Results: 6159Comments by: Baertram
File: Babel - Clustered Chinese Localization Tools07/03/24
!Please remove LibStub from your ad...
Posted By: Baertram
!Please remove LibStub from your addon! This library is obsolete and must not be used anymore since Summerset DLC! More details, read here: Even if your version is changed and manipulated it must not be used anymore, so there is no need to add that to your addon here. Thank you ZO_CreateSt...
File: FCO ChangeStuff06/27/24
Do you use Gridlist as the error ha...
Posted By: Baertram
Do you use Gridlist as the error happens? Autocategory got problems with that. sing only Auto Category and FCOCS and AF should work (unless it's some setting in AutoCategory or FOCS or AF that makes that break). EDIT: Auto Category is indeed the culprit. Disabling it makes everything work again. All of a sudden I received the...
File: Advanced AutoLoot Renewed - Fix for Gold Road06/27/24
First of all: Please do not name yo...
Posted By: Baertram
First of all: Please do not name your patches like this, they MUST contain the original addon name! Or else no one will ever find them or see where they belong to! So please rename this to a proper name like described in the sticky thread how to release addons and patches: https:...
File: Research Assistant (Find your researchable items)06/25/24
Could be that the recent changes by...
Posted By: Baertram
Could be that the recent changes by ZOs, switching necklace and ring indices in their research lists, affected the data of RA. I'll have to analyze that more in detail. I hope it did not break SavedVars of users that way now... Edit: Hard to repeat the bug cuz all my chars got Jewelry already researched :p As I fidn the time I...
File: Advanced Filters - Stolen items filter06/25/24
Hi, I have noticed that in the d...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi, I have noticed that in the deconstruction and improvement interfaces, the filter filters out everything. Thanks for the info, will have a look at that.
File: Addon Selector (Save AddOn profiles/packs)06/25/24
Hi Baertram, Can you please cons...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi Baertram, Can you please consider adding "save/overwrite" to the submenus for saved entries in addition to "select", "select and reload ui" and "delete"? Hi M-ree, Could you please describe your usecase for that? It somehow makes no sense to me. Why would I want a save or overwrite hidden in the submenu if I just would h...
File: LibAsync06/24/24
Yes, report it at LibHistoire, and...
Posted By: Baertram
Yes, report it at LibHistoire, and read if similar issues occured there. I bet your history cache is broken and you might have to reset it via LibHistoire menus. After the update v9.3.7 and while doing guild history sync with LibHistoire, received the following error. Also running latest addon updates (using Minion). user:/Ad...
File: Display Leads - with Location Info06/24/24
Hi remosito, before next update...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi remosito, before next update please assure there is no hidden .vscode and .json files in your zip as users asked why and what that is, if it's a bug :-) Your IDE settings do not belong in the addon haha thanks
File: Advanced Filters - Updated06/24/24
Re: Today got BUG
Posted By: Baertram The bug also asks you in the chat to provide additional information! Please provide me that info or I cannot help you. e.g. what did you do as the error happened? What panel was opened (inventory, smithing crafting table, ...)? What filter did you click on (e.g. ma...
File: RaidNotifier Updated06/24/24
Chinese translation
Posted By: Baertram
Hey MysteryDragon, could you please include the Chinese translation files from that patch here officially into your addon: We could close the extra language patch then. Thanks
File: LibCharacterKnowledgeZHPatch06/24/24
This language patch was included in...
Posted By: Baertram
This language patch was included into the base library meanwhile so the patch is not needed anymore as extra file.
File: ExoYsProcSetTimerZHPatch06/24/24
Hi FusRoDah, yes sure, I fully u...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi FusRoDah, yes sure, I fully understand that. The best way to handle such language patches is to contact the authors of the addons first. Give them ~2 weeks to answer (they could be on vacations) and then release your patch. If the other addon's "Other files" tab enables you to add patches, please use that directly! https...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)06/24/24
Please use the updated and maintain...
Posted By: Baertram
Please use the updated and maintained version of Personal Assistant This version here was moved to Discontinued section now until Klingo returns and takes over again.
File: Containerz - Open all rucksacks, coffers, etc. at once + much more!06/24/24
-- that need to be uploaded to esou...
Posted By: Baertram
-- that need to be uploaded to esoui and then downloaded and installed by every player who wants to -- use my addon. Thats the whole DLL mess Windows got into. -- -- Instead I just update the version number of internal libs and the latest version will always be -- loaded by one of my addons that include it. -- -- If another...
File: ExoYs ProcSet Timer06/24/24
Hi ExoY, please have a look here...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi ExoY, please have a look here at this language patch for Chinese: It would be great if you could include that directly into your addon, instead of having multiple language patch files where the users get unsure what to install when. Thanks for considering this (I...
File: ExoYsProcSetTimerZHPatch06/24/24
Hi, can't you just provide the z...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi, can't you just provide the zh.lua file to the addon developer so he includes it directly into his addon? Making patches for addons that support the langauge files makes no sense! Thank you for considering this and contacting the author to include the language file directly into the main addon so users do not have to downlo...
File: FCO Notes (Guild members/Friends/Ignored players)06/23/24
Re: BTw: is there any possibility
Posted By: Baertram
to add guild name in Friends list? Found no such addon. Thx. No, you can only add player or accountnames to the friends list. If you want to have something like a guild name on a list you'd have to do that via some special created addon for that but I doubt it would be any addon that would be used. Just use a textfile for that...
File: LoreFriendlySupportIcons - icon pack for OdySupportIcons06/21/24
You can use the addon "TextureIt" i...
Posted By: Baertram
You can use the addon "TextureIt" ingame to search and see the path. Or the tool BlackBookBrowser (not on Minion! manual download here from the Addons -> Tools section) to search the game files directly on your disk. Hi, many of these icons come directly from ESO as it seems. Is there really the need to re-add them as externa...
File: LoreFriendlySupportIcons - icon pack for OdySupportIcons06/21/24
Hi, many of these icons come dir...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi, many of these icons come directly from ESO as it seems. Is there really the need to re-add them as external files in the addons folder again? Can't you just link to the path of the ESO *.dds texture file instead? Instead of e.g. "LoreFriendlySupportIcons/icons/", Use: "/esoui/ar...
File: Miat's Stealth Text06/21/24
NOTE: This addon contains an embed...
Posted By: Baertram
NOTE: This addon contains an embedded LibAddonMenu-2.0 which can corrupt your saved variables for other addons, you have been warned. (e. g. happens to Personnal Assistant users) Users using this addon here, please read this -> "If you see dependencies in subfolders (e.g. "lib...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/20/24
Re: Junk Keybind
Posted By: Baertram
2.5.7 is the last version where the junk keybind has moved items to junk, tested with just itemsaver running, the keybind does nothing in 2.5.8 and after. Did you enable the keybind in the settings of FCOIS? Before 2.5.8 it was just working by accident even if the setting in FCOIS was disabled.
File: DailyAutoshare06/20/24
Re: Share?
Posted By: Baertram
Please clarify 'or on "share" or "quest" in group chat' Pretty easy to understand from my side: Type share or quest into group chat -> Automatically get the daily quests shared from any user who got this addon enabled. So this addon monitors the group chat for that words: "share", "quest"
File: Advanced Filters - Updated06/19/24
A fix was released already, please...
Posted By: Baertram
A fix was released already, please update AUI and your errors hopefully should be solved then. At first thank you for the issue solving! Just wanted to post a error log but seems you found the issue! Still in case needed; this happened before i readed a possible solution. Going...
File: AUI - Advanced UI06/19/24
Thank you for the fast fix! :banana...
Posted By: Baertram
Thank you for the fast fix! :banana: About _: Yes I know. Basically you are right that addons that use _ would not mind it being overwritten as it's a placeholder only. But it still should be kept local where possible. If you use _ in your code just ad 1x local _ at the top of your file -> Done Hey sensi, in your add...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated06/19/24
It's definately AUI causing this, t...
Posted By: Baertram
It's definately AUI causing this, thanks for findig it! ! _, windowData.default_anchor.point, GuiRoot, windowData.default_anchor.relativePoint, windowData.default_anchor.offsetX, windowData.default_anchor.offsetY = windowData.originalControl:GetAnchor() !! Here GuiRoot get's overwritten !! As expected... We have contact...