Results: 232Comments by: Calamath
File: CAddonDiagnosis05/01/22
Release note: V2.xx.x
Posted By: Calamath
Custom Key Binds Slot Issue: I have read the wiki and understand that this problem is serious for veteran players. I recently learned that there are only 100 custom key binds slots. And it is possible to save a maximum of 100 lines of setting changes within the large entries of the CONTROLS screen. Knowing that one of my add-on...
File: LorePlay Forever04/21/22
I have a request. I totally underst...
Posted By: Calamath
I have a request. I totally understand if you're not interested in tackling it, but figured it was worth a shot to ask. Please let me know if I'm not thorough/descriptive enough. Since this addon deals with idle times, I figured this might be the best place to request this. I'm requesting something that'll help notify us when w...
File: LoreBooks04/15/22
A small note for your next patch....
Posted By: Calamath
A small note for your next patch. In the LibMapData library, you check for LibDebugLogger before creating the LibMapData.logger which is great. But later when you try to log information via LibDebugLogger's methods Debug, Info, Verbose and Warn if LibDebugLogger is not enabled these lines will error. Thanks a lot, Weolo. This i...
File: LibMediaProvider04/13/22
Release note:
Posted By: Calamath
Announcement: I have taken over the maintenance of the LibMediaProvider add-on and the GitHub repository from ArtOfShred. We appreciate his contribution over the years. I will start providing live updates from now on. - Calamath Planned changes: Nothing particularly. Recent changes: Migration to the new UI font rendering...
File: CQuestTracker04/13/22
Re: Thank you for a great addon.
Posted By: Calamath
Thank you for a great addon. I was wondering if it would be possible to add font options to hints as well? I know I can change the color but I would also like to be able to change the size and style. I hope this is something you can implement if you find it useful. Hi Falkean, a new version with an integrated quest timer will be...
File: CQuestTracker04/09/22
Re: Thank you for this add-on!
Posted By: Calamath
Thank you for this add-on! It is a fantastic addition for the game, and it really fits the rest of the game UI-wise (in comparison to another popular quest tracker). That hovering shows the full quest is especially nice. Really, well done! There are only 3 little things, I would like an option for ;D 1. It would be great if the...
File: LorePlay Forever04/03/22
Re: Usable Mementos as
Posted By: Calamath
I don't know if this is even possible. I saw Pretz333 created a memento refresh, and within the comments Phinix wrote a script to get all of the mementos. Would it be possible to add usable mementos as idle emotes? Phinix's Script Hi PhoenixWeb, technically, add-...
File: CShortcutPieMenu03/26/22
Hello guys :D There is a known i...
Posted By: Calamath
Hello guys :D There is a known issue where the mouse operation of the pie menu does not work smoothly in UI mode scenes. Some people are experiencing the same issue, and others are not. So I believe this is an environmentally dependent issue. Added a mouse sensitivity option to Pie Menu Manager UI. If you have a problem, p...
File: CAddonDiagnosis03/20/22
Hi Attizh, ;) >Can this addon a...
Posted By: Calamath
Hi Attizh, ;) >Can this addon also be used to track libraries you don't longer need? When you uninstall an addon, it's not clear if there unique libraries for that addon. No, this add-on does not currently have such a feature. It may be possible to list unreferenced libraries from the active add-ons. A similar functionality...
File: CQuestTracker03/02/22
Thank you for this nice tracker!! a...
Posted By: Calamath
Thank you for this nice tracker!! as well i use FCQMT for years, and so far i am not missing it with your addon. I have just a little *hic* When i am on a quest with multiples steps like this : Step 1 _ do whaterver complete the whatever the second step is not showing unless i click again on the title of the quest. Do i...
File: CShortcutPieMenu03/01/22
Re: Can I used siege engines and repair kits in SPM?
Posted By: Calamath
I didn't see how I could use siege gear in your fabulous pie menu. Is it like buff foods/drinks - siege gear MUST be in the in-game shortcut menu? Thx! Hi Mortlach. Unfortunately, you need to use the quick slot. :( - Calamath
File: CShortcutPieMenu02/24/22
Re: Awesome addon - thanks :)
Posted By: Calamath
Awesome addon, thanks a lot. Exactely what I was searching for. Two questions: 1. Is it possible to slot a buff food aswell? 2. There is currently no possiblity to open the Shortcut Pie Menu with a single key press instead of HOLDING it, right? Would this be possible tho'? I would REALLY appreciate it a lot Kind regards fro...
File: LorePlay Forever02/24/22
Love this addon; I always thought i...
Posted By: Calamath
Love this addon; I always thought it was bland and lifeless that my character would just stand there. Being able to toggle certain types of emotes is also great. The only thing I wish this could do was have a way to add more emotes to it manually (like ones from the store.) I dug around and saw in IdleEmotes.lua that the tables seem...
File: CQuestTracker02/13/22
]This came down to other addons inc...
Posted By: Calamath
]This came down to other addons including "LibAddonMenu-2.0" in their libs folder which was older than the LibAddonMenu-2.0 in the main addon folder. After removing these older libs and fixing their .txt files so it wouldn't reference the libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0 files, it fixed the issue. Possible to share a link to where you learn...
File: CQuestTracker02/13/22
I troubleshot it and found the main...
Posted By: Calamath
I troubleshot it and found the main root of the issue. The issue was that the addon was ignoring choicesValues is and selecting the choices value instead. This came down to other addons including "LibAddonMenu-2.0" in their libs folder which was older than the LibAddonMenu-2.0 in the main addon folder. After removing these old...
File: CQuestTracker02/06/22
Re: Re: Re: What I changed to get it to work
Posted By: Calamath
I have no intention to make a variant of the mod. As for going back to the other version, I have this running atm with the fixes and it is running fine so I don't really have a intention to do that right now. I just wanted to get it running since the version that was released wasn't working. If you can't provide us with a way to...
File: CQuestTracker02/05/22
Re: What I changed to get it to work
Posted By: Calamath
The bug was when you change to "Custom" The custom area would still be disabled. This was for both font options. Curather, I would like to discuss only the behavioral issues you pointed out in the standard version, not the code you modified. I am not able to reproduce the problem you mentioned in my environment. Could you ple...
File: CQuestTracker02/05/22
The latest release had quite a few...
Posted By: Calamath
The latest release had quite a few bugs. I consolidated the font into a single drop down menu so it doesn't confuse people as easily. See: It would be helpful if you could report the bug in detail. Please write down the steps to reproduce the bug. If you want to change to a custom font, you mu...
File: CQuestTracker02/03/22
Please consider adding in additiona...
Posted By: Calamath
Please consider adding in additional font support using the LibMediaProvider library. It pulls in more than just 2 fonts. It is much appreciated 💖 Hi Curather, As you can see a stub in the source code, we will improve font customizing shortly. Please try version 1.1.1 or later. :) - Calamath
File: CQuestTracker01/21/22
Hello. Is it possible to implement...
Posted By: Calamath
Hello. Is it possible to implement the folding of the quest panel when the character enters the battle? If possible, I'd like you to use 'show in combat' option. ;-) - Calamath Yes thank you. It wasn't mentioned in the addon description, so I didn't see this option before installation... Anyway, nice lightweight addon. The on...
File: CQuestTracker01/21/22
Hello. Is it possible to implement...
Posted By: Calamath
Hello. Is it possible to implement the folding of the quest panel when the character enters the battle? If possible, I'd like you to use 'show in combat' option. ;-) - Calamath
File: CQuestTracker01/10/22
Release note:
Posted By: Calamath
When I returned to ESO from other MMORPGs, I looked for something similar to my favorite quest tracker. It is one of the first add-on developments, and it took almost two years to release. Thanks to all my friends who have contributed as testers over the years. :) The unpublished version needed to maintain a large hard-coded tab...
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker01/09/22
I can not get Auto Close to work. I...
Posted By: Calamath
I can not get Auto Close to work. I'm testing below with just 10 Cyrodiil quests and traveling/exploring outside of Cyrodiil. When Auto Close is set to None/Categories/Quests, I can click the little triangle to manually collapse the list. But, it reopens on it's own after using a Wayshrine. When Auto Close is set to All, the li...
File: CQuestTracker01/09/22
>Also, missing function - remove qu...
Posted By: Calamath
>Also, missing function - remove quest from a list, but not ignore it. There may be some misunderstandings about this one, so let's communicate a bit. The function to hide only in CQuestTracker is 'ignore'. In that case, the quest will still be accepted and you can progress, complete, or abandon it. Are you referring to the fac...
File: CQuestTracker01/08/22
Is it possible to make quest name h...
Posted By: Calamath
Is it possible to make quest name highlight like in original tracker? Tips also can be grayed out. Also, missing function - remove quest from a list, but not ignore it. BTW: I add russian loc on github, cos its to big to post here Hi wartime, First of all, thanks for the...