Results: 8Comments by: SkyrimDovahkin
File: Price Tooltip (+Gamepad)06/11/24
Re: U42 Script Category on Gamepad causing crashes
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
I don't know if this affects keyboard and mouse users, but scrolling through inventory on gamepad generates an error message when it gets to the new "script" and "grimoire" categories in U42 with Gold Road purchased. Hi! Fellow game pad user, here 👋🏼 I’m also getting error messages since the new update with this ad...
File: LorePlay Forever05/29/23
Amazing Addon
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
Hello! I’d just like to thank you for creating and sharing such a great addon! I absolutely love love *love* the Lore Wear section and how my costumes change based on whether or not I’m in a town. Absolutely brilliant! I’ve been using since November and recommend your addon often as it really adds so much more dimension to the game (...
File: SummonAlly - manage companions and assistants04/18/23
Amazing AddOn
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
Just wanted to write to say that I have been absolutely *loving* your addon! So many options and I t does everything I was looking for (easily key-bind my assistants!) plus more! Couldn’t imagine gaming without it! Thank you so much!!
File: Master Merchant 3.002/21/23
Re: Re: Re: @SkyrimDovahkin
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
I read it as the last sentence on #4 in your reporting errors sticky note. Oh I could maybe word that better yes. What I meant was that if you check your version and you don't have the current version then the fault lies somewhere. Then I tried to list possible ways the user overlooked an update.
File: Master Merchant 3.002/20/23
Re: @SkyrimDovahkin
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
Nope just go with the instructions so I can get the link and look at your error. If you let me know where I said that about Minion Maybe I could update that. Because I'm not sure I would say that exactly but I wouldn't want to imply that. Some people update manually some use minion just depends. Thank you so much! I really...
File: Master Merchant 3.002/20/23
UI Error
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
Hey Sharlikran! First and foremost, I love your addon and could not imagine game play / trading without MM! It's truly wonderful. Before I dive into my UI errors (following your reporting guidelines)... I notice that it states that if I'm not using Minion, then I'm not using an updated version... Is this still true? I don't have M...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History01/31/23
Hello! I’m absolutely loving using...
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
Hello! I’m absolutely loving using your Add-on and MM. Absolutely “game”-changing addon that has made such a positive impact in buying / selling and can’t thank you enough for the addon, hours, and blood sweat and tears I imagine have been poured into this wonderful creation! Quick(?) question though… how do I pull up the specific...
File: Custom Idle Animation11/29/22
Amazing Add-on!!
Posted By: SkyrimDovahkin
Hello! I just Downloaded your addon earlier today, and I just have to say… it’s absolutely amazing! I’ve created city idle set, tavern idle set, and dungeon / adventuring idle set from all the emotes I never used and it truly makes my character have so much personality and feels more “real.” I can’t even imagine how much effort and t...