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02/02/24, 12:09 PM   #1
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Baertram's Avatar
WoWInterface Super Mod
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 5,189
LibSets - Translation needed FR, ES, RU, ZH

Hi, anyone able to help with translations to French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese:

Please translate the following strings to the language (tell me which one you translated please ).

-Do not translate teh String before the = (e.g. ["en"] = ). Only translate the String behind the = (right side of the =), e.g. at [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_PVP_REWARDS_FOR_THE_WORTHY] = "Rewards for the worthy", only translate the "Rewards for the worthy"
-Do NOT translate comments that start with --, e.g. --lib.localization
-Do NOT translate placeholders like GetString(SI_WHATEVER) e.g. GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE7),
-Do NOT translate the .. which are used to concatenate strings e.g. "Hello " .. GetString(SI_WHATEVER) .. " World" -> Here you only need to translate the "Hello " "World"
-Do NOT translate function names like zo_strformat(, ZO_CachedStrFormat(, or string.format(. Just leave them as they are

Many thanks

        de  = "German",
        en  = "English",
        fr  = "French",
        jp  = "Japanese",
        ru  = "Russian",
        pl  = "Polish",
        es  = "Spanish",
        zh  = "Chinese",
        dlc                      = "Chapter,DLC&Patch",
        dropZones                = "Drop zones",
        dropZoneDelve            = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE7),
        dropZoneDungeon          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneVeteranDungeon   = GetString(SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY2) .. " " .. dungeonStr,
        dropZonePublicDungeon    = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE6),
        dropZoneBattleground     = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE9),
        dropZoneTrial            = GetString(SI_LFGACTIVITY4),
        dropZoneArena            = setTypeArenaName["en"],
        dropZoneMail             = GetString(SI_WINDOW_TITLE_MAIL),
        dropZoneCrafted          = GetString(SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE213),
        dropZoneCyrodiil         = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE1),
        dropZoneMonster          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneImperialCity     = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE4),
        dropZoneImperialSewers   = "Imperial City Sewers",
        dropZoneEndlessArchive   = GetString(SI_ZONEDISPLAYTYPE12),
        --dropZoneOverland =          GetString(),
        dropZoneSpecial          = GetString(SI_HOTBARCATEGORY9),
        dropZoneMythic           = GetString(SI_ITEMDISPLAYQUALITY6),
        droppedBy                = "Dropped by",
        reconstructionCosts      = "Reconstruction cost",
        setId                    = "Set ID",
        setType                  = "Set type",
        armorType                = "Armor type",
        weaponType               = "Weapon type",
        armorOrWeaponType        = "Armor-/Weapon type",
        equipmentType            = "Equipment slot",
        equipSlot                = "Slot",
        enchantmentSearchCategory = "Enchantment cat.",
        numBonuses               = "# bonus",
        neededTraits             = "Traits needed (research)",
        neededTraitsOrReconstructionCost = "Traits (research)/Reconstruction costs",
        dropMechanic             = "Drop mechanics",
        undauntedChest           = undauntedStr .. " chest",
        boss                     = GetString(SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES501),
        modifyTooltip            = "Enhance tooltip by set info",
        tooltipTextures          = "Show tooltip textures",
        tooltipTextures_T        = "Show textures for the set type, drop mechanics and location/boss names ... within the tooltip",
        defaultTooltipPattern    = "Default tooltip",
        defaultTooltipPattern_TT = "Use the checkboxes to add this information about set items at the item tooltips.\nThe default output format is:\n\n<texture><set type name> <if craftable set: (traits needed)/if not craftable: (reconstruction costs)>\n<Drop zone info> [containing <zoneName> (<dropMechanic>: dropMechanicDropLocation>)]\n<DLC name>\nIf all zones are the same the dropMechanic and locatiton/boss names will be added as 1 line ; separated.",
        customTooltipPattern     = "Custom tooltip text",
        customTooltipPattern_TT  = "Define your own custom tooltip text, including the possibility to use some pre-defined placeholders in your text. Example: \'Type <<1>>/Drops <<2>> <<3>> <<4>>\'.\nLeave the text field empty to disable this custom tooltip!\nPlaceholders need to start with prefix << followed by a 1 digit number and a suffix of >>, e.g. <<1>> or <<5>>.\nThere can be only a maximum of 6 placeholders in the text. Line break: <br>\n\nBelow you'll find the possible placeholders:\n<<1>>   Set type\n<<2>>   Drop mechanics [could be several, for each zone, separated by \',\']\n<<3>>   Drop zones [could be several, for each zone, separated by \',\'] If all zones are the same they will be condensed\n<<4>>   Boss/Dropped by names [could be several, for each zone, separated by \',\']\n<<5>>   Number of needed traits researched, or reconstruction costs\n<<6>>   Chapter/DLC name set was introduced with.\n\n|cFF0000Attention|r: If you enter an invalid tooltip text, without any <<number>> placeholder the editfield will automatically clear itsself!",
        slashCommandDescription         = "Search translations of set names",
        slashCommandDescriptionClient   = "Search set ID/names (game client language)",
        previewTT                = "Set preview",
        previewTT_TT             = "Use the SlashCommand /lsp <setId> or /lsp <setName or setId> to get a preview tooltip of a set item.\n\nIf you got LibSlashCommander enabled the set names will show a list of possible entries as you type the name/id already.\nWas a set selected (name is written to the chat entry editbox) via the TAB key/mouse you can show the translated set names in other languages via the \'space\' key. Pressing the return key on that setName in another language (or clicking it) will show the current client language setName and the other chosen language setName in the chat edit box so you can mark and copy it.\n\n\nUse the SlashCommand /lss <setname or setId> to show/hide the set search UI.",
        previewTTToChatToo       = "Preview itemLink to chat",
        previewTTToChatToo_TT    = "With this setting enabled the preview itemlink of the set item will be send to your chat edit box too, so you can post it/mark it with your mouse an copy it to your clipboard using CTRL+C.",
        headerUIStuff            = "UI",
        headerTooltips            = "Tooltips",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton = "Set coll.: Current zone button",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton_TT = "Add a current zone/parent zone button to the set collections UI",
        moreOptions = "More options",
        parentZone = "Parent zone",
        currentZone = "Current zone",
        --Search UI
        multiSelectFilterSelectedText = "<<1[$d %s/$d %s]>>",
        noMultiSelectFiltered = "No %s filtered",
        nameTextSearch = "(+/-)Name/ID , separated",
        nameTextSearchTT = "Enter multiple names/IDs separated by a comma (,).\nUse the + or - prefix to include or exclude a name/ID from the search results.",
        bonusTextSearch = "(+/-)Bonus , separated",
        bonusTextSearchTT = "Enter multiple bonus separated by a comma (,).\nUse the + or - prefix to include or exclude a bonus from the search results.\nAdd :<bonusLine#> to explicitly search in that bonus line\n\nExamples:\n+crit,-life finds all sets with bonus text crit (e.g. criticial chance) but w/o text life\n+crit:2 Finds all sets with 2. bonus line's text crit",
        showAsText =        "Show as text",
        showAsTextWithIcons = "Show as text (with icons)",
        textBoxFilterTooltips = "Text filter: Tooltips",
        dropdownFilterTooltips = "Dropdown filter: Tooltips",
        dropdownFilterEntryTooltips = "Dropdown filter: Entry tooltips",
        searchUIShowSetNameInEnglishToo = "Show/Search Set names in English too",
        popupTooltip                = "Popup tooltip",
        setInfos                    = "Set infos",
        showAsTooltip               = "Show as tooltip",
        showCurrentZoneSets         = "Show current zone\'s sets",
        clearHistory                = "Clear history",
        wayshrines                  = "Wayshrines",
        invertSelection             = "≠ Invert selection"
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_BRUMA]                  = "Cyrodiil City: Bruma (quartermaster/daily quest)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CROPSFORD]              = "Cyrodiil City: Cropsford (quartermaster/daily quest)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_VLASTARUS]              = "Cyrodiil City: Vlastarus (quartermaster/daily quest)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ARENA_STAGE_CHEST]                    = "Arena stage chest",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MONSTER_NAME]                         = "Monster name",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]                  = "Delve bosses",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                   = "Overland group bosses",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_PUBLIC_DUNGEON]         = "Public dungeon bosses",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                       = "Overland/Delve chests",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_REWARD]                  = "Battlegounds reward",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_DAILY_RANDOM_DUNGEON_REWARD]     = "Daily random dungeon reward mail",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_IMPERIAL_CITY_VAULTS]                 = "Imperial city vaults",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_LEVEL_UP_REWARD]                      = "Level up reward",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TELVAR_EQUIPMENT_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]    = "Tel Var equipment lockbox merchant, IC sewer base",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]       = "Alliance points elite gear lockbox merchant, Cyrodiil/Vvardenfell",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_REWARD_BY_NPC]                        = "A named NPC rewards with this item",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_OBLIVION_PORTAL_FINAL_CHEST] = "Oblivion portal final boss chest",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DOLMEN_HARROWSTORM_MAGICAL_ANOMALIES] = "Dolmen, Harrowstorms, Magical anomalies reward",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                        = "Chests in a dungeon",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DAILY_QUEST_REWARD_COFFER]            = "Daily quest reward coffer",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_FISHING_HOLE]                         = "Fishing hole",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_LOOT]                        = "Loot from overland items",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                           = "Bosses in trial dungeons",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MOB_TYPE]                             = "Mob/Critter type",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_GROUP_DUNGEON_BOSS]                   = "Bosses in group dungeons",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_PUBLIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                 = "Chests in public dungeons",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_HARVEST_NODES]                        = "Harvest crafting nodes",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_IMPERIAL_CITY_TREASURE_TROVE_SCAMP]   = "Imperial city treasure Trove scamp",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHEYDINHAL]             = "Cyrodiil City: Cheydinhal",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHEYDINHAL_CHORROL_WEYNON_PRIORY] = "Cyrodiil City: Cheydinhal / Weynon Priory, Chorrol",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CYRODIIL_BOARD_MISSIONS]              = "Cyrodiil Board missions",
        --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_VENDOR]                  = GetString(SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE4) .. " " .. GetString(SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER2), --Battleground vendors
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CRAFTED]                              = GetString(SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CRAFTED),
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_PVP_REWARDS_FOR_THE_WORTHY]   = "Rewards for the worthy (" .. cyrodiilAndBattlegroundText .. " mail) - Contains only newest item sets!\nAs new sets continue to get added, older sets will be removed here and added into other Cyrodiil sources:\nAll PvP item sets will now drop from Cyrodiil delves, dolmens and board missions.\nTown Daily Quest and Merchants will be divided by Light, Medium and Heavy. Exception: Cheydinhal and Chorrol/Weynon Priory reward any set.\nAll PvP sets are available as individual containers on both Town Merchants and Elite Gear Vendors.\nDelves will drop waist and feet item sets\nDolmens will drop jewelry\nBoard Missions will drop all other armor pieces.\nBounty and Scout missions will award armor pieces.\nBattle and Warfront missions will reward weapon slot pieces.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]               = "Delve bosses have a chance to drop a waist or feet.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                = "Overland group bosses have a 100% chance to drop head, chest, legs, or weapon.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_PUBLIC_DUNGEON]      = "Public dungeon bosses have a chance to drop a shoulder, hand, or weapon.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                    = "Chests gained from defeating a Dark Anchor have a 100% chance to drop a ring or amulet.\nTreasure chests found in the world have a chance to grant any set piece that can drop in that zone:\n-Simple chests have a slight chance\n-Intermediate chests have a good chance\n-Advanced and Master chests have a guaranteed chance\n-Treasure chests found from a Treasure Map have a guaranteed chance",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ANTIQUITIES]                       = GetString(SI_ANTIQUITY_TOOLTIP_TAG), --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TELVAR_EQUIPMENT_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT] = "Chest that can be exchanged for TelVar Stones at a TelVar equipment vendor in your faction's base, in the Imperial City sewers.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]    = "Chest that can be exchanged for Alliance Points at a elite gear lockbox merchant in Cyrodiil (Eastern Elsweyr Gate, Southern High Rock Gate, Northern Morrowind Gate), or a battleground merchant in Vvardenfell (Ald Carac, Foyada Quarry, Ularra)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                        = "All bosses: Hands, Waist, Feet, Chest, Shoulder, Head, Legs\nFinal bosses: Weapon, Shield\nQuest reward containers: Jewelry, Weapon, Shield (Binds on pickup))",

		--special Zone names

		--Set type names
        ["en"] = "Arena",
        ["en"] = "Battleground",
        ["en"] = "Crafted",
        ["en"] = "Cyrodiil",
        ["en"] = "Random Dungeons & Imperial city " .. zo_strformat("<<c:1>>", "Reward"),
        ["en"] = "Dungeon",
        ["en"] = "Imperial city",
        ["en"] = "Monster",
        ["en"] = "Overland",
        ["en"] = "Special",
        ["en"] = "Trial",
        ["en"] = "Mythic",
        ["en"] = "Imperial city monster",
        ["en"] = "Cyrodiil monster",
        ["en"] = "Class specific",

Last edited by Baertram : 02/02/24 at 12:17 PM.
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02/03/24, 10:21 AM   #2
Mouton's Avatar
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 9
Here is the French version. There are many single quoted texts and Im not sure it's necessary ? I skipped many, sorry. (At least it's very painful for french ^^ )

(To gain time, I used a LLM and reviewed it entirely. It's just a huge gain of time and results are pretty correct. Still review helps to fix the errors, any any other french dude/girl would like to proof read, that would be a plus)

Hope I did not mess anything, the format is not easy to handle.

        de  = "Allemand",
        en  = "Anglais",
        fr  = "Français",
        jp  = "Japonais",
        ru  = "Russe",
        pl  = "Polonais",
        es  = "Espagnol",
        zh  = "Chinois",
        dlc                      = "Chapitre,DLC et Correctif",
        dropZones                = "Zones de drop",
        dropZoneDelve            = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE7),
        dropZoneDungeon          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneVeteranDungeon   = GetString(SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY2) .. " " .. dungeonStr,
        dropZonePublicDungeon    = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE6),
        dropZoneBattleground     = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE9),
        dropZoneTrial            = GetString(SI_LFGACTIVITY4),
        dropZoneArena            = setTypeArenaName["fr"],
        dropZoneMail             = GetString(SI_WINDOW_TITLE_MAIL),
        dropZoneCrafted          = GetString(SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE213),
        dropZoneCyrodiil         = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE1),
        dropZoneMonster          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneImperialCity     = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE4),
        dropZoneImperialSewers   = "Égouts de la cité impériale",
        dropZoneEndlessArchive   = GetString(SI_ZONEDISPLAYTYPE12),
        --dropZoneOverland =          GetString(),
        dropZoneSpecial          = GetString(SI_HOTBARCATEGORY9),
        dropZoneMythic           = GetString(SI_ITEMDISPLAYQUALITY6),
        droppedBy                = "Obtenu par",
        reconstructionCosts      = "Coût de reconstruction",
        setId                    = "ID de l'ensemble",
        setType                  = "Type d'ensemble",
        armorType                = "Type d'armure",
        weaponType               = "Type d'arme",
        armorOrWeaponType        = "Type d'armure/arme",
        equipmentType            = "Emplacement de l'équipement",
        equipSlot                = "Emplacement",
        enchantmentSearchCategory = "Catégorie d'enchantement",
        numBonuses               = "# bonus",
        neededTraits             = "Traits nécessaires (recherche)",
        neededTraitsOrReconstructionCost = "Traits (recherche)/Coûts de reconstruction",
        dropMechanic             = "Mécanique de drop",
        undauntedChest           = undauntedStr .. " coffre",
        boss                     = GetString(SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES501),
        modifyTooltip            = "Améliorer l'info-bulle avec les infos de l'ensemble",
        tooltipTextures          = "Afficher les textures dans l'info-bulle",
        tooltipTextures_T        = "Afficher les textures du type d'ensemble, de la mécanique de drop et des noms de lieu/boss ... dans l'info-bulle",
        defaultTooltipPattern    = "Info-bulle par défaut",
        defaultTooltipPattern_TT = "Utilisez les cases à cocher pour ajouter ces informations sur les objets de l'ensemble dans l'info-bulle.\nLe format de sortie par défaut est :\n\n<texture><nom du type d'ensemble> <si l'ensemble est fabriquable: (traits nécessaires)/sinon: (coûts de reconstruction)>\n<Info de la zone de drop> [contenant <NomZone> (<mécanique de drop>: dropMechanicDropLocation>)]\n<Nom du DLC>\nSi toutes les zones sont identiques, la mécanique de drop et les noms de lieu/boss seront ajoutés sur une seule ligne, séparés par ';'.",
        customTooltipPattern     = "Texte personnalisé pour l'info-bulle",
        customTooltipPattern_TT  = "Définissez votre propre texte personnalisé pour l'info-bulle, en utilisant des espaces réservés prédéfinis dans votre texte. Exemple : 'Taper <<1>>/Drops <<2>> <<3>> <<4>>'.\nLaissez le champ de texte vide pour désactiver cette info-bulle personnalisée!\nLes espaces réservés doivent commencer par le préfixe << suivi d'un chiffre à un seul chiffre et d'un suffixe >>, par exemple <<1>> ou <<5>>.\nIl ne peut y avoir qu'un maximum de 6 espaces réservés dans le texte. Saut de ligne : <br>\n\nCi-dessous, vous trouverez les espaces réservés possibles :\n<<1>>   Type d'ensemble\n<<2>>   Mécanique de drop [peut être multiple, pour chaque zone, séparées par \',\']\n<<3>>   Zones de drop [multiple, pour chaque zone, séparées par \',\'] Si toutes les zones sont identiques, elles seront condensées\n<<4>>   Boss/Obtenu par nom [multiple, pour chaque zone, séparés par \',\']\n<<5>>   Nombre de traits nécessaires recherchés, ou coûts de reconstruction\n<<6>>   Nom du chapitre/DLC avec lequel l'ensemble a été introduit.\n\n|cFF0000Attention|r: Si vous entrez un texte d'info-bulle invalide, sans aucun espace réservé <<numéro>>, le champ de texte sera automatiquement effacé !",
        slashCommandDescription         = "Rechercher des traductions de noms d'ensembles",
        slashCommandDescriptionClient   = "Rechercher des ID/noms d'ensembles (langue du client de jeu)",
        previewTT                = "Aperçu de l'ensemble",
        previewTT_TT             = "Utilisez la commande /lsp <setId> ou /lsp <Nom ou setId de l'ensemble> pour obtenir un aperçu de l'ensemble dans une info-bulle.\n\nSi vous avez activé LibSlashCommander, les noms d'ensembles afficheront déjà une liste d'entrées possibles lorsque vous tapez le nom/id.\nSi un ensemble est sélectionné (le nom est écrit dans la boîte d'édition de texte du chat) via la touche TAB/souris, vous pouvez afficher les noms d'ensembles traduits dans d'autres langues via la touche \'espace\'. Appuyer sur la touche de retour sur ce nom d'ensemble dans une autre langue (ou le cliquer) affichera le nom d'ensemble actuel dans la langue du client et l'autre nom d'ensemble choisi dans la boîte d'édition du chat afin que vous puissiez le sélectionner et le copier.\n\n\nUtilisez la commande /lss <nom ou setId de l'ensemble> pour afficher/masquer l'interface de recherche d'ensembles.",
        previewTTToChatToo       = "Aperçu de l'objet vers le chat",
        previewTTToChatToo_TT    = "Avec ce paramètre activé, l'aperçu de l'objet de l'ensemble sera également envoyé dans votre boîte d'édition du chat, afin que vous puissiez le poster/sélectionner avec la souris et le copier dans votre presse-papiers en utilisant CTRL+C.",
        headerUIStuff            = "Interface utilisateur",
        headerTooltips            = "Info-bulles",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton = "Bouton de collections d'ensemble : Zone actuelle",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton_TT = "Ajouter un bouton de zone actuelle/zone parente à l'interface des collections d'ensembles",
        moreOptions = "Plus d'options",
        parentZone = "Zone parente",
        currentZone = "Zone actuelle",
        --Search UI
        multiSelectFilterSelectedText = "<<1[$d %s/$d %s]>>",
        noMultiSelectFiltered = "Aucun %s filtré",
        nameTextSearch = "(+/-)Nom/ID , séparés",
        nameTextSearchTT = "Entrez plusieurs noms/IDs séparés par une virgule (,).\nUtilisez le préfixe + ou - pour inclure ou exclure un nom/ID des résultats de la recherche.",
        bonusTextSearch = "(+/-)Bonus , séparés",
        bonusTextSearchTT = "Entrez plusieurs bonus séparés par une virgule (,).\nUtilisez le préfixe + ou - pour inclure ou exclure un bonus des résultats de la recherche.\nAjoutez :<numéro de ligne de bonus> pour rechercher explicitement dans cette ligne de bonus\n\nExemples :\n+crit,-life trouve tous les ensembles avec le texte de bonus 'crit' (par exemple chance critique) mais sans le texte 'life'\n+crit:2 Trouve tous les ensembles avec le texte de la 2e ligne de bonus 'crit'",
        showAsText =        "Afficher en texte",
        showAsTextWithIcons = "Afficher en texte (avec icônes)",
        textBoxFilterTooltips = "Filtre de texte : Info-bulles",
        dropdownFilterTooltips = "Filtre déroulant : Info-bulles",
        dropdownFilterEntryTooltips = "Filtre déroulant : Info-bulles d'entrée",
        searchUIShowSetNameInEnglishToo = "Afficher/Rechercher les noms d'ensemble en anglais aussi",
        popupTooltip                = "Info-bulle contextuelle",
        setInfos                    = "Infos de l'ensemble",
        showAsTooltip               = "Afficher dans l'info-bulle",
        showCurrentZoneSets         = "Afficher les ensembles de la zone actuelle",
        clearHistory                = "Effacer l'historique",
        wayshrines                  = "Autels",
        invertSelection             = "≠ Inverser la sélection"

        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_BRUMA]                  = "Cité de Cyrodiil : Bruma (intendant/quête quotidienne)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CROPSFORD]              = "Cité de Cyrodiil : Cropsford (intendant/quête quotidienne)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_VLASTARUS]              = "Cité de Cyrodiil : Vlastarus (intendant/quête quotidienne)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ARENA_STAGE_CHEST]                    = "Coffre de scène d'arène",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MONSTER_NAME]                         = "Nom du monstre",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]                  = "Boss de delves",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                   = "Boss de groupe en zone",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_PUBLIC_DUNGEON]         = "Boss de donjons publics",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                       = "Coffres de zone/souterrains",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_REWARD]                  = "Récompenses des champs de bataille",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_DAILY_RANDOM_DUNGEON_REWARD]     = "Récompense quotidienne de donjon aléatoire par courrier",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_IMPERIAL_CITY_VAULTS]                 = "Chambres fortes de la Cité impériale",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_LEVEL_UP_REWARD]                      = "Récompense de montée de niveau",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TELVAR_EQUIPMENT_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]    = "Marchand de coffres verrouillés d'équipement Tel Var, base des égouts de la Cité impériale",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]       = "Marchand de coffres verrouillés d'équipement élite contre des points d'alliance, Cyrodiil/Vvardenfell",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_REWARD_BY_NPC]                        = "Un PNJ nommé récompense avec cet objet",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_OBLIVION_PORTAL_FINAL_CHEST] = "Coffre du boss final des portails d'Oblivion",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DOLMEN_HARROWSTORM_MAGICAL_ANOMALIES] = "Récompense des dolmens, tempêtes ravageuses, anomalies magiques",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                        = "Coffres dans un donjon",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DAILY_QUEST_REWARD_COFFER]            = "Coffre de récompense de quête quotidienne",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_FISHING_HOLE]                         = "Point de pêche",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_LOOT]                        = "Butin des objets de zone",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                           = "Boss de Raid",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MOB_TYPE]                             = "Type de monstre",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_GROUP_DUNGEON_BOSS]                   = "Boss dans les donjons de groupe",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_PUBLIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                 = "Coffres dans les donjons publics",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_HARVEST_NODES]                        = "Récolte des ressources d'artisanat",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_IMPERIAL_CITY_TREASURE_TROVE_SCAMP]   = "Galopin  de la Cité impériale",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHEYDINHAL]             = "Ville de Cyrodiil : Cheydinhal",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHORROL_WEYNON_PRIORY]  = "Cyrodiil : Prieuré de Weynon, Chorrol",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHEYDINHAL_CHORROL_WEYNON_PRIORY] = "Ville de Cyrodiil : Cheydinhal / Weynon Priory, Chorrol",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CYRODIIL_BOARD_MISSIONS]              = "Missions du tableau de Cyrodiil",
        --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_VENDOR]                  = GetString(SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE4) .. " " .. GetString(SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER2), -- Battleground vendors
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CRAFTED]                              = GetString(SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CRAFTED),

        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_PVP_REWARDS_FOR_THE_WORTHY]   = "Récompenses des dignes (" .. cyrodiilAndBattlegroundText .. " par courrier) - Ne contient que les ensembles d'objets les plus récents !\nÀ mesure que de nouveaux ensembles sont ajoutés, les anciens seront retirés d'ici et ajoutés à d'autres sources en Cyrodiil :\nTous les ensembles d'objets JcJ seront désormais obtenus à partir des antres, dolmens et missions du tableau de Cyrodiil.\nLes quêtes quotidiennes de la ville et les marchands seront divisés par Léger, Moyen et Lourd. Exception : Cheydinhal et Chorrol/Weynon Priory récompensent n'importe quel ensemble.\nTous les ensembles JcJ sont disponibles en tant que conteneurs individuels chez les marchands de la ville et les vendeurs d'équipement d'élite.\nLes antres feront tomber les ensembles de taille et de pieds.\nLes dolmens feront tomber des bijoux.\nLes missions du tableau feront tomber toutes les autres pièces d'armure.\nLes missions de prime et d'éclaireur récompenseront des pièces d'armure.\nLes missions de bataille et de front de guerre récompenseront des pièces d'arme.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]               = "Les boss des antres ont une chance de faire tomber une taille ou des pieds.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                = "Les boss de groupe en zone ont 100% de chances de faire tomber une tête, une poitrine, des jambes ou une arme.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_PUBLIC_DUNGEON]      = "Les boss des donjons publics ont une chance de faire tomber une épaule, une main ou une arme.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                    = "Les coffres obtenus en vainquant une ancre noire ont 100% de chances de faire tomber une bague ou un amulette.\nLes coffres au trésor trouvés dans le monde ont une chance de donner n'importe quelle pièce d'ensemble qui peut tomber dans cette zone :\n-Les coffres simples ont une légère chance\n-Les coffres intermédiaires ont une bonne chance\n-Les coffres avancés et maîtres ont une chance garantie\n-Les coffres au trésor trouvés grâce à une carte au trésor ont une chance garantie",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ANTIQUITIES]                       = GetString(SI_ANTIQUITY_TOOLTIP_TAG), --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TELVAR_EQUIPMENT_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT] = "Coffre échangeable contre des Pierres de TelVar chez un marchand d'équipement TelVar dans la base de votre faction, dans les égouts de la Cité impériale.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]    = "Coffre échangeable contre des Points d'Alliance chez un marchand de coffres d'équipement élite à Cyrodiil (Porte orientale d'Elsweyr, Porte méridionale de Haute-Roche, Porte septentrionale de Morrowind) ou chez un marchand de champs de bataille à Vvardenfell (Ald Carac, Foyada Quarry, Ularra)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                        = "Tous les boss : Mains, Taille, Pieds, Poitrine, Épaule, Tête, Jambes\nBoss final : Arme, Bouclier\nConteneurs de récompenses de quête : Bijoux, Arme, Bouclier (Liés quand ramassés)",


        --special Zone names
        [LIBSETS_SPECIAL_ZONEID_ALLZONES_OF_TAMRIEL] = "Toutes les zones (en Tamriel)",
        [LIBSETS_SPECIAL_ZONEID_LEVELUPREWARD] = "Montée de niveau",
        [LIBSETS_SPECIAL_ZONEID_BATTLEGROUNDS] = "Champs de bataille",

        --Set type names
        ["fr"] = "Arène",
        ["fr"] = "Champ de bataille",
        ["fr"] = "Artisanal",
        ["fr"] = "Cyrodiil",
        ["fr"] = "Donjons aléatoires & Cité impériale " .. zo_strformat("<<c:1>>", "Récompense"),
        ["fr"] = "Donjon",
        ["fr"] = "Cité impériale",
        ["fr"] = "Monstre",
        ["fr"] = "Zone",
        ["fr"] = "Spécial",
        ["fr"] = "Raid",
        ["fr"] = "Mythique",
        ["fr"] = "Monstre de la Cité impériale",
        ["fr"] = "Monstre de Cyrodiil",
        ["fr"] = "Spécifique à la classe",
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02/03/24, 11:04 AM   #3
Super Moderator
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Thank you, I'll have a look with FR lang ingame if it works
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02/28/24, 09:55 AM   #4
Lykeion's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 30
Chinese Translation

Hi Baertram. I just found this section. Hope it's not too late

        de  = "德文",
        en  = "英文",
        fr  = "法文",
        jp  = "日文",
        ru  = "俄文",
        pl  = "波兰文",
        es  = "西班牙文",
        zh  = "中文",
        dlc                      = "章节, DLC & 补丁",
        dropZones                = "掉落区域",
        dropZoneDelve            = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE7),
        dropZoneDungeon          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneVeteranDungeon   = GetString(SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY2) .. " " .. dungeonStr,
        dropZonePublicDungeon    = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE6),
        dropZoneBattleground     = GetString(SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE9),
        dropZoneTrial            = GetString(SI_LFGACTIVITY4),
        dropZoneArena            = setTypeArenaName["zh"],
        dropZoneMail             = GetString(SI_WINDOW_TITLE_MAIL),
        dropZoneCrafted          = GetString(SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE213),
        dropZoneCyrodiil         = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE1),
        dropZoneMonster          = dungeonStr,
        dropZoneImperialCity     = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE4),
        dropZoneImperialSewers   = "帝都下水道",
        dropZoneEndlessArchive   = GetString(SI_ZONEDISPLAYTYPE12),
        --dropZoneOverland =          GetString(),
        dropZoneSpecial          = GetString(SI_HOTBARCATEGORY9),
        dropZoneMythic           = GetString(SI_ITEMDISPLAYQUALITY6),
        droppedBy                = "掉落于",
        reconstructionCosts      = "重铸消耗",
        setId                    = "套装 ID",
        setType                  = "套装类型",
        armorType                = "护甲类型",
        weaponType               = "武器类型",
        armorOrWeaponType        = "护甲/武器类型",
        equipmentType            = "装备栏位",
        equipSlot                = "栏位",
        enchantmentSearchCategory = "附魔目录.",
        numBonuses               = "# 加成",
        neededTraits             = "需要特质 (研究)",
        neededTraitsOrReconstructionCost = "特质 (研究)/重铸消耗",
        dropMechanic             = "掉落机制",
        undauntedChest           = undauntedStr .. " 宝箱",
        boss                     = GetString(SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES501),
        modifyTooltip            = "根据套装信息改进提示",
        tooltipTextures          = "在提示中显示材质",
        tooltipTextures_T        = "在提示中显示为套装类型, 掉落机制以及地点/Boss名等显示材质",
        defaultTooltipPattern    = "默认提示",
        defaultTooltipPattern_TT = "使用复选框在物品工具提示中添加有关套装物品的信息\n默认输出格式为:\n\n<材质><套装类型名> <如果是制造套: (所需特质)/如果不是制造套: (重铸消耗)>\n<掉落区域信息> [包含 <地区名> (<掉落机制>: 掉落机制掉落地区>)]\n<DLC 名>\n如果掉落地区一致, 掉落机制和地区/Boss名将会在一行中列出, 以;分割",
        customTooltipPattern     = "自定义提示文本",
        customTooltipPattern_TT  = "自定义你的提示文本, 可以在其中使用一些预定义的占位符. 例如: \'类型 <<1>>/掉落于 <<2>> <<3>> <<4>>\'.\n将文本留空会让提示无效!\n占位符必须以 << 作为前缀, 然后是一位数字, 然后以 >> 作为后缀, e.g. <<1>> 或 <<5>>.\n在文本中最多包含6个占位符. 换行: <br>\n\n以下是一个可能的占位符:\n<<1>>   套装类型\n<<2>>   掉落机制 [可能有好几种, 对于不同者, 以 \',\'分割]\n<<3>>   掉落区域 [可能有好几种, 对于不同者, 以 \',\'分割] 如果所有地区都在一起它们将被汇总\n<<4>>   Boss/署名掉落 [可能有好几种, 对于不同者, 以 \',\'分割]\n<<5>>   所需特质研究的数量, 或重铸消耗\n<<6>>   套装登场的章节/DLC 名.\n\n|cFF0000注意|r: 如果你输入了不包含任何占位符<<数字>>的无效提示文本, 输入框将会自行清空!",
        slashCommandDescription         = "查找套装名的翻译",
        slashCommandDescriptionClient   = "查找套装ID/名称 (根据客户端语言)",
        previewTT                = "套装预览",
        previewTT_TT             = "使用斜杠指令 /lsp <套装ID> or /lsp <套装名 或 套装ID> 来获取套装的预览提示.\n\n如果你拥有并启用了LibSlashCommander, 套装ID/套装名会自动在列表中补全.\n你可以通过空格键来显示在聊天输入框中通过TAB/鼠标选中的套装的翻译后名称. 在其他语言的套装名上按回退键(或点击它)会显示对应当前客户端语言的套装名并在聊天输入框中显示其他语言的名称以便你复制使用.\n\n\n使用斜杠命令 /lss <套装名 或 套装ID> 来展示/隐藏 查找界面.",
        previewTTToChatToo       = "发送物品预览链接到聊天栏",
        previewTTToChatToo_TT    = "当此选项启用时, 预览的物品链接也会被发送到聊天输入框, 以便你发送/复制它.",
        headerUIStuff            = "UI",
        headerTooltips            = "提示",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton = "套装收集: 当前区域按键",
        addSetCollectionsCurrentZoneButton_TT = "在套装收集界面增加一个当前区域/父级区域按键",
        moreOptions = "更多选项",
        parentZone = "父级区域",
        currentZone = "当前区域",
        --Search UI
        multiSelectFilterSelectedText = "<<1[$d %s/$d %s]>>",
        noMultiSelectFiltered = "无 %s 被筛选",
        nameTextSearch = "(+/-)名称/ID , 单独",
        nameTextSearchTT = "在输入多个名称/ID时用逗号(,)分割.\n用+或-前缀来从搜索结果中包含或排除某个名称/ID.",
        bonusTextSearch = "(+/-)加成 , 单独",
        bonusTextSearchTT = "在输入多个加成用逗号(,)分割.\n用+或-前缀来从搜索结果中包含或排除某个加成.\n添加 :<加成条数#> 来特定搜索复数条的加成\n\n示例:\n+暴击t,-生命 搜索所有有暴击 (e.g. 暴击率) 加成但没有生命加成的套装\n+暴击:2 搜索所有有两条暴击词条的套装",
        showAsText =        "以文本展示",
        showAsTextWithIcons = "以文本展示 (和图标一起)",
        textBoxFilterTooltips = "文本过滤: 提示",
        dropdownFilterTooltips = "下拉过滤: 提示",
        dropdownFilterEntryTooltips = "下拉过滤: 入口提示",
        searchUIShowSetNameInEnglishToo = "也使用英语展示/搜索套装名",
        popupTooltip                = "弹出提示",
        setInfos                    = "套装信息",
        showAsTooltip               = "以提示形式展示",
        showCurrentZoneSets         = "显示当前地区的套装",
        clearHistory                = "清除历史",
        wayshrines                  = "传送祭坛",
        invertSelection             = "≠ 反选"
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_BRUMA]                  = "西罗帝尔城镇: 布鲁玛 (军需官/日常任务)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CROPSFORD]              = "西罗帝尔城镇: 克罗普斯福特 (军需官/日常任务)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_VLASTARUS]              = "西罗帝尔城镇: 瓦拉斯塔努斯 (军需官/日常任务)",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ARENA_STAGE_CHEST]                    = "竞技场关卡宝箱",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MONSTER_NAME]                         = "怪物名",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]                  = "洞穴Boss",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                   = "世界Boss",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                       = "世界/洞穴宝箱",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_REWARD]                  = "战场奖励",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_IMPERIAL_CITY_VAULTS]                 = "帝都宝库",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_LEVEL_UP_REWARD]                      = "升级奖励",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]       = "联盟点数装备箱商人, 位于西罗帝尔/瓦登费尔",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_REWARD_BY_NPC]                        = "来自一位具名的NPC的奖励",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                        = "地下城宝箱",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_FISHING_HOLE]                         = "渔获",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_LOOT]                        = "从陆上节点捡拾获得",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                           = "试炼Boss",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MOB_TYPE]                             = "普通怪物",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_GROUP_DUNGEON_BOSS]                   = "组队地下城Boss",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_PUBLIC_DUNGEON_CHEST]                 = "公共地下城宝箱",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_HARVEST_NODES]                        = "采集制造节点",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CITY_CYRODIIL_CHEYDINHAL]             = "西罗帝尔城镇: 香丁赫尔",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CYRODIIL_BOARD_MISSIONS]              = "西罗帝尔公告板任务",
        --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_BATTLEGROUND_VENDOR]                  = GetString(SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE4) .. " " .. GetString(SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER2), --Battleground vendors
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_CRAFTED]                              = GetString(SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CRAFTED),
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_MAIL_PVP_REWARDS_FOR_THE_WORTHY]   = "给有价值的人的奖励 (" .. cyrodiilAndBattlegroundText .. " 邮件) - 只包含最新的套装!\n随着新套装的不断加入, 就套装将被从此获取途径中移除并被加入到西罗帝尔的其他获取途径中:\n所有Pvp套装现将从西罗帝尔洞穴, 暗锚和任务中掉落.\n城镇日常任务和商人将会以轻, 中, 重区分. 特例: 香丁赫尔和克洛文/文扬修道院将会奖励任意套装.\n所有PvP套装都可以宝箱形式从城镇商人或精选装备商人处获取.\n洞穴会掉落腰部和足部装备\n暗锚会掉落珠宝\n公告板任务会掉落其他身体部位装备.\n赏金和侦查任务奖励服装.\n战斗和前线作战任务奖励武器.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_DELVE]               = "洞穴Boss有几率掉落腰部或足部装备.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_WORLDBOSS]                = "陆上组队Boss必定掉落头, 胸, 腿或武器.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_BOSS_PUBLIC_DUNGEON]      = "公共地下城Boss有几率掉落肩, 手或武器.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_OVERLAND_CHEST]                    = "粉碎暗锚所获的宝箱必定掉落首饰.\n陆上宝箱有几率掉落当前区域套装的任何部位部件:\n-简单箱子有微小概率\n-中等箱子有良好概率\n-进阶和大师箱子必定掉落\n-藏宝图挖出的宝箱必定掉落",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_ANTIQUITIES]                       = GetString(SI_ANTIQUITY_TOOLTIP_TAG), --Will be used in other languages via setmetatable below!
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TELVAR_EQUIPMENT_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT] = "可在帝都下水道用生命石从基地的生命石商人处兑换的宝箱.",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_AP_ELITE_GEAR_LOCKBOX_MERCHANT]    = "可在西罗帝尔用联盟点数从精选装备商人, 或瓦登费尔的战场商人处兑换的宝箱",
        [LIBSETS_DROP_MECHANIC_TRIAL_BOSS]                        = "所有Boss: 手, 腰, 足, 胸, 肩, 头, 腿\n尾王: 武器, 盾牌\n任务奖励箱: 首饰, 武器, 盾 (拾取时绑定))",

		--special Zone names

		--Set type names
        ["zh"] = "竞技场",
        ["zh"] = "战场",
        ["zh"] = "制造",
        ["zh"] = "西罗帝尔",
        ["zh"] = "随机地下城 & 帝都 " .. zo_strformat("<<c:1>>", "奖励"),
        ["zh"] = "地下城",
        ["zh"] = "帝都",
        ["zh"] = "怪物",
        ["zh"] = "陆上",
        ["zh"] = "特殊",
        ["zh"] = "试炼",
        ["zh"] = "神话",
        ["zh"] = "帝都怪物",
        ["zh"] = "西罗帝尔怪物",
        ["zh"] = "职业限定",
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02/29/24, 04:51 AM   #5
Super Moderator
Baertram's Avatar
WoWInterface Super Mod
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 5,189
All good, thanks for the help Lykeion!
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