Results: 1096Comments by: Garkin
File: AI Research Grid01/01/15
How to get it to show which Dwemer...
Posted By: Garkin
How to get it to show which Dwemer chapters I have found? nice feature It's not that easy how it is look like. I was trying to make it myself, but for some reason I wasn't able to get correct result from function IsSmithingStyleKnown(styleItemIndex, patternIndex). :confused: It works fine for all other item styles but Dwemer... M...
File: Price Tracker Updated01/01/15
Garkin thanks for your work on this...
Posted By: Garkin
Garkin thanks for your work on this. It's excellent. It quickly helps me keep my items priced competitively. EDIT: Is there any way to make PriceTracker recognize item quality. For example, right now if you scan a blue throat scales of the viper and a purple one, it will see them as the same item. Yes, it's possible to check it...
File: Guild Sales Assistant for Master Merchant12/30/14
Some links what WS.Reputation.1 rea...
Posted By: Garkin
Some links what WS.Reputation.1 really means: In other words it is just very generic detection with high ratio of false positives. In order to avoid such dete...
File: Price Tracker Updated12/30/14
Re: Wrong Guild Name
Posted By: Garkin
Hi Garkin, first and foremost, thank you for your incredible work on all the add-ons you are maintaining. I have a request for this add-on: With the Guild Store merchants, it is possible to scan much more stores than just those where you're a member. The problem is, the name of the last selected guild is used while storing...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)12/27/14
UI error when joined guild
Posted By: Garkin
I got this UI error when I have joined guild: 2014-12-27T19:30:58.387+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/pChat/pChat.lua:634: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/pChat/pChat.lua:634: in function 'pChat.convertName' user:/AddOns/pChat/pChat.lua:280: in function 'pChat.formatMessage' user:/AddOns/pCh...
File: Lui Extended12/27/14
Hm... I think LUI simply NOT displa...
Posted By: Garkin
Hm... I think LUI simply NOT displayed any icons. Maybe you mistake it with other plugin... But yes, from time to time I switch on debug mode and try to look for missing icons. By the way why do you build icon list using the GetSkillAbilityInfo(...) instead of GetAbilityInfoByIndex(...) as you have in debug CI._FindAbilityIcon(...)?...
File: Price Tracker Updated12/26/14
found a bug - when mouseover items...
Posted By: Garkin
found a bug - when mouseover items at the Repair tab of any vendor it spam in chat Couldnt find a link to ZO_Repair smthing like that Should be fixed in v2.5.1.
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)12/25/14
This addon has no configuration men...
Posted By: Garkin
This addon has no configuration menu in game, and somehow the default frames are on at the same time. It's installed via Minion. It has settings: press ESC, then go SETTINGS -> Addons Settings -> FTC. It's not there. If there is no menu, it is probably corrupted. Try to uninstall FTC and install it again. If it doesn't help, tr...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker12/25/14
Hi! For some reason the healing sta...
Posted By: Garkin
Hi! For some reason the healing staff ability combat prayer is not shown under buffs (German translation) I found L.Aura_Combat_Prayer = 'Kampfgebet^m' in Local_de.lua so its there at least and spelled correct :D Any idea, why it is not shown in my list of buffs when casted? Btw. whats that ^m at the end of the string? I...
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)12/25/14
This addon has no configuration men...
Posted By: Garkin
This addon has no configuration menu in game, and somehow the default frames are on at the same time. It's installed via Minion. It has settings: press ESC, then go SETTINGS -> Addons Settings -> FTC.
File: Kill Counter12/24/14
may i ask about feature? do not...
Posted By: Garkin
may i ask about feature? do not count dead in PVE battle with monsters in cyrodiil i have an idea how to detect it - when you die in PVP your gear not changed but in PVE - you will lost durability There are functions which can tell you if killing blow was from player. From the ESOUIDocumentationP5.txt: * GetNumKillingAttacks...
File: SkyShards12/24/14
Re: new shard location
Posted By: Garkin
Hello, i found this shard and saw that on this location of the map has no shard icon, so i though that you did not find it yet and give you this screenshot to update the addon. ;) This skyshard is already in addon's database. Here is the line from...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker12/24/14
New version: user:/AddOns/Srenda...
Posted By: Garkin
New version: user:/AddOns/Srendarr/AuraData.lua:511: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/Srendarr/AuraData.lua:511: in function 'Srendarr:IsWatchedPassiveTarget' user:/AddOns/Srendarr/Events.lua:274: in function 'Srendarr.OnTargetChanged' OMG, I really should run the game and test it before updatin...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker12/24/14
... Hm, it's a typo in
Posted By: Garkin
... Hm, it's a typo in AuraData.lua, line 457: local strfind = zo_planistrfind There should be: local strfind = zo_plainstrfind I will immediately upload a fix. However approval can take a while, so in a mean time you can download it from Dropbox. I found out that srendar for some b...
File: Harven's Trait and Style12/24/14
Posted By: Garkin
|H1:item:59729:270:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:468:0|h|h ye, its without style but if in the item's code no info about style - why this bow stil looks like Akaviri bow? Good question. But not for addon developers, you should ask ZOS.
File: Harven's Trait and Style12/24/14
hmmm the same bow, but without s...
Posted By: Garkin
hmmm the same bow, but without style Can you post item link, so we can verify that it contains style information? Addon just checks what style information is in the item link. If link doesn't have style information, addon can't show it. For example this is th...
File: Shopkeeper (Improved, Fixed and Updated)12/23/14
Re: Re: Re: Re: Feedback...
Posted By: Garkin
You could ask Garkin but I don't think he would be into it. I think he created the tool tip program so he didn't have to use Shopkeeper (I'm guessing, I have no facts to back that up). There is a difference between tooltip prices from Shopkeeper and Price Tracker. Shopkeeper uses prices from sold items, but Price Tracker uses prices...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker (Outdated)12/23/14
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Reflective plate
Posted By: Garkin
.... Thank you for the help ^^ Tested, but still doesn't work (dragon fire scale, the other morph, doesn't work too ). There's no timer when i cast the spell et no icon. It's like that spell isn't recognize as a buff -_- I was speaking about a value to detect the minimum buff duration in srendarr.lua. any other idea :D ?...
File: Dustman12/23/14
Re: New character items in Sealed Urn.
Posted By: Garkin
As message subject implies, new character items in the Sealed Urn found in your inventory are automatically destroyed when the option to auto-destroy 0 gold value items is checked. That's right. And I think that it is working as intended. Items are matching filter - mark white equipment as junk and destroy zero value items. Addon...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker (Outdated)12/23/14
Re: Re: Re: Reflective plate
Posted By: Garkin
.... Thank you for the help ^^ Tested, but still doesn't work (dragon fire scale, the other morph, doesn't work too ). There's no timer when i cast the spell et no icon. It's like that spell isn't recognize as a buff -_- I was speaking about a value to detect the minimum buff duration in srendarr.lua. any other idea :D ?...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker (Outdated)12/23/14
Re: Reflective plate
Posted By: Garkin
Hi, Do you know why reflective plate (DK'skill) doesn't work with srendarr ? Someone told me to set one value from 4s to 2s in a .lua file but it seems still bugged. Any idée ? Thank Kith currently doesn't have time to play ESO or update addons, so before he gets back to ESO I got his permission to keep Srendarr alive using t...
File: ggFrames12/22/14
Could you PLEASE make an option to...
Posted By: Garkin
Could you PLEASE make an option to show your minion HP? Or make a seperate addon for it? In 1.6 summoners will get big and much people need this! I hope you can do this for all the sorcs out there I believe that API does not provide such information. There is no function that will tell you HP of your minion unless the minion is...
File: HyperToxic's Leaderboard12/22/14
This seems to rarely occur when the...
Posted By: Garkin
This seems to rarely occur when the Leaderboard data is not available from the server. I've seen this occur after having a group disconnect and kicked from AA hardmode and after reloading the game client the Leaderboard data was not immediately available. Try reloading your ui with /reloadui. Please let me know if the problem...
File: Destinations12/22/14
Missing LAM widgets in addon manifest
Posted By: Garkin
See this topic:
File: Inventory Insight12/22/14
Re: No tooltips from chat and info shown in wrong tooltip
Posted By: Garkin
#1 I am not able getting any tool-tips from items link in the chat anymore when the add-on is active. I click on them an nothing happens. I get them again when I disable the add-on. Do you use CraftCompare addon? I got this issue with CraftCompare. In some cases it will leave PopuTooltip's alpha value set to 0, and that's why toolt...