(3 MB)
Updated: 06/07/24 03:21 AM
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Updated:06/07/24 03:21 AM
Created:10/05/19 06:33 AM
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Categories:PvP, Combat Mods
RdK Group Tool  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.0.44
by: Sordrak [More]
RdK Group Tool is an AddOn which has been developed for PvP. The goal of it was to reduce the amount of AddOns used to one (for our group). Therefore, the AddOn contains both, already known functionality and new functionality.

I began developing almost 2 years ago. At the beginning it was a relatively small AddOn, but with time more modules have been added. The last few months I’ve spent to make the AddOn ready for release. At this point I’d like to thank the guilds which were beta testing. They’ve provided valuable feedback.

Another goal was that the provided modules have a decent default configuration, provide a good degree of configurability and that synergies between the modules are used well (in case the distance has to be calculated between players, it will only be calculated once and the different modules are working with that value).

In addition, deactivated modules shouldn’t run any code. If a deactivated module is running code, this will be considered as a bug.

Note that the AddOn is using Map Pins and isn’t compatible with other AddOns which are using Map Pins. Using multiple such AddOns may kick you from the server.

As modules get updated frequently and new modules will come, I won’t describe here all configuration possibilities in detail. Instead I’ll provide a short summary for each currently available module (at the time of creating this post).

It is possible to create multiple profiles which can be used across characters. Changing the profile doesn’t require a /reloadui.
This module allows you to add a bigger crown / graphic above the group leader.
Auto Invite:
This module allows to automatically add group’s members to the group, who are writing a certain keyword into the chat.
Follow the Crown:
There are four Follow the Crown modules. The allow setting an arrow directing to the crown, to show a display warning when a certain distance is reached, to play a sound if a distance is reached (you don’t want that :P ) and allows to add a beam on the group leader.
Debuff Overview:
Shows the amount of debuffs on the group members. Be careful with this feature as due to API restrictions (or bugs) this doesn’t seem to work properly. In a small group or when you are far away from the group, this feature might work. In bigger groups this doesn’t seem to be the case.
Rapid Overview:
This module shows which rapid morphs are up, including the minor expedition buff given by one of the morphs.
Resource Overview:
Shares and displays information about the ultimate, magicka and stamina. There are plenty of different configuration possibilities including the assignment of ultimate groups.
Healing Damage Meter:
Shares and shows the amount of healing and damage done by the group members.
Potion Overview:
This module shows which group member is on potion cooldown and for how long. Furthermore, you see which kind of potion (crafted, crown store and so on) has been used. In case of an immovability pot, the duration of that buff is shown as well.
Detonation Tracker:
This module shows the active detonations of the group’s members.
Group Beams:
Depending on the role (not tank, healer and dd) it is possible to show additional beams on certain group members.
I See Dead People:
Dead group members will have a beam. The color of the beam will depend on the resurrection status.
Yet Another Compass:
Another AddOn I’ve developed previously.
Simple Compass:
An alternative compass.
Siege Merchant:
Allows automatically buying siege weapons on the merchant. The module attempts to first buy the minimum amount. Afterwards it will buy equipment up to the maximum value.
Automatically recharges your weapons.
Buff Food Tracker:
Displays a warning before the buff food runs out.
Cyrodiil Log:
This module shows information regarding Cyrodiil in your chat window.
Cyrodiil Status:
Shows the current state of active objectives. It includes the state of the flags, amount of deployed siege weapons and a counter, which tells you when the objective will flip the faction.
Change settings related to the quest tracker, default compass, warnings and the respawn timer (camp).
Allows the set a key binding for resurrection at a camp or a keep. There are different key bindings for the camp and the keep.
Camp Preview:
If a camp is active on the quick slot, you’ll see the camp radius on your map. This doesn’t work with all MiniMaps.
Role Assignment:
Let’s you assign a default role to your character.
Synergy Prevention:
You can define a list of synergies which you won’t be able to use. Furthermore, it is possible to configure that list in a way that you are able to use a certain synergy as soon as all players flagged as “Synergy Role” are on cool down for this particular synergy.
Synergy Overview:
Shows you which player has used which synergy including the current cooldown of that player.
Campaign Auto Join:
Accepts the campaign invite automatically after 10 seconds. This module might be useful if you’re in queue and want to grab a new cup of coffee.
AvA Messages:
Allows you to enable / disable certain messages that appear in the middle of your screen while being in Cyrodiil (e.g. Depose Emperor Messages).
Group Share:
This module allows guild administrators (rank 1 to 3) to query certain information from the group members. That information may (depending on the configuration) include game settings, AddOn settings, stats, mundus stones, skills, equipment and CPs. Note that this feature is DISABLED by default.
In addition there are further AddOn settings and modules, which aren’t final and there for testing (e.g. Templar).

The following Slash-Commands are implemented:
/ai <keyword> -> Activates auto invite on the given <keyword>. /ai will deactivate auto invite.
/rdk menu -> Opens the AddOn’s configuration menu
/rdk config -> Opens the configuration menu. You can export and import profiles in this menu.
/rdk admin -> Opens the admin menu for guild masters and guild officers (rank 1-3 is required)

Nach nun fast zwei Jahren Entwicklungszeit stelle ich euch mein neues Addon „RdK Group Tool“ vor, das im Wesentlichen fürs PvP ausgelegt ist. Zu Beginn war es ausschließlich für unsere Gilde gedacht und hatte wenige Module, wovon aber mit der Zeit immer mehr hinzukamen. Bis es schließlich zu einem Ungetüm heranwuchs, was mich dazu trieb, es nicht mehr der ESO-Gemeinde vorzuenthalten. Denn es vereint nicht nur neue, sondern auch viele Funktionalitäten bekannter Addons. Und all das wurde in die unten aufgeführten Module untergebracht, die ihr je nach Bedarf zu- und abschalten sowie konfigurieren könnt.

Ein Ziel dabei war es, dass statt unzähliger Addons ein einziges genügt, um den Anforderungen des Gruppenspiels im PvP gerecht zu werden; ein weiteres, dass Berechnungen auf ein Minimum reduziert werden. So werden gewisse Berechnungen nur einmal ausgeführt, während mehrere Module zugleich darauf zugreifen; zum Beispiel wenn es darum geht, den Abstand zwischen Spielern zu ermitteln. Zudem wurden die Standardeinstellungen der Module so festgelegt, dass sie Sinn ergeben.

Des Weiteren verwendet RdK Group Tool sogenannte Map Pins, um Informationen innerhalb der Gruppe zu übermitteln, damit zum Beispiel die anderen sehen, ob deine Ulti voll ist, oder umgekehrt. Aber bitte beachtet: Da auch andere Addons diese Map Pins verwenden, kann es zu Konflikten kommen - sogar dazu, dass ihr vom Server fliegt. In dem Fall ist es notwendig, diese zu deaktivieren.

An dieser Stelle bedanke ich mich noch einmal bei allen, die mich in den letzten Monaten dabei unterstützt haben, das Addon für die Veröffentlichung startklar zu machen, insbesondere bei den Gilden, die an den Beta-Tests teilgenommen haben.

Es folgen die Module, die ich kurz beschreiben werde:

Hier könnt ihr verschiedene Konfigurationsprofile anlegen, die ihr, ohne /reloadui einzugeben, auf euren Charakteren auswählen könnt.
Hier kann eine größere Krone oder ein alternatives Symbol festgelegt werden, das dann über dem Gruppenleiter angezeigt wird.
Auto Invite:
Ermöglicht das automatisierte Einladen von Spielern in die Gruppe, nachdem diese einen zuvor festgelegten Text eingegeben haben.
Follow the Crown:
Hierzu gibt es vier Module: Ein Pfeil, der in Richtung Krone deutet. Eine Warnung, die bei zu großem Abstand zur Krone erscheint. Ein nervtötendes Audio-Signal, das im vorherigem Fall ertönt. Und ein Strahl, der die Krone zusätzlich hervorhebt.
Debuff-Übersicht (Warnung):
Zeigt die Anzahl Debuffs der Gruppenmitglieder an. Leider macht die API hier gelegentlich schlapp. So kommt es insbesondere bei großen Gruppen vor, dass keine Debuffs angezeigt werden.
Zeigt an, welche Gruppenmitgliedern Rapid haben und davon die Morphs wie Minor Expedition.
Zeigt die Ressourcen wie Ultimate, Stamina, Magicka aller Gruppenmitglieder wahlweise in einer geteilten oder kombinierten Übersicht an, inklusive zugeteilter Ulti-Gruppen.
Heilung und Schaden über Zeit:
Zeigt an, wer in der Gruppe wie viel Schaden und Heilung austeilt.
Zeigt an, welche Gruppenmitglieder auf Cooldown sind, falls gegeben die Dauer des Buffs, der vor Unbeweglichkeit bewahrt, und die Art des Tranks, ob dieser zum Beispiel aus dem Kronenshop stammt oder hergestellt wurde.
Detonation Tracker:
Dieser zeigt die aktiven Detonationen der Spieler an.
Strahlen – Gruppenmitglieder:
Je nach Gruppenrolle, die im Modul „Rollenzuteilung“ zugewiesen wird, können unterschiedliche Strahlen definiert werden, sodass bestimmte Spieler hervorgehoben werden.
Ich sehe tote Menschen:
Verendete Gruppenmitglieder bekommen einen Strahl, der je nach Status der Wiederbelebung eine andere Farbe hat.
Yet Another Compass:
Ein anderes von mir entwickeltes Addon, das nun Bestandteil des RdK Group Tool ist.
Simple Compass:
Ein alternativer Kompass.
Ermöglicht euch den direkten Einkauf von Belagerungswaffen. Es wird zuerst versucht auf den Minimalwert aufzustocken und dann erst auf den maximalen.
Recharger - Seelensteine:
Lädt automatisch die Verzauberung von Waffen wieder auf und warnt, bevor die Seelensteine ausgehen.
Buff Food Tracker:
Warnt, bevor das Buff Food ausläuft.
Gibt diverse Informationen im Chat wieder.
Zeigt den Status von Burgen und Stellungen an, einschließlich deren Flaggenstatus, die Anzahl der Belagerungswaffen sowie die Dauer bis zur feindlichen Übernahme.
Diverse Einstellungen für Quest Tracker, Kompassverbesserungen, Warnungen und Respawn Timer für Zelte.
Erlaubt das Aufstehen in einem Zelt oder einer Burg per Knopfdruck, wofür sich jeweils eine Taste festlegen lässt.
Wenn das Zelt im Quickslot ist, wird auf der Karte schon vor dem Stellen des Zeltes der Radius angezeigt. Funktioniert nicht mit allen MiniMaps.
Hier wird Gruppenrolle für den Charakter festgelegt, so zum Beispiel auch die „Synergierolle“.
Hier kann eine Liste von Synergien so definiert werden, dass solche nicht von jedem Spieler ausgelöst werden können, sondern nur von denen, welche die erforderliche „Synergierolle“ haben. Auch lässt sich hier festlegen, dass Synergien wieder von allen ausgelöst werden können, sobald alle mit „Synergierolle“ auf Cooldown sind.
Zeigt an, welche Spieler welche Synergien ausgelöst haben, inklusive deren Cooldowns.
Campaign Auto Join:
Nimmt die Kampagneneinladung nach 10 Sekunden automatisch an. Nützlich, falls man in einer Warteschlange ist und kurz einen Kaffee holen gehen will.
Erlaubt das Ausblenden bestimmter Nachrichten, die in der Mitte des Bildschirms angezeigt werden, zum Beispiel wer gerade Kaiser wurde.
Group Share:
Erlaubt den Gildenadministratoren (Rang 1-3) das Auslesen von Spieleinstellungen, Addon-Einstellungen, Statuspunkten, Mundussteinen, Skills, Ausrüstungen und CP-Verteilungen. Beachtet, dass diese Funktion standardmäßig NICHT aktiviert ist.

Des Weiteren gibt es noch generelle Addon-Einstellungen und Module wie „Templerheiler (Gruppe)“, die eher einen Testcharakter haben.

Die Module findet ihr im Spiel unter Einstellungen -> Erweiterungen -> RdK Group Tool.

Zusätzlich stehen euch noch die folgenden Befehle zur Verfügung:

/ai <keyword> -> aktiviert Auto Invite mit dem <keyword>.
/ai -> deaktiviert Auto Invite.
/rdk menu -> öffnet das Konfigurationsmenü.
/rdk config -> öffnet ein Menü, über welches Addon-Konfigurationen exportiert und importiert werden können.
/rdk admin -> öffnet das Adminmenü für Gildenleiter sowie Gildenoffiziere (Rang 1-3).

Après deux ans de développement, je vous présente mon nouvel add-on : „RdK Group Tool“. Il s'adresse essentiellement aux joueurs PvP. Au départ, il était exclusivement conçu pour notre guilde, avec un nombre réduit de modules, qui a augmenté au fil du temps, jusqu'à devenir une usine à gaz... ce qui m'a poussé à le retravailler à l'intention de toute la communauté de TESO. Il comporte non seulement des fonctionnalités nouvelles, mais il rassemble aussi de nombreux avantages jusqu'ici proposés par d'autres add-ons réputés. Tout ceci est hébergé dans les modules décrits ci-dessous, que l'on peut activer, désactiver et configurer à volonté.

Un des objectifs poursuivis était de proposer un add-on unique en lieu et place des innombrables add-ons disponibles, pour satisfaire les besoins d'un jeu en groupe en PvP. Un autre objectif était de réduire les calculs effectués au minimum. Ces calculs sont réalisés une fois, mais plusieurs modules accèdent aux résultats, par exemple, lorsqu'il s'agit de calculer la distance entre deux joueurs. Par ailleurs, les réglages par défaut ont été définis de telle sorte qu'ils soient utiles aux joueurs.

En outre, RdK Group Tool utilise les Map Pins, les marqueurs de carte, pour transmettre des informations au sein du groupe. Par exemple, tes camarades de groupe peuvent voir si ton ulti est pleine, donc disponible, et inversement. Faites attention cependant : l'utilisation simultanée de cette fonction avec d'autres add-ons qui utilisent également les Map Pins peut conduire à des conflits - ou bien carrément à être déconnecté du serveur. Dans ce cas, il est nécessaire de la désactiver.

Je remercie ici à nouveau tous les joueurs qui m'ont soutenu ces derniers mois, et m'ont aidé à parfaire cet add-on pour le rendre disponible à toute la communauté, et en particulier les guildes qui ont participé au bêta-tests.

Voici les modules que je souhaite brièvement décrire :

Vous pouvez ici enregistrer plusieurs configurations que vous pourrez ensuite choisir pour chacun de vos personnages (sans passer par un /reloadui ).
Couronne: Vous permet de choisir une grosse couronne - ou un autre symbole - qui apparaîtra ensuite sur le chef de groupe.
Auto Invite:
Permet l'invitation automatisée de joueurs dans le groupe en fonction d'une chaîne de texte prédéfinie.
Suivez la couronne:
Ceci concerne 4 modules: une flèche qui indique la direction de la couronne ; un avertissement, qui apparaît si le chef de groupe est très éloigné ; un son insupportable pour les nerfs ;-) qui se déclenche également quand la couronne est très éloignée, et un rayon, qui éclaire le chef de groupe.
Aperçu des débuffs (Avertissement):
Montre le nombre de debuffs des membres du groupe. Malheureusement, l'API n'est pas top dans ce domaine. Dans le cas d'un grand groupe, il est possible que les debuffs ne soient pas indiqués.
Aperçu du speed-pvp:
Montre quels membres du groupe disposent de la manoeuvre rapide (et des morphs correspondants tels que l'expédition mineure).
Aperçu des ressources:
Montre les ressources telles que l'ulti, la vigueur, la magie, de tous les membres du groupe, dans un tableau séparé ou combiné (au choix). Ceci inclut les groupes d'ultis attribués.
Soins et dégâts sur la durée:
Montre qui dans le groupe dispense des soins et des dégâts - et combien.
Aperçu des potions:
Montre combien de membres du groupe sont en cooldown, le cas échéant la durée d'immunité contre les effets de contrôle et d'immobilisation, et le type de potion (par exemple, si c'est une potion à couronnes ou craftée).
Suiv des détonations:
Ce module montre les détonations actives des joueurs.
Rayons - membres du groupe:
Selon les rôles de groupe indiqués dans le module "répartition des rôles", vous pouvez définir des rayons différents, afin d'identifier chaque joueur en fonction de son rôle.
Je vois les morts:
Les membres du groupe tués reçoivent un rayon, de couleur différente en fonction du statut de leur résurrection.
Yet Another Compass:
Un autre add-on développé par mes soins, désormais partie intégrante de RdK Group Tool.
Simple Compass:
Une autre boussole.
Marchand de siège:
Vous permet d'acheter directement auprès du marchand d'armes de siège. Le restockage se fait d'abord sur les valeurs minimales, puis sur les maximales.
Recharger - Pierres d'âme:
Recharge automatiquement les armes et prévient avant que les pierres d'âmes soient épuisées.
Suivi des buffs de nourriture:
Alerte avant que le buff de nourriture expire.
Journal de Cyrodiil:
Envoie des informations diverses dans la fenêtre de chat.
Statut de Cyrodiil:
Montre les statuts des forteresses et des positions, y inclus leur statut de drapeau, le nombre d'armes de sièges et la durée avant la prise de pouvoir de l'ennemi.
Réglages et options diverses pour suivre les quêtes, améliorer la boussole, alertes et temps de repop des tentes.
Permet de ressusciter dans une tente ou une forteresse d'une simple touche de raccourci configurable à volonté.
Aperçu des tentes:
Si la tente est dans les raccourcis d'objet, le périmètre de la tente est indiqué sur la carte avant même de poser la tente. Fonctionne avec la plupart des minimaps - mais pas toutes.
Répartition des rôles:
Permet de définir le rôle de chaque membre du groupe, comme par exemple le rôle de "synergie".
Renforcement des synergies:
Permet d'établir une liste de synergies qui ne peuvent pas être déclenchées par n'importe quel joueur, mais seulement par les joueurs dont le rôle a été défini comme tel dans les options "rôle de synergie". Si tous les joueurs "synergie" sont en phase de cooldown, on peut choisir si n'importe quel joueur peut à nouveau activer la synergie.
Aperçu des synergies:
Montre quels joueurs ont activé quelles synergies, avec leurs cooldowns respectifs.
Campaign Auto Join:
Accepte l'invitation à rejoindre la campagne automatiquement, après 10 secondes. Pratique si on attend d'être invité dans une campagne mais qu'on est parti préparer le café .
Permet de paramétrer certaines annonces qui apparaissent au centre de l'écran - comme par exemple le couronnement d'un nouvel empereur.
Group Share:
Permet aux administrateurs de guilde (rang 1 à 3) de voir les réglages de jeu, les paramétrage d'add-on, points de statut, pierres de Mundus, compétences, équipement et points de champion. Notez que cette fonction est désactivée par défaut.
Certains réglages et modules, comme par exemple "Soigneur templier en champ de bataille", sont destinés aux tests.

Vous trouverez ces modules en jeu sous le réglage "Add-on" => RdK Group Tool.

Vous disposez en plus des lignes de commande suivantes :

/ai <keyword> -> active l'invitation automatique avec le mot-clé <keyword>.
/ai -> désactive l'invitation automatique.
/rdk menu -> ouvre le menu de configuration.
/rdk config -> ouvre un menu qui permet d'importer et d'exporter ses configurations.
/rdk admin -> ouvre le menu administrateur pour les chefs de guilde et les officiers(Rang 1-3).

Thanks to: Graham and Nita for the translations.
Version 2.0.44:
- Updated libraries

Version 2.0.43:
- Updated libraries
- Added new repair materials (and pots) to the Siege Merchant
- Fixed Cyrodiil Status white bars (race condition)

Version 2.0.42:
- AI bug fix
- Manifest updates

Version 2.0.41:
- Removed debug messages

Version 2.0.40:
- Updated libraries
- Fixed translations
- Added arcanist ultimates
- Added 2 new synergies SO / SP

Version 2.0.39:
- Updated libraries
- Fixed Synergy Overview IDs (v8.3.5 Changes...)

Version 2.0.38:
- Updated libraries
- Added second magicka shalk to Detonation / Shalk Tracker
- Added Gryphon's Reprisal to Synergy Prevention and Synergy Overview

Version 2.0.37:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump

Version 2.0.36:
Bug Fix: Config Import Nil String

Version 2.0.35:
Bug Fix: SM First AP, Then Gold

Version 2.0.34:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump

Version 2.0.33:
- Enhancement: @ removed in DisplayName (contributed by nnamrak)
- Enhancement: RO Stealth Implementation (contributed by nnamrak (with additional rework))
- Bug Fix: Potion Overview Temporary Workaround

Version 2.0.32:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump
- Fixed Group Window AI Bug
- Fixed Ritual Synergy ID

Version 2.0.31:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump

Version 2.0.30:
- Bug Fix: French translation of the Cyrodiil status
- Updated libraries (WARNING: The new version of LibCustomMenu causes issues with other AddOns as some AddOns fail to properly load LibCustomMenu (e.g. Lazy Writ Crafter). This is not an issue of LibCustomMenu. The authors of the AddOns that do not properly load this library should fix their AddOn.

Version 2.0.29:
- Bug Fix: Networking pingTag (when networking disabled)
- Bug Fix: Icy Escape should now be always prevented (if enabled)

Version 2.0.28:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump

Version 2.0.27:
- Updated libraries

Version 2.0.26:
- Bug Fix: YACS Keybinding

Version 2.0.25:
- Bug Fix: Rapid Tracker (now Minor / Major Expedition)
- Enhancement: Deto / Shalk Tracker: Second Sub Assault Progress Bar
- Enhancement: SO / SP: Updated Synergies
- Enhancement: Update SP Synergy List. This should now work with other languages than en, de and fr

Version 2.0.24:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump

Version 2.0.23:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump

Version 2.0.22:
Enhancement: Added Warden Icy Escape to SO / SP
Enhancement: Added Synergies of the next update to SO / SP (sanguine burst, heed the call)

Version 2.0.21:
- Bug Fix: Rapid Tracker

Version 2.0.20:
- Bug Fix: German Synergy name of Spinal Surge

Version 2.0.19:
- Updated libraries
- API Version Bump

Version 2.0.18:
- Enhancement: Network Update Interval Slider
WARNING: This feature has been added to reduce the "spam" that could occur due to the latest ZOS update (kick to login). Do not change that value, if you do not experience any issues with the game. Furthermore, changing this setting might not do anything good as your issues are not related to the networking settings of this addon. So use this with caution.

Version 2.0.17:
- Updated libraries
- Removed LibStub from direct dependencies again (still required by LibAddonMenu)

Version 2.0.16:
Updated libraries
Note that there are known issues:
- LibStub is still in use and had to be added due to Lib3D (it will be removed as soon as possible.) -> You will get a chat message because of this -> /libstubwarning
- LibChatMessage has issues with the new ESO update. This library may prevent LibFoodDrinkBuff to load properly, which will cause RdK Group Tool to abort loading. Disable LibChatMessage until there is a new version of it.

I'm not happy with the current state. Unfortunately, I can't really change anything. Expect an update as soon as possible.

Version 2.0.15:
API Version Bump

Version 2.0.14:
Enhancement: HDM Rework part #2
Enhancement: ChatSystem Color

Version 2.0.13:
Enhancement: HDM Rework part #1

Version 2.0.12:
Bug Fix: Update Handling FTCW, HDM, PO, BFT, CS
Bug Fix: SetForeground
Bug Fix: Alert Messages on load
Enhancements: Code clean up

Version 2.0.11:
Bug Fix: Update Handling FTCV, DT, RT, SC, YACS
Bug Fix: Anchor Issue Profile Change
Bug Fix: AI string.format issue
Bug Fix: SC, PO Locked Positions
Bug Fix: Yacs Profile Change (Background)
Bug Fix: FTCV Profile Change (Arrow)
Bug Fix: AI Group Window German Text
Enhancement: Updated Libraries

Version 2.0.10:
Bug Fix: SO reduced table spacing positioning

Version 2.0.9:
Enhancement: RO Combined In Combad Indicator
Enhancement: HDM Keybinding / Slash command for Counter Reset / Clear
Enhancement: SO reduced table spacing (Swimlane style)
Bug Fix: RO Combined Swimlane Ulti Percent

Version 2.0.8:
Bug Fix: DBO 0 Debuffs >_<

Version 2.0.7:
Bug Fix: DBO Bugged Debuffs

Version 2.0.6:
Bug: Player Sort RO fixed

Version 2.0.5:
Bug Fix: DBO Bugged Debuffs

Version 2.0.4:
Enhancement: Remove not purgeable (bug) debuffs from DBO

Version 2.0.3:
- Enhancement: French Translation DBO
- Enhancement: Scaling for DBO
- Bug: DBO Update Handling
- Libraries updated / API version bump

Version 2.0.2:
- Enhancement: Debug Overview is working with map pins now. It is using already existing map pins to transfer the data (Resource Overview, Synergy Overview, Healing Damage Meter)

Version 2.0.1:
- Detonation Tracker -> Detonation / Shalk Tracker
- Bug: FTCV flickering Arrow
- Rework Library Loading
- Bug: French translation file issue
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Unread 08/30/20, 09:11 AM  
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Originally Posted by nk125x

Can you add a key-bind to rotate through profiles?

Also I seam to have lost the assignment number, how can I get it back?
Thanks for the feedback. Added to the todo list.

The Assignment number can be configured at the following location:

Group Settings -> Ressource Overview (Combined):
Ultimate Groups Enabled -> ON
<Skill> Group Size -> 1 or higher

Furthermore, set your ultimate to an ultimate that is part of a group. E.g. Negate.

Also be aware that you have to be "close" to the group leader. You can change the distance with the "Max Distance" setting.

Please note that all group members will need the same configuration. Otherwise people might see the same numbers when they should have a different one. You might want to share some base profile with the other group members by using /rdk config -> export / import profile

In case none of the above worked, please provide your current configuration file and i'll take a look at it.
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Unread 08/30/20, 02:28 AM  

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Can you add a key-bind to rotate through profiles?

Also I seam to have lost the assignment number, how can I get it back?
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Unread 08/02/20, 07:57 AM  
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Originally Posted by zexus
Originally Posted by Sordrak
Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Any way to move where the assignment number is, where it shows what ultimate number you are? I can't move it in game and have even tried digging into the saved vars and can't find a location stored there either.
It is possible to move that number. I'm aware that some players have issue with that, but i currently do not know why.

Could you try it again while disabling other modules (and other addons) that could overlap that control? E.g. temporarily disable yet another compass and try to move it again.

Just tested out by disabling addons and reenabling one by one, issue occurs when using MapPins addon, with MapPins disabled/deleted, announcement number moves back to its correct movable frame.
Thanks for the input. To be honest, i have no idea why that should be the case, but i'll take a look at it.
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Unread 08/01/20, 10:31 PM  

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Originally Posted by Sordrak
Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Any way to move where the assignment number is, where it shows what ultimate number you are? I can't move it in game and have even tried digging into the saved vars and can't find a location stored there either.
It is possible to move that number. I'm aware that some players have issue with that, but i currently do not know why.

Could you try it again while disabling other modules (and other addons) that could overlap that control? E.g. temporarily disable yet another compass and try to move it again.

Just tested out by disabling addons and reenabling one by one, issue occurs when using MapPins addon, with MapPins disabled/deleted, announcement number moves back to its correct movable frame.
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Unread 07/30/20, 12:23 PM  

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Originally Posted by Sordrak
Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Originally Posted by Sordrak
Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Any way to move where the assignment number is, where it shows what ultimate number you are? I can't move it in game and have even tried digging into the saved vars and can't find a location stored there either.
It is possible to move that number. I'm aware that some players have issue with that, but i currently do not know why.

Could you try it again while disabling other modules (and other addons) that could overlap that control? E.g. temporarily disable yet another compass and try to move it again.

Only thing turned on is resource overview and still now luck. Will try with no addons at some point.
Okay, took quite a while to see that control in the right corner.
It seems that it does not get the red "border" it should get. Which button did you press to get your controls movable? The one that actives everything or one of the ressource overview buttons?
The one that activates everything.
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Unread 07/30/20, 01:28 AM  
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Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Originally Posted by Sordrak
Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Any way to move where the assignment number is, where it shows what ultimate number you are? I can't move it in game and have even tried digging into the saved vars and can't find a location stored there either.
It is possible to move that number. I'm aware that some players have issue with that, but i currently do not know why.

Could you try it again while disabling other modules (and other addons) that could overlap that control? E.g. temporarily disable yet another compass and try to move it again.

Only thing turned on is resource overview and still now luck. Will try with no addons at some point.
Okay, took quite a while to see that control in the right corner.
It seems that it does not get the red "border" it should get. Which button did you press to get your controls movable? The one that actives everything or one of the ressource overview buttons?
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Unread 07/29/20, 07:59 PM  

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Originally Posted by Sordrak
Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Any way to move where the assignment number is, where it shows what ultimate number you are? I can't move it in game and have even tried digging into the saved vars and can't find a location stored there either.
It is possible to move that number. I'm aware that some players have issue with that, but i currently do not know why.

Could you try it again while disabling other modules (and other addons) that could overlap that control? E.g. temporarily disable yet another compass and try to move it again.

Only thing turned on is resource overview and still now luck. Will try with no addons at some point.
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Unread 07/29/20, 01:20 AM  
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Originally Posted by asneakybanana
Any way to move where the assignment number is, where it shows what ultimate number you are? I can't move it in game and have even tried digging into the saved vars and can't find a location stored there either.
It is possible to move that number. I'm aware that some players have issue with that, but i currently do not know why.

Could you try it again while disabling other modules (and other addons) that could overlap that control? E.g. temporarily disable yet another compass and try to move it again.
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Unread 07/28/20, 05:49 PM  

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Any way to move where the assignment number is, where it shows what ultimate number you are? I can't move it in game and have even tried digging into the saved vars and can't find a location stored there either.
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Unread 07/27/20, 02:01 AM  
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Originally Posted by Tekvektor
I did and this was all they had to say as of this morning

Yes, and this certainly is correct. At least to a certain degree. It could also be caused by a bug.
Yet, it surprises me that you get these messages as I use at least these two addons as well.
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Unread 07/25/20, 05:37 PM  

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I did and this was all they had to say as of this morning

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Unread 07/25/20, 04:24 PM  
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Originally Posted by Tekvektor
whatever else I can, what would be useful?

I've also found the same behavior with Dolgubons Lazy Set Crafter but havnt identified any other addons I can tell are causing issues. I currently only have RTK enabled on my PVP toons.

here's a list of addons I"m currently running

06/24/2020 04:59 PM <DIR> ActionDurationReminder
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> AddonSelector
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> AdvancedFilters
04/16/2020 05:54 PM <DIR> AF_FCOItemSaverFilters
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> AF_FCOItemTraitType
06/03/2020 04:52 PM <DIR> AIResearchGrid
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> AlphaGear
04/15/2020 11:08 AM <DIR> AssistRapidRiding
05/01/2020 10:21 PM <DIR> AsylumNotifier
05/01/2020 10:20 PM <DIR> AsylumPriorityTarget
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> AsylumTracker
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> AtlasDD
04/30/2020 07:56 PM <DIR> AT_Finisher
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> AutoCategory
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> AwesomeGuildStore
05/11/2020 07:54 AM <DIR> BanditsGearManager
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> BanditsUserInterface
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> BankerShutUp
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> BeamMeUp
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> BetterStealthText
05/13/2020 05:16 PM <DIR> BRHelper
06/15/2020 02:52 PM <DIR> ByTheAncestors
06/21/2020 05:43 PM <DIR> ChampionPointsSlots
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> Chat2Clipboard
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> CombatAlerts
06/12/2020 02:26 PM <DIR> CombatMetrics
05/28/2020 09:03 PM <DIR> CombatMetronome
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> Constellations
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> CraftBagExtended
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> CraftCompare
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> CraftingWritAssistant
07/23/2020 10:25 AM <DIR> CraftStoreFixedAndImproved
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> CritDamage
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> CustomCompassPins
06/30/2020 04:01 PM <DIR> DBGN
06/05/2020 07:27 PM <DIR> Destinations
07/23/2020 10:09 AM <DIR> DolgubonsLazySetCrafter
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> DolgubonsLazyWritCreator
06/03/2020 04:52 PM <DIR> DungeonTracker
06/05/2020 09:50 AM <DIR> Dustman
07/21/2020 03:34 PM <DIR> ESODatabaseExport
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> EssentialHousingTools
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> FCOCraftFilter
06/03/2020 04:52 PM <DIR> FCOItemSaver
07/09/2020 04:44 PM <DIR> FixStuckAudio
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> GCDBar
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> GearChangerByIakoni
06/30/2020 04:01 PM <DIR> GroupLootNotifier
05/11/2020 07:47 AM <DIR> GroupManager
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> GroupSpy
05/16/2020 04:23 PM <DIR> Grubmaster
03/30/2020 04:18 PM <DIR> HarvensXPNotify
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> HarvestMap
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> HodorReflexes
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> HowToSunspire
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> IdleAnimations
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> IIfA
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ItemTitan
03/12/2020 05:33 PM <DIR> Lib3D
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> libAddonKeybinds
06/21/2020 05:04 PM <DIR> LibAddonMenu-2.0
05/26/2020 03:42 PM <DIR> LibAlchemyStation
05/26/2020 03:42 PM <DIR> LibAsync
04/30/2020 07:55 PM <DIR> LibBinaryEncode
03/02/2020 03:38 PM <DIR> LibChatMessage
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> LibCombat
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> libCommonInventoryFilters
04/23/2020 10:53 AM <DIR> LibCustomMenu
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibDateTime
04/23/2020 10:53 AM <DIR> LibDebugLogger
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> LibDialog
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibFeedback
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibFilters-3.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibGetText
04/30/2020 07:56 PM <DIR> LibGPS
05/16/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> LibHarvensAddonSettings
06/26/2020 05:40 PM <DIR> LibLazyCrafting
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibLoadedAddons
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LibMainMenu-2.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibMapPing
06/24/2020 04:59 PM <DIR> LibMapPins-1.0
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LibMediaProvider-1.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibMotifCategories
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> LibPhinixFunctions
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibPrice
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibPromises
07/21/2020 03:34 PM <DIR> LibQuestData
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibResearch
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> LibRunebox
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> LibSavedVars
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibScootworksFunctions
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LibSets
06/17/2020 04:03 PM <DIR> LibSFUtils
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibSlashCommander
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibStub
05/16/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> LibTableFunctions-1.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibTextFilter
05/08/2020 08:15 PM <DIR> LibZone
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LightAttackHelper
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> LostTreasure
06/10/2020 03:53 PM <DIR> MapPins
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MasterMerchant
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> Medic
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> MerlinsRezHelper
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM00Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM01Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM02Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM03Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM04Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM05Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM06Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM07Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM08Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM09Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM10Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM11Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM12Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM13Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM14Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM15Data
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> Olorime
06/21/2020 05:04 PM <DIR> PotionMaker
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> PublicDungeonChampions
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> PvpAlerts
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> QuestMap
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> RaidNotifier
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> RdKGroupTool
03/24/2020 08:47 AM <DIR> Recharge
03/12/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> ResearchAssistant
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ResearchTimer
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> Roomba
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ScootworksUltiPercent
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> ScrySpy
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> SetTracker
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> SheathWeapon
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ShissuPvPBooster
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ShissuSuiteManager
05/01/2020 10:52 PM <DIR> ShoppingList
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> SkyShards
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> SlightlyImprovedExperienceBar
06/15/2020 02:52 PM <DIR> Srendarr
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> SunTzu
05/12/2020 08:57 AM <DIR> SuperStar
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> Synergy
07/25/2020 04:37 AM <DIR> TamrielTradeCentre
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> TinydogsCraftingCalculator
07/09/2020 04:40 PM <DIR> TraitBuddy
03/02/2020 03:38 PM <DIR> TrialsWeeklyResetTrackerExtended
05/16/2020 04:23 PM <DIR> UCT
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> UndauntedDaily
03/14/2020 01:02 PM <DIR> UndauntedPledgesUtilities
03/01/2020 05:11 PM <DIR> Undiscovered
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> USPF
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> VampireWoe
05/08/2020 08:15 PM <DIR> VotansAdaptiveSettings
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> WishList
06/03/2020 04:52 PM <DIR> WritWorthy
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> WTBConduits
05/27/2020 10:46 AM <DIR> wykkydsToolbar
04/30/2020 07:56 PM <DIR> Xynode
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> __MACOSX
well, a lot.
if i get the error message correct, there is an issue with the UI controls' anchors. I usually experienced that issue when setanchor is used without using clearanchors. but it might be something completely different and may be related to other addons running at the same time that are causing issues.

I'll have to go through the anchors of the of rdk group tool to see if there is an issue. It would be great if you could post that error message to the developer of CraftStore as it is throwing that error message.
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Unread 07/25/20, 03:06 PM  

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whatever else I can, what would be useful?

I've also found the same behavior with Dolgubons Lazy Set Crafter but havnt identified any other addons I can tell are causing issues. I currently only have RTK enabled on my PVP toons.

here's a list of addons I"m currently running

06/24/2020 04:59 PM <DIR> ActionDurationReminder
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> AddonSelector
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> AdvancedFilters
04/16/2020 05:54 PM <DIR> AF_FCOItemSaverFilters
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> AF_FCOItemTraitType
06/03/2020 04:52 PM <DIR> AIResearchGrid
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> AlphaGear
04/15/2020 11:08 AM <DIR> AssistRapidRiding
05/01/2020 10:21 PM <DIR> AsylumNotifier
05/01/2020 10:20 PM <DIR> AsylumPriorityTarget
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> AsylumTracker
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> AtlasDD
04/30/2020 07:56 PM <DIR> AT_Finisher
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> AutoCategory
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> AwesomeGuildStore
05/11/2020 07:54 AM <DIR> BanditsGearManager
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> BanditsUserInterface
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> BankerShutUp
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> BeamMeUp
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> BetterStealthText
05/13/2020 05:16 PM <DIR> BRHelper
06/15/2020 02:52 PM <DIR> ByTheAncestors
06/21/2020 05:43 PM <DIR> ChampionPointsSlots
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> Chat2Clipboard
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> CombatAlerts
06/12/2020 02:26 PM <DIR> CombatMetrics
05/28/2020 09:03 PM <DIR> CombatMetronome
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> Constellations
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> CraftBagExtended
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> CraftCompare
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> CraftingWritAssistant
07/23/2020 10:25 AM <DIR> CraftStoreFixedAndImproved
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> CritDamage
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> CustomCompassPins
06/30/2020 04:01 PM <DIR> DBGN
06/05/2020 07:27 PM <DIR> Destinations
07/23/2020 10:09 AM <DIR> DolgubonsLazySetCrafter
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> DolgubonsLazyWritCreator
06/03/2020 04:52 PM <DIR> DungeonTracker
06/05/2020 09:50 AM <DIR> Dustman
07/21/2020 03:34 PM <DIR> ESODatabaseExport
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> EssentialHousingTools
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> FCOCraftFilter
06/03/2020 04:52 PM <DIR> FCOItemSaver
07/09/2020 04:44 PM <DIR> FixStuckAudio
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> GCDBar
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> GearChangerByIakoni
06/30/2020 04:01 PM <DIR> GroupLootNotifier
05/11/2020 07:47 AM <DIR> GroupManager
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> GroupSpy
05/16/2020 04:23 PM <DIR> Grubmaster
03/30/2020 04:18 PM <DIR> HarvensXPNotify
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> HarvestMap
07/18/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> HodorReflexes
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> HowToSunspire
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> IdleAnimations
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> IIfA
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ItemTitan
03/12/2020 05:33 PM <DIR> Lib3D
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> libAddonKeybinds
06/21/2020 05:04 PM <DIR> LibAddonMenu-2.0
05/26/2020 03:42 PM <DIR> LibAlchemyStation
05/26/2020 03:42 PM <DIR> LibAsync
04/30/2020 07:55 PM <DIR> LibBinaryEncode
03/02/2020 03:38 PM <DIR> LibChatMessage
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> LibCombat
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> libCommonInventoryFilters
04/23/2020 10:53 AM <DIR> LibCustomMenu
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibDateTime
04/23/2020 10:53 AM <DIR> LibDebugLogger
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> LibDialog
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibFeedback
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibFilters-3.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibGetText
04/30/2020 07:56 PM <DIR> LibGPS
05/16/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> LibHarvensAddonSettings
06/26/2020 05:40 PM <DIR> LibLazyCrafting
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibLoadedAddons
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LibMainMenu-2.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibMapPing
06/24/2020 04:59 PM <DIR> LibMapPins-1.0
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LibMediaProvider-1.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibMotifCategories
06/10/2020 03:52 PM <DIR> LibPhinixFunctions
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibPrice
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibPromises
07/21/2020 03:34 PM <DIR> LibQuestData
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibResearch
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> LibRunebox
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> LibSavedVars
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibScootworksFunctions
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LibSets
06/17/2020 04:03 PM <DIR> LibSFUtils
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibSlashCommander
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibStub
05/16/2020 04:58 PM <DIR> LibTableFunctions-1.0
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> LibTextFilter
05/08/2020 08:15 PM <DIR> LibZone
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> LightAttackHelper
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> LostTreasure
06/10/2020 03:53 PM <DIR> MapPins
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MasterMerchant
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> Medic
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> MerlinsRezHelper
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM00Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM01Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM02Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM03Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM04Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM05Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM06Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM07Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM08Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM09Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM10Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM11Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM12Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM13Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM14Data
03/02/2020 03:37 PM <DIR> MM15Data
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> Olorime
06/21/2020 05:04 PM <DIR> PotionMaker
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> PublicDungeonChampions
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> PvpAlerts
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> QuestMap
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> RaidNotifier
07/21/2020 03:35 PM <DIR> RdKGroupTool
03/24/2020 08:47 AM <DIR> Recharge
03/12/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> ResearchAssistant
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ResearchTimer
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> Roomba
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ScootworksUltiPercent
07/18/2020 04:57 PM <DIR> ScrySpy
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> SetTracker
05/25/2020 06:56 PM <DIR> SheathWeapon
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ShissuPvPBooster
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> ShissuSuiteManager
05/01/2020 10:52 PM <DIR> ShoppingList
07/04/2020 06:35 PM <DIR> SkyShards
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> SlightlyImprovedExperienceBar
06/15/2020 02:52 PM <DIR> Srendarr
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> SunTzu
05/12/2020 08:57 AM <DIR> SuperStar
05/26/2020 03:41 PM <DIR> Synergy
07/25/2020 04:37 AM <DIR> TamrielTradeCentre
03/01/2020 05:12 PM <DIR> TinydogsCraftingCalculator
07/09/2020 04:40 PM <DIR> TraitBuddy
03/02/2020 03:38 PM <DIR> TrialsWeeklyResetTrackerExtended
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Unread 07/25/20, 07:06 AM  
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Originally Posted by Tekvektor
Loving the addon however, I'm seeing the following issue over the last two days since it was installed.
With RdK Group tool active I've been seeing the following error getting generated

Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list:

and the background of the craftstore cook app is missing. but displays over on the left side of the screen

the only new addon I had added was RDK Group tool and when I disable it and do a reload UI the graphic issue is fixed. So it looks like there might be a conflict there
I'm actually using CraftStore myself and I do not get any error messages. There might be something else causing this, or a combination of something else.

Can you provide further details?
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Unread 07/23/20, 12:16 PM  

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Loving the addon however, I'm seeing the following issue over the last two days since it was installed.
With RdK Group tool active I've been seeing the following error getting generated

Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list:

and the background of the craftstore cook app is missing. but displays over on the left side of the screen

the only new addon I had added was RDK Group tool and when I disable it and do a reload UI the graphic issue is fixed. So it looks like there might be a conflict there
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