Results: 272Comments by: SlippyCheeze
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar07/22/18
Wishlist, Bug, and preferred reporting location
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
G'day. I've just grabbed this to solve one of the persistent annoying problems which is ... while I like radial menus, they are not a good way for me to use multiple consumables, etc, quickly. :) Just to confirm my understanding: the keybindings only select which quick action item will be used, they do not and cannot actually cau...
File: TraitBuster07/22/18
oooh woops -- noob dev lol. I forgo...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
oooh woops -- noob dev lol. I forgot to put it back to the 'initial' spot. It's meant to only say it ONCE when you log in. I'm going to add an option to toggle that exact message on / off. I'll have that fixed very soon. Actually going to do it now. Thanks for the post :cool: :) When I went to fix the one line error I had overlook...
File: TraitBuster07/21/18
Hi! Love the addon, thank you for...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hi! Love the addon, thank you for doing it. Has made so much less cluttered my bank! I seem to be getting the initial string printed way more often than expected, though, frequently on zone changes? I'm not sure why, but I guess the 'initial' parameter isn't working as expected, or something? I can debug further if you want,...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter07/21/18
bug report: full inventory is very poorly handled
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
For mostly depressing reasons, I found out that this addon handles a full inventory while crafting remains to be done poorly. It will try and craft something, then basically just get stuck waiting for it for something approximating forever. Repro is 100 percent reliable for me. I do have "auto craft" and "auto leave" turned on,...
File: XtoLevel07/21/18
wishlist: random stuff
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hi! Thanks for this: XToLevel is a wonderful tool, and I'm super-happy to have found it. It works great out of the box, and gives me the information I really want. I have what amounts to a wishlist of assorted stuff that'd be nice to have for me, but is obvious not even close to required: libAdonMenu based configuration...
File: CraftStore Gold Road07/20/18
I suspect the answer is that there...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I suspect the answer is that there is no such feature, but can CraftStore Rune show me the recipes that I can translate runes via? (That is, that contain at least one unknown rune, and optimally two.)
File: CurvyHud07/20/18
Thank you so much for this. I have...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Thank you so much for this. I have always loved the curved close-to-center HUD for keeping information where I need it to be. Would you consider adding a pet health bar to the UI, as seen in this Pet Health addon?
File: Tamriel Trade Centre07/19/18
wishlist: in-game chat command to query prices?
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hi! As far as I can tell there is no in-game chat command to query prices. Using the website is reasonable, but sometimes I want to quickly turn a name into a price (or set of prices) for myself. My imaginary interface is bascally `/price wax` which would then list all items with wax in their name... or at least that I needed to...
File: FCM Quest Tracker07/18/18
wishlist: limit maximum height
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I *love* this addon. Call me old fashioned, but seeing my quests and selecting them is much more pleasant to me than the single focus, and jump into a dialog to see others. The one thing that is not working quite perfectly for me is my UI layout. I have, on the right hand side, the layout of long buffs, below that the quest trac...
File: JunkBuster07/18/18
Hi! I was wondering if you had eve...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hi! I was wondering if you had even the vaguest of estimates about when FCO Item Saver support might come along? Being able to have a rules based "apply this mark" would be a killer application, so far as I was concerned, and that is literally the one and only thing that your addon is currently missing to be perfection for what I...
File: Votan's Fisherman07/17/18
It would be great if the addon woul...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
It would be great if the addon would autoselect a bait type when the fishing hole was unknown. Simple Bait, or whatever had the highest count, would probably be the simplest, but simply letting me select one would be fine to. That'd make it easier and faster to get started with this.
File: JunkBuster07/17/18
Hi! I was wondering if you had eve...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hi! I was wondering if you had even the vaguest of estimates about when FCO Item Saver support might come along? Being able to have a rules based "apply this mark" would be a killer application, so far as I was concerned, and that is literally the one and only thing that your addon is currently missing to be perfection for what I...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin07/16/18
Map Pins compatibility?
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hey. Using this with the Map Pins addon, to track lore books, and it isn't removing books from the minimap even when they go away from the main map. Even toggling them off then on again doesn't cause it to clear up. I also tuned down the pin update delay to the minimum, and it still was stuck there. Have not yet verified what c...
File: Auramastery07/16/18
Hi! First, it is wonderful to see...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hi! First, it is wonderful to see a tool similar to WeakAuras from WoW show up. I'd been struggling with the limitations of existing buff/debuff addons to get some more specialized things shown, and this neatly fills that gap. I have a small handful of wishlist items based on using this, and past experience, which I think are re...
File: FCO ItemSaver07/15/18
Awesome, and quite legitimate. Tha...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Awesome, and quite legitimate. Thank you! Hey there, Thanks for the info and explanation. I'll test it a bit and implement it myself then as I got some other changes in the pipeline already and am not able/willing to revert everything :p It'll take some time as I'm currently really busy with my job. But I always wanted to...
File: MultiCraft (OBSOLETE)07/15/18
wishlist: show progress as we craft, "craft all" button
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
It'd be nice to have two additional features in this: 1. Show progress as we craft. A progress bar if you feel really enthusiastic, but simply decrementing the number of crafts remaining until it hits zero would work perfectly well. 2. "Craft All" button, ideally that would jump the count to max, and then craft them all sequen...
File: FCO ItemSaver07/14/18
Hey! The CraftStore: Summerset add...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hey! The CraftStore: Summerset addon has added an API to query if a recipe is known or unknown; would you accept a patch that added support for that into FCO ItemSaver as an alternative to SousChef? You can see it discussed here: The short version is rather short tho...
File: CraftStore Gold Road07/14/18
All of the existing functions tied...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
All of the existing functions tied to that are designed for showing it visually (like the (!) it shows in inventory/guild stores or the X in tooltips), so I added a new function for direct checking a link. Thank you so much!
File: CraftStore Gold Road07/14/18
Are you trying to check on the curr...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Are you trying to check on the current character or be able to pass along which character you're checking for? Just for the current character, at this time. It would be convenient, but not necessary, to know if any character knows the recipe. It would not be necessary, for my purposes, to know *which* character knows it, just "d...
File: CraftStore Gold Road07/14/18
CraftStore public API?
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
G'day. I'm not able to find the details in the source, or the description, so: Is there a "public API" for CraftStore, such that I could answer the question "is this item known or unknown" in a way that is likely to stay working for some approximation of forever? The underlying reason is a desire to integrate the cooking recip...
File: InventoryManager07/14/18
]Hi! This worked great at my bank,...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
]Hi! This worked great at my bank, but it doesn't seem to want to automatically deconstruct items at a crafting station: Sell at shop or fence ... (rules: 1) Rule 1:Any item marked as for sale with quality from worn to superior ---- Deconstruct at crafting station ... (rules: 1) Rule 1:Any item marked as deconstruc...
File: Info Panel07/13/18
wishlist: zone and subzone name display
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hey. Info Panel is wonderful: it does everything I want with one tiny exception, so <3 for that! The one thing that would be nice to add would be the zone / subzone name text, ideally with click-to-chat (or click-to-copy) coordinate data. :)