Results: 522Comments by: ivanwfr
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar07/15/17
Updated next release canditate v2.3...
Posted By: ivanwfr
Updated next release canditate v2.3.2 on GitHub On first time using the new feature after an upgrade from previous version: better reflect current Quick Slot Bar contents: - populate_an_empty_SlotItemTable: . ON FIRST USE OF THE NEW FEATURE: . capture current Quick Slot Bar content into an empty PRESET before SAVING...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar07/09/17
You can get the next release from v...
Posted By: ivanwfr
You can get the next release from v2.3.2 on GitHub This is the Change log for the next release I will push as soon as I'm satisfied with early users comments. - 170709 - Each preset saves and restores its own Quick Slot Items Set. ...can be used to setup ACTIVITY-SPECIFIC-ITEM-SETS (i.e. PvP, PvE or some other activities) -...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar07/07/17
i mean this site esoui https://...
Posted By: ivanwfr
i mean this site esoui :banana: Done here: Quick Slot Bar Item Preset Moved to: General Authoring Discussion
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar07/07/17
thanks for your work mate! may be...
Posted By: ivanwfr
thanks for your work mate! may be you should create a topic bout this in WishList section? many devs did this and i saw ZOS react on this site and added features they asked for Hi Marazota, you're right, this wont come by itself if noone ask for it! Still, I have no idea where this kind of request has a chance to be read by ZO....
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar07/07/17
thanks for your work mate! may be...
Posted By: ivanwfr
thanks for your work mate! may be you should create a topic bout this in WishList section? many devs did this and i saw ZOS react on this site and added features they asked for Hi Marazota, you're right, this wont come by itself if noone ask for it! Still, I have no idea where this kind of request has a chance to be read by ZO....
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar06/21/17
How do you hide the P1, P2, etc, an...
Posted By: ivanwfr
How do you hide the P1, P2, etc, and settings icon? It's particularly obstructive in the vertical orientation. Thanks! Hi Inkling, I think you should have a red pin to the left, meaning the UI is UNLOCKED (so you can change the layout). When you click this pin, it goes from red to green, the addon leaves layout-mode and is ready...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar06/16/17
Is there any way to get sets setup?...
Posted By: ivanwfr
Is there any way to get sets setup? Examples being a PvP setup, PvE setup, and RP setup? Where you can press a keybind and it changes what's in all the available slots? From Granpafishy suggestion and Marazota's second layer argumentation, I got myself into trouble trying to make this happen... 1. I knew I should not have! 2....
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar06/14/17
From the addon's description: I do...
Posted By: ivanwfr
From the addon's description: I don't know how to make it work. I have "prepared the key modifiers", set Shift+key binds and they do swap the slot as intended, but won't use the potion immediately (I still need to press the default key for potion use). Please, any help? I kinda need this, I am not a multitasking wizard and strugg...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar06/14/17
why not? last two points is invali...
Posted By: ivanwfr
why not? last two points is invalid 1) you cant swap during combat 2) gear swap addons and skill swap addons exist since launch of the game without any issues 3) 90% of addons have core features Zenimax doesn't care at all since launch too Chances are you're right, only the way to do it could be challenging as the amount of re...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar06/14/17
Is there any way to get sets setup?...
Posted By: ivanwfr
Is there any way to get sets setup? Examples being a PvP setup, PvE setup, and RP setup? Where you can press a keybind and it changes what's in all the available slots? I'm pretty sure that could be done... But! First obstacle I can think of would be the amount of work to get there ;) Secondly, and more to the point, as long as...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar05/23/17
New version released: v2.3.1...
Posted By: ivanwfr
New version released: v2.3.1 - 170524 - Checked with Update 14 (3.0.5): Morrowind - APIVersion: 100019
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar05/02/17
I can't get this addon to work at a...
Posted By: ivanwfr
I can't get this addon to work at all. Keybinding clicks don't work, no images are displayed on the bar. Just isn't working. Anyone have any links to a tutorial or something? I could be doing something wrong... but even my quickbar slots don't have those arrows like I've seen in the pictures. Well, my reinstall is working...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar05/02/17
I can't get this addon to work at a...
Posted By: ivanwfr
I can't get this addon to work at all. Keybinding clicks don't work, no images are displayed on the bar. Just isn't working. Anyone have any links to a tutorial or something? I could be doing something wrong... but even my quickbar slots don't have those arrows like I've seen in the pictures. Hi, Classicoe I'm going to uninstall mi...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar04/05/17
What code must i put in to get it t...
Posted By: ivanwfr
What code must i put in to get it to work? It looks like this at the moment local font_arg = "Addons\LMP_MediaStash\fonts\roboto.ttf" .."|"..tostring(QSB.Settings.ButtonFontSize).."|".."soft-shadow-thin" If you could not get your ttf font working, you still can choose one from ESO core fonts: EsoUI/Common/Fonts...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar04/04/17
Hi, You can change line #668 of Ad...
Posted By: ivanwfr
Hi, You can change line #668 of AddOns/GreymindQuickSlotBar/GreymindQuickSlotBar.lua 668 local font_arg = "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/univers57.otf".."|"..tostring(QSB.Settings.ButtonFontSize).."|".."soft-shadow-thin" you may select a different one on the next 3 lines: 670 button : SetFont( font_arg ) 671...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar04/04/17
How can i change the Font on the Bu...
Posted By: ivanwfr
How can i change the Font on the Buttons in the Lua to use my custom one i have in LMP Media Stash? Thx:) Hi, You can change line #668 of AddOns/GreymindQuickSlotBar/GreymindQuickSlotBar.lua 668 local font_arg = "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/univers57.otf".."|"..tostring(QSB.Settings.ButtonFontSize).."|".."soft-shadow-thin" yo...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar02/06/17
v2.3.0 - 170207 - Checked with Up...
Posted By: ivanwfr
v2.3.0 - 170207 - Checked with Update 13 (2.7.5): Homestead - APIVersion: 100018 - (typo -= 1) (vertical->horizontal) (thx zasy99) Last minute patch at 2am GMT: You may have a v 2.7.5 Homestead Obsolete Addon issue if you installed the file I released before this one... I (once more) forgot to update the "APIVersion: 100018...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar02/06/17
I can't figure out the problem you...
Posted By: ivanwfr
I can't figure out the problem you have without getting back to the game. But you may want to try all kinds of combinations with other graphic tuning as there are many interdependencies involved. If you can't get what you need, just drop another post and I'll do my best to reproduce the issue... Found the Problem after testing...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar02/05/17
Is the Button Background Option bro...
Posted By: ivanwfr
Is the Button Background Option broken? Its always transparent no matter what i select I can't figure out the problem you have without getting back to the game. But you may want to try all kinds of combinations with other graphic tuning as there are many interdependencies involved. If you can't get what you need, just drop another...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar12/02/16
Any progress being made on the addi...
Posted By: ivanwfr
Any progress being made on the addition of cooldown timers/animations for this? It would be a tremendous improvement! Hi Eloora, I'm pretty sure it would! But supporting this feature smells like something with a huge probability to ruin my free time. Still, I'm ready to have a look at it as soon as I am so bored with my life that...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar11/28/16
In settings the second green label...
Posted By: ivanwfr
In settings the second green label should read "Label: Quantity Position (Horizontal)", currently there are two "Verticals". Hi Zasy, Thanks for your attention, correction done in my source...though, I thinks we can survive with this "feature" until next release. I always appreciate this kind of warning as I know I can't even see...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar10/07/16
Re: Re: Re: I too am geting lua errors that prevent from usng the addon
Posted By: ivanwfr
No worries, it happens. May I suggest deleting the folder from your addons directory after creating the zip you will upload to esoui, then extracting that zip to your addons folder. You can log in and test that nothing's broken before you upload. It will catch packaging errors like this. Of coarse, you're right! But, what can I s...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar10/07/16
Thanks for getting it all sorted ou...
Posted By: ivanwfr
Thanks for getting it all sorted out. :-D In fact, it's very selfish of me, I couldn't sleep if I hadn't ;)
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar10/07/16
Re: I too am geting lua errors that prevent from usng the addon
Posted By: ivanwfr
FWIW, it looks like this file is missing in the new version: GreymindQuickSlotBar.xml Cheers! Good find! that was it! Thanks! You just did my job this time. Sorry for the mess for those who did not have the missing file around while installing this incomplete release. v2.2.9 - 161007 - Checked with Update 12 (2.6.4): On...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar10/06/16
I was getting the exact same errors...
Posted By: ivanwfr
I was getting the exact same errors after the update. Rolling back to version v2.2.8 fixed the problem so if you're getting these errors I'd suggest reinstalling the previous version from the Other Files archive. That was the smart thing to do... I still...