDON SELECTOR: Faltando Nome do Pacote.",
        ["autoReloadUIHint"]	= "Auto-Relź UI na seleēćo do pacote.",
        ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Auto-Relź UI: Quando ativada, vocź também pode evitar a ediēćo ou exclusćo de pacotes complementares.",
        ["saveButton"] = "Salva",
        ["savePackTitle"]        = "Substituir pacote?",
        ["savePackBody"]        = "Substituir pacote existente %s?",
        ["deleteButton"] = "Apaga",
        ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Vocź deve selecionar um pacote para deletar.",
        ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Pack delete error\n%s.",
        ["deletePackTitle"] = "Apaga: ",
        ["deletePackBody"] = "Apaga de Verdade?\n%s",
        ["DeselectAllAddons"] = "Desmarca tudo",
        ["SelectAllAddons"] = "Marca tudo",
        ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Re-escolhe salvo",
        ["AddonSearch"] = "Procura:",
        ["selectedPackName"]     = "Selecionada (%s):",
        ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Biblioteca \'LibDialog \' estį faltando! Este addon nćo funcionarį sem ele!",
        ["ReloadUI"]        = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "Recarregar IU",
        ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Mostrar pacote ativo",
        ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"]            = "Show submenu at global packs",
        ["ShowSettings"]        = "Show \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\' settings",
        ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Show global saved packs",
        ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Global pack settings",
        ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Character name settings",
        ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Save packs by character name",
        ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Show packs of character names",
        ["packCharName"]        = "Character of pack",
        ["packGlobal"]          = "Global",
        ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Exclude filename",
        ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Save history of search terms",
        ["searchClearHistory"] = "Clear history",

Originally Posted by Anntauri View Post
Hello, love the addon! here's my translation to Brazillian Portuguese, never translated an addon before but hope this

Lua Code:
  1. ["br"] = {
  2.         ["packName"]            = "Nome do pacote:",
  3.         ["selectPack"]          = "Selecionar pacote",
  4.         ["ERRORpackMissing"]    = "ADDON SELECTOR: Nome do pacote nćo existe.",
  5.         ["autoReloadUIHint"]    = "Atualizar interface na seleēćo de pacote.",
  6.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Atualizaēćo automįtica: se estiver ativo, isto irį te impedir de editar e deletar pacotes. Vocź precisa desativar essa opēćo para editar e deletar pacotes!",
  7.         ["saveButton"]          = "Salvar",
  8.         ["savePackTitle"]        = "Substituir pacote?",
  9.         ["savePackBody"]        = "Substituir pacote %s?",
  10.         ["deleteButton"]        = "Deletar",
  11.         ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Deletar: ",
  12.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Vocź deve selecionar um pacote para deletar.",
  13.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Erro ao deletar pacote\n%s.",
  14.         ["deletePackBody"]      = "Quer realmente deletar?\n%s",
  15.         ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Desmarcar todos",
  16.         ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Marcar todos",
  17.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Selecionar addons atuais",
  18.         ["AddonSearch"]          = "Buscar:",
  19.         ["selectedPackName"]     = "Selecionado (%s): ",
  20.         ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Estį faltando \'LibDialog\'! O addon nćo funciona sem ela!",
  21.         ["ReloadUI"]            = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "Atulizar interface",
  22.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Mostrar pacote ativo",
  23.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"] = "Mostrar submenus nos pacotes globais",
  24.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "Mostrar configuraēões de \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\' ",
  25.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Mostrar pacotes salvos globais",
  26.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Configuraēćo de pacotes globais",
  27.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Configuraēões do nome de personagem",
  28.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Salvar pacotes pelo nome de personagem",
  29.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Mostrar pacotes pelo nome de personagem",
  30.         ["packCharName"]        = "Personagem do pacote",
  31.         ["packGlobal"]          = "Global",
  32.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Ignorar nome de arquivo",
  33.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Salvar histórico de busca",
  34.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "Limpar histórico",
  35.     },
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12/04/21, 04:57 PM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 1
Lua Code:
  1. ["pl"] = {
  2.         ["packName"]            = "Nazwa paczki:",
  3.         ["selectPack"]          = "Wybierz",
  4.         ["ERRORpackMissing"]    = "ADDON SELECTOR: Brak nazwy paczki",
  5.         ["autoReloadUIHint"]    = "Automatycznie przeładuj interfejs przy wyborze paczki.",
  6.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Automatycznie przeładuj interfejs: Kiedy jest WłĄCZONA, uniemożliwi to edycję i usuwanie pakietów addonów. Będziesz musiał/a to wyłączyć, aby edytować lub usuwać paczki addonów!",
  7.         ["saveButton"]          = "Zapisz",
  8.         ["savePackTitle"]        = "Nadpisać paczkę?",
  9.         ["savePackBody"]        = "Nadpisać istniejącą paczkę %s?",
  10.         ["deleteButton"]        = "Usuń",
  11.         ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Usuń: ",
  12.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Musisz wybrać paczkę, którą chcesz usunąć.",
  13.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Błąd usuwania paczki\n%s.",
  14.         ["deletePackBody"]      = "Naprawdę usunąć?\n%s",
  15.         ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Odznacz wszystkie",
  16.         ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Zaznacz wszystkie",
  17.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Zapisano ponowny wybór",
  18.         ["AddonSearch"]          = "Szukaj:",
  19.         ["selectedPackName"]     = "Wybrano (%s): ",
  20.         ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Brakuje biblioteki \'LibDialog\'! Ten addon nie będzie działał bez niego!",
  21.         ["ReloadUI"]            = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "Przeładuj interfejs",
  22.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Pokaż aktywną paczkę",
  23.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"] = "Pokaż podmenu przy paczkach ogólnych",
  24.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "Pokaż ustawienia \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\'",
  25.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Pokaż ogólne zapisane paczki",
  26.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Ogólne ustawienia paczek",
  27.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Ustawienia nazw postaci",
  28.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Zapisz paczki addonów według nazwy postaci",
  29.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Pokaż paczki addonów według nazw postaci",
  30.         ["packCharName"]        = "Paczka postaci",
  31.         ["packGlobal"]          = "Ogólny",
  32.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Wyklucz nazwę pliku",
  33.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Zapisz historię wyszukiwanych haseł",
  34.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "Wyczyść historię",
  35.     },
  36.         ["fx"] = {
  37.         ["packName"]            = "Nazwa paczki:",
  38.         ["selectPack"]          = "Wybierz",
  39.         ["ERRORpackMissing"]    = "ADDON SELECTOR: Brak nazwy paczki",
  40.         ["autoReloadUIHint"]    = "Automatycznie przeładuj interfejs przy wyborze paczki.",
  41.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Automatycznie przeładuj interfejs: Kiedy jest WłĄCZONA, uniemożliwi to edycję i usuwanie pakietów addonów. Będziesz musiał/a to wyłączyć, aby edytować lub usuwać paczki addonów!",
  42.         ["saveButton"]          = "Zapisz",
  43.         ["savePackTitle"]        = "Nadpisać paczkę?",
  44.         ["savePackBody"]        = "Nadpisać istniejącą paczkę %s?",
  45.         ["deleteButton"]        = "Usuń",
  46.         ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Usuń: ",
  47.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Musisz wybrać paczkę, którą chcesz usunąć.",
  48.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Błąd usuwania paczki\n%s.",
  49.         ["deletePackBody"]      = "Naprawdę usunąć?\n%s",
  50.         ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Odznacz wszystkie",
  51.         ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Zaznacz wszystkie",
  52.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Zapisano ponowny wybór",
  53.         ["AddonSearch"]          = "Szukaj:",
  54.         ["selectedPackName"]     = "Wybrano (%s): ",
  55.         ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Brakuje biblioteki \'LibDialog\'! Ten addon nie będzie działał bez niego!",
  56.         ["ReloadUI"]            = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "Przeładuj interfejs",
  57.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Pokaż aktywną paczkę",
  58.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"] = "Pokaż podmenu przy paczkach ogólnych",
  59.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "Pokaż ustawienia \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\'",
  60.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Pokaż ogólne zapisane paczki",
  61.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Ogólne ustawienia paczek",
  62.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Ustawienia nazw postaci",
  63.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Zapisz paczki addonów według nazwy postaci",
  64.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Pokaż paczki addonów według nazw postaci",
  65.         ["packCharName"]        = "Paczka postaci",
  66.         ["packGlobal"]          = "Ogólny",
  67.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Wyklucz nazwę pliku",
  68.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Zapisz historię wyszukiwanych haseł",
  69.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "Wyczyść historię",
  70.     },

Last edited by generaluploads : 12/05/21 at 05:47 AM.
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12/05/21, 03:27 AM   #10
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 5
Translated new strings and reviewed existing ones for Russian language
Lua Code:
  1. ["ru"] = {
  2.         ["packName"]            = "Имя сборки:",
  3.         ["selectPack"]          = "Выбрать",
  4.         ["ERRORpackMissing"]    = "ADDON SELECTOR: Имя сборки не найдено.",
  5.         ["autoReloadUIHint"]    = "Автоматически перезагружать интерфейс.",
  6.         ["autoReloadUIHintTooltip"] = "Автоматически перезагружать интерфейс: Когда включено, делает невозможным редактирование и удаление сборок. Выключите опцию, чтобы редактировать или удалять сборки!",
  7.         ["saveButton"]          = "Сохранить",
  8.         ["savePackTitle"]        = "Перезаписать сборку?",
  9.         ["savePackBody"]        = "Перезаписать существующую сборку %s?",
  10.         ["deleteButton"]        = "Удалить",
  11.         ["deletePackTitle"]     = "Удалить: ",
  12.         ["deletePackAlert"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Вы должны выбрать сборку для удаления.",
  13.         ["deletePackError"]     = "ADDON SELECTOR: Ошибка при удалении сборки\n%s.",
  14.         ["deletePackBody"]      = "Действительно удалить сборку?\n%s",
  15.         ["DeselectAllAddons"]   = "Отключить всё",
  16.         ["SelectAllAddons"]     = "Включить всё",
  17.         ["SelectAllAddonsSaved"] = "Включить сохранённые",
  18.         ["AddonSearch"]          = "Поиск:",
  19.         ["selectedPackName"]     = "Выбрано (%s): ",
  20.         ["LibDialogMissing"]     = "Библиотека \'LibDialog\' отсутствует! Этот аддон не будет работать без него!",
  21.         ["ReloadUI"]        = GetString(SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD) or "Перезагрузить интерфейс",
  22.         ["ShowActivePack"]      = "Показать активную сборку",
  23.         ["ShowSubMenuAtGlobalPacks"]            = "Показывать вложенное меню для глобальных сборок",
  24.         ["ShowSettings"]        = "Показать настройки \'"..ADDON_NAME.."\'",
  25.         ["ShowGlobalPacks"]     = "Показать глобально сохраненные сборки",
  26.         ["GlobalPackSettings"] = "Настройки глобальных сборок",
  27.         ["CharacterNameSettings"] = "Настройки сборок для персонажа",
  28.         ["SaveGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Сохранять сборки для персонажа",
  29.         ["ShowGroupedByCharacterName"] = "Показывать сборки для персонажей",
  30.         ["packCharName"]        = "Сборка для персонажа",
  31.         ["packGlobal"]          = "Глобальная",
  32.         ["searchExcludeFilename"] = "Исключить имя файла",
  33.         ["searchSaveHistory"] = "Сохранять историю поиска",
  34.         ["searchClearHistory"] = "Очистить историю",
  35.     },
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12/05/21, 08:16 AM   #11
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Thank you!
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12/05/21, 10:40 AM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by Baertram View Post
Thank you.

Brazilian Portuguese was already existant, did you check the existing translations and added yours, or is this a complete new one?
If there is no reason to replace all: I'd like to keep the existing as possible and only add missing ones.
-> Did you test your translations ingame if they match the length of the dialog and buttons by replacing the exising ["br"] table in file AddonSelector.lua with your translations?

Here are the existing translations, with the missing ones in english.
Are they okay, or do we need to replace them all with your new ones in total?
Ah, I didn't know there already was a Portuguese one, mine wasn't based on that, no offence to the original translator, but their version looks like as if it was translated by a non-native speaker, there's grammatical errors such as verb conjugation and not matching feminine words with feminine pronouns.

The "autoReloadUIHintTooltip" makes no sense, it's unintelligible.

Mine isn't perfect either ofc, I'm not up to date with Portuguese translations, I don't use them myself, so I don't know what is the community agreed upon standard translation for "Reload UI" as it could be translated in many ways.

I did test it in-game now, it's all good except the 1st two strings, I'd say that the space available for them is not enough for most languages, but you can replace those strings with a simpler version without loosing much understanding.

Lua Code:
  1. ["packName"]            = "Nome:",
  2. ["selectPack"]          = "Pacotes",

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12/05/21, 10:50 AM   #13
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Thanks for the update!
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ESOUI » Developer Discussions » Translation Help » AddonSelector - FR, RU, JP, ES, PT, BR needed

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