Results: 25Comments by: Zantari Zenithoc
File: CraftStore Gold Road02/01/24
Request for Main Page Character Navigation buttons
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Is this Addon still in a development status? Or is it just in maintenance mode at this point? I'm wondering if it might be possible to simplify the character navigation. Currently it's a bit clunky where you have to click the name of the default character to open the character list and then scroll to locate the character you want...
File: GuildDonate05/31/22
Enhancement Request - Add tracking for additional one-off donations
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Hello, I don't know if you are still considering further development of this addon, but I'd like to suggest another feature. Occasionally I will make an additional one-time extra donation to a guild for a special event or just because cash flow is good. It would be great if this addon could track all donations in the log instead o...
File: CraftStore Gold Road05/21/22
Hello and thank you for the many ye...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Hello and thank you for the many years I've been enjoying your Addon. I see you already have a laundry list of potential future improvements and I see you posted that you've retired from ESO. However, I suppose it can't hurt to post another enhancement request with the understanding that it may or may not be considered. I play...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History05/21/22
Guild Bank Data will not retain link
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I have 5 guild memberships. 4 of them are working fine. The newest guild has all but the Bank data consistently linking. For this one most recent guild, the Bank data just won't retain it's linking. Each time I logout, it shows this guild bank data not linked. There is no option to Show More because there is no more data to load (th...
File: AutoRefine02/05/22
Minimum Refinement Option / Addon
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Hello. I understand that this addon is meant for the purpose of automating full refinement. I'm here to make a plea for either adding an option to this addon, or perhaps creating a separate addon that auto changes your default refinement to the minimum instead of the maximum. Why? I just don't trust that I'm getting the same...
File: GuildDonate03/28/21
I'm loving the updated version! Th...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I'm loving the updated version! There is one more (I think) small change I'd like to request. I was recently removed from a guild on one of my accounts (no idea why as I wasn't inactive). In any event, my donations to that guild are still in my donations history, but it only shows the dates and donation amounts, but the guild name...
File: GuildDonate03/28/21
I'm loving the updated version! Th...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I'm loving the updated version! There is one more (I think) small change I'd like to request. I was recently removed from a guild on one of my accounts (no idea why as I wasn't inactive). In any event, my donations to that guild are still in my donations history, but it only shows the dates and donation amounts, but the guild name...
File: GuildDonate03/27/21
I'm loving the updated version! Th...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I'm loving the updated version! There is one more (I think) small change I'd like to request. I was recently removed from a guild on one of my accounts (no idea why as I wasn't inactive). In any event, my donations to that guild are still in my donations history, but it only shows the dates and donation amounts, but the guild name...
File: GuildDonate03/09/21
Thank you so much. I'm on version...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Thank you so much. I'm on version 1.4.9 and I've tested and it appears everything is working correctly for me as well. I appreciate your effort.
File: GuildDonate01/30/21
Donation History
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Another feature I would love to see added is the ability to view a log of donations (date, guild name, donation amount)
File: GuildDonate01/25/21
Please Fix False Positives
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Occasionally, when I am doing my weekly donations, the addon registers that it completed a donation when it actually didn't and then it won't try again. This has happened for two reason for me.. the most common reason is that I don't have sufficient gold in my pack to cover the donation, so it attempts the donation, but doesn't succ...
File: GridList10/26/19
Here are the settings I use that wo...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Here are the settings I use that work nicely for me. It's possible it may render differently for you if you have different graphics settings, but you can give this a try if you like... SLOT > Size = 50 SLOT > Spacing = 5 ICON > Size = 40 ICON > Mouseover animation Scale = 1 STATUS ICON > Size = 20 STATUS ICON > Transparency =...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)08/17/19
Guild Bank Request
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I'm really enjoying the functionality of your addon. I wish I could use more of it's features. However, there is another addon that provides similar functionality (but different) that also offers transfer TO Guild Bank. That other addon doesn't offer transfer from Guild Bank.. I assume it's a limitation put in place by ZOS. At a...
File: GuildContributions08/14/19
Almost What I Hoped For
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I was looking for an addon that does essentially what this addon does. However, one of the features I need this type of addon to have is an internal log of how much I donated, to which guild, at what date and time. One of my main problems is that I have multiple accounts and each account has multiple guilds. I can't keep track of...
File: Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition08/14/19
Re: Re: ESO+ with Crafting
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Greetings. Love the Addon. Makes many things much easier. I am using the ESO+ with Crafting. However, the with Crafting doesn't appear to be working properly. I've opted to only mange the Intricate Items for the three crafts and I want to push them to my Guild Bank. However, it doesn't actually push them. I believe it is probabl...
File: Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition08/13/19
Miscellaneous Item Transfers
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I would very much like to use the options in the Miscellaneous category, but the problem is that you are only allowed to designate how many STACKs of an item you want to maintain. I'd much rather be able to designate a specific number of items. The problems with setting it to store 1 stack of filled soul gems and 1 stack of empt...
File: Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition08/13/19
ESO+ with Crafting
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Greetings. Love the Addon. Makes many things much easier. I am using the ESO+ with Crafting. However, the with Crafting doesn't appear to be working properly. I've opted to only mange the Intricate Items for the three crafts and I want to push them to my Guild Bank. However, it doesn't actually push them. I believe it is probabl...
File: Awesome Info11/07/15
Mount Training Indicator for Fully Trained Mount
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Hello. I was just wondering if you could fix the Mount Can Be Trained indicator for characters whos mount is fully trained? I don't want to disable the notification as some of my alts don't have fully trained mounts but, but some do and I still get the notification on those characters. I realize I could probably do individual chara...
File: Alt Bag information (Alpha)04/19/14
Alt Management
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I'm hoping for an ESO Altoholic add-on, but figured it was too early in the life of the game to expect such a thing. This looks like a good beginning to something great. I look forward to future version of this add-on. Keep up the good work. It's appreciated.
File: CraftCompare04/19/14
when I exited the crafting window,...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
when I exited the crafting window, the off-hand shield compare tooltip remained on the screen. I had to re-open the crafting interface and bring up a one hander so the off-hand wasn't displayed and then exit in order to get rid of the offhand tooltip. It probably would have been enough to hover anything that shows a tooltip or click...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar04/19/14
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Key Binds Not Functioning
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
Is there any way to add an option to the add-on to toggle whether or not the bound hotkey just sets the Quick Slot Item or whether it sets it and then activates the quick slot item? That's pretty much what I was hoping the add-on would do for me. I haven't found any other way, as yet, to bind a hotkey to items in my inventory... oth...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar04/18/14
Re: Re: Re: Key Binds Not Functioning
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I thought I had it figured out when I realized that I had rebound Q to the Quest menu and bound Quick Slots to another key. However, when I fixed that and rebound Q to Quick Slots, it still didn't work, even after reloading the UI after making the change to key binding. However, pressing Q does work as expected even though the Quick...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar04/18/14
Re: Key Binds Not Functioning
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I posted this in the bug reports, but I wasn't sure if that was the best place to post this or if it was better to post here.... I just downloaded and installed this add-on about 30 minutes ago. I was just in game configuring it and testing it. I bound keys for the add-on functionality, but they are not working. I believe I bound...
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar04/18/14
Key Binds Not Functioning
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
I posted this in the bug reports, but I wasn't sure if that was the best place to post this or if it was better to post here.... I just downloaded and installed this add-on about 30 minutes ago. I was just in game configuring it and testing it. I bound keys for the add-on functionality, but they are not working. I believe I bound...
File: CraftCompare04/18/14
With Blacksmithing the second item...
Posted By: Zantari Zenithoc
With Blacksmithing the second item window seems to appear appropriately for me. Having a sword and shield equipped, it only displays my offhand when I'm on the crafting option for a 2-hander. I haven't tested with main and offhand weapons equipped. Anyway, that was in response to the previous post. The issue I noticed is that...